From janitor to actor

Chapter 82 Hot Search Schedule

Chapter 82 Hot Search Schedule
Shen Luxi briefly introduced the content of the script to Ren Shuai.

She plays a female agent lurking inside the enemy, who has been quietly cooperating with her boss to obtain intelligence from the enemy.

One day, the identity of her boss was exposed. As a downline, she had to cut off all contact with her side and secretly investigate the reason why her boss was exposed.

In the process of investigation, she almost walked into the enemy's trap several times, and she saved herself from danger by relying on her wit. Finally, she found out the truth exposed by her boss and reconnected with her side.

Later, she discovered that behind this series of traps, there was always a person secretly directing. Her mission was to find out the black hand behind the scenes, and personally solve him to avenge her companions.

Ren Shuai's role in the play is the man behind the scenes.

He has always been planning behind the scenes, hiding behind the villain leader, and directing his subordinates to constantly test and clean the interior.

After Shen Luxi introduced the plot, she asked curiously, "Mr. Li, why do you want to play such a villain role?"

Ren Shuai couldn't say it was an arrangement of system tasks, he could only find a reason to explain it.

He remembered what an actor said in his previous life, and he recounted it: "It's great to play the villain. The positive character has to be careful throughout the whole drama, and he has to be bullied and suppressed by the villain. He can't feel proud until the end, but the TV series is over. .

You don’t have to suffer when you play the villain. The whole show is always strategizing, directing all kinds of subordinates to work, and can bully the protagonist. Although he will die miserably in the end, it will be over after one or two scenes at most. "

After hearing this, Shen Luxi felt that it made sense.

But she knew that Teacher Li must be joking. He probably got some artistic inspiration and wanted to create an unusual villain.

"The crew is scheduled to start on the weekend. I have communicated with the director and applied. Your shots can be shot in a concentrated manner. It will take about three days."

After Shen Luxi finished speaking, she continued: "Probably there will be scenes with you every day, please give me some pointers."

Where would Ren Shuai give advice to others, he could only say: "I have no experience in making spy films."

Shen Luxi didn't care. It was her first time making a spy movie, and she still said enthusiastically, "It doesn't matter. When you and I are filming opposite each other, just bring my emotions and rhythm."

Ren Shuai didn't answer directly, but changed the subject: "When will my film be filmed?"

Shen Luxi had been prepared for a long time, and immediately said: "The crew will shoot on Sunday, the second day after the filming starts."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, that is, he still needs to ask for two days of annual leave, and he wonders if Gao Dagui can agree.

They were communicating, and the red carpet show on the stage came to an end, and the host began to invite the guests off the stage to take a group photo.

Shen Luxi didn't dare to step on the ground with her heels, so she could only continue to hold Ren Shuai's arm and walked onto the stage.

The two of them stood next to each other. The organizer originally wanted the female guest and the male guest to stand separately to take pictures, but Shen Luxi didn't let him go at all, so the organizer had no choice but to give up.

And this operation attracted the attention of the media reporters, and they were even more convinced that the relationship between Shen Luxi and that teacher Li was extraordinary.

Some fast-handed reporters have already edited the press release with their mobile phones and sent it out with pictures.

Now many fans have seen the online news, with pictures and titles, which are very eye-catching.

"Shen Luxi's Red Carpet Male Companion Steals the Spotlight"

"Mysterious man and Shen Luxi went to the celebration together"

"High-profile official announcement, Shen Luxi walks the red carpet with her boyfriend"

The number of hits under each press release is increasing rapidly, and Shen Luxi's official account has been besieged by fans, who have spoken below.

"Lu Xi, congratulations, the man is a good match for you."

"Your boyfriend is so handsome, you deserve it!"

"It's so sudden that Luxi fell in love, I still want to congratulate."

"Ah, it's broken, the goddess has a boyfriend."

"I searched the Internet, who is Teacher Li?"

"I have received inside information that Teacher Li is also an actor.

"Lu Xi is so beautifully dressed, I envy Teacher Li."

There are all kinds of blessings and comments, and of course there are also unfavorable voices.

Shen Luxi's manager's cell phone was about to explode, but unfortunately, Shen Luxi was still at the ceremony and didn't have a cell phone with her, so she couldn't be contacted.

The agent was also at a loss at this time, she only heard that Shen Luxi would attend a red carpet event with an old actor tonight, but she didn't hear that she had a boyfriend.

She also looked at the photos on the news. That Teacher Li was not the old man Shen Luxi said at all, but a very handsome man with a strong sense of fashion.

But Lu Xi is not a person who likes to make surprise attacks, how could she bring her boyfriend to make such a high-profile official announcement without warning.

There must be some misunderstanding in this, maybe it's just the reporter who captured some pictures and edited the content.

Although the manager was in a hurry, he could only find a way to suppress the heat of the news, and ask Shen Luxi later when he came back.

When the manager was getting overwhelmed, the red carpet event finally came to an end, and Shen Luxi returned to the dressing room holding Ren Shuai's arm.

The manager looked at these two people in surprise, he didn't expect that they would walk together arm in arm so intimately, as the news said.


The manager opened his mouth and looked at the two of them.

Ren Shuai walked into the dressing room with Shen Luxi on his arm, Shen Luxi relaxed, walked in with a limp, and thanked Ren Shuai: "Thank you, Teacher Li."

The manager quickly asked: "Lu Xi, what's wrong with your foot?
"It's okay, it's just that the heel is broken." Shen Luxi smiled easily.

The manager saw that she was still so relaxed, and said anxiously: "Something happened, you should watch the news, it's almost on the trending list."

Shen Luxi took her mobile phone, her face gradually turned red, and she quickly looked up at Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai didn't know why, and found that Shen Luxi's manager kept looking at him, with an unknown light in his eyes.

Shen Luxi said apologetically, "Mr. Li, I'm really sorry, I seem to be causing you trouble."

Ren Shuai wondered, "What's wrong?"

Shen Luxi handed him the phone with a guilty conscience.

Ren Shuai took a look and found that he had turned into a gossip actor.

But he didn't pay much attention to it, and returned the phone to her and said, "It's okay."

Shen Luxi was very surprised, she didn't expect Teacher Li to be so calm.

As an old artist, don't you hate this kind of scandal the most?
Ren Shuai tidied up his clothes and was about to say goodbye. He turned around and said, "I'll leave first if there's nothing else to do."

"and many more."

Shen Luxi quickly stopped him and said, "You can go back in my car."

Ren Shuai thought for a while and nodded in agreement. He thought to himself that there were a bunch of fans squatting outside, and it was really too eye-catching for him to dress up like this.


Shen Luxi thought that Ren Shuai would refuse to avoid new scandals with herself.

But Teacher Li agreed easily, as if he didn't care about this scandal at all.

Shen Luxi couldn't help being curious, and asked, "Aren't you worried that it will cause trouble to you?"

Ren Shuai laughed and said, "I dress up like this, who knows it's me."

 I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year and good luck in the Year of the Tiger!

(End of this chapter)

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