Chapter 83

Ren Shuai's appearance today is unrecognizable to those close to him, and no one knows who he is when he goes out.

He wasn't worried at all that this scandal would cause inconvenience to his life.

When Shen Luxi heard Ren Shuai say that no one could recognize him, it really made sense.

When she saw Teacher Li for the first time today, she just felt that this man was stylish and handsome, with a unique temperament, and she didn't connect him with Teacher Li at all.

Shen Luxi smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will keep your identity secret for you, so that no one will know who is attending the event with me tonight."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, if he was said to be a concierge who was about to retire, no one would believe him even if he said it.

The manager saw that the two of them were having a good time, and didn't care about the news at all. He didn't know why their hearts were so big.

"Lu Xi, I tried to suppress the news first, and then I said that your foot was sprained before going on stage, and Teacher Li just helped to clarify the scandal." The manager said.

At this moment, her cell phone rang suddenly, and she quickly picked it up, and after listening to a few words, she said: "Let me discuss it with Lu Xi, and I will contact you later."

After hanging up the phone, the agent said to Shen Luxi: "It's the call from the crew of "Nine Lives IX". Isn't it during the promotion period recently? They want to ask if they can take advantage of your news today to top the TV series." the heat?"

This is not bad news, and it is very helpful for the hype.

Shen Luxi didn't mind, since Teacher Li didn't care, she didn't mind either.

However, she still wanted to seek Teacher Li's opinion, whether it was the promotion of the TV series or the scandal, he was involved.

"Senior Li, what do you think?"

Ren Shuai felt that this operation seemed familiar, and he asked: "If you cooperate with the crew, will fans feel that you are deliberately stirring up gossip for publicity, which will have a bad impact on your image?"

Shen Luxi didn't think of this level for a while, and only realized it after being reminded by Ren Shuai.

She obviously didn't intentionally create scandals, and it would be bad if she ended up self-defeating.

The manager sighed and said, "It's too late now."

She swiped her phone and said, "Someone on the Internet has started targeting Lu Xi, saying that she is hyping her new drama."

She has been in the industry for many years, and she knows that some other competing brokerage companies may be deliberately targeting.

Shen Luxi is a bit distressed, she usually pays attention to avoiding such scandals, and rarely attends events alone with male stars.

But this time she was careless, no, it should be said that she just regarded Ren Shuai as an old senior, and never thought that participating in the red carpet with him would cause any scandal.

In the end, I didn't expect that Ren Shuai was dressed so outstandingly, and his temperament was very prominent. No matter his appearance or clothes, he had a unique charm.

Catch up with something wrong with her heel, the two behaved intimately, it would be strange if there was no scandal.

"What should we do now?"

Shen Luxi was a little dazed, the scandal was well controlled before, and she had never encountered anything like this.

The manager was also a little worried and said: "Just now the crew has called, if we suppress the scandal, we may offend the crew."

Their current situation is somewhat difficult.

If you don't suppress the gossip, you will be accused of promoting the hype. To suppress the gossip is not to give face to the crew, and it is not flattering to do anything.

Shen Luxi saw that the manager had no other way, so she subconsciously looked at Ren Shuai.

She felt that Mr. Li was a senior in the industry. He had worked in the entertainment industry for many years, so he must have more experience than the others.

Facing Shen Luxi's gaze, Ren Shuai did not have stage fright.

Although he is not really a senior in the entertainment industry, he does have some ideas about how to deal with this matter.

Ren Shuai is not well-known, and this incident has little impact on him. He can completely think about issues from the perspective of a bystander.

"I think we should continue to promote it and directly stir it up on the trending searches." Ren Shuai said.

Both Shen Luxi and her manager looked at him in surprise.

Ren Shuai simply sat down on the chair and analyzed: "Continue to promote, and directly admit that the purpose of the gossip is to promote the new drama. First, it can stop other people's mouths and prevent them from using it to continue to target you. Second, it can get rid of this problem." All kinds of speculation and gossip brought about by this scandal.”

After hearing this, the agent asked doubtfully, "Isn't this going to affect Lu Xi's image?"

Ren Shuai shook his head and said with a smile: "Didn't the crew call just now to cooperate with the publicity? If you give them the pot, the crew will be happy to accept it."

The agent thought about it, so the fans would think that the crew asked Shen Luxi to do this kind of thing, not out of her heart, and there was no loss in image.

At the same time, the production team has also achieved the purpose of publicity, and the popularity has soared. They will not mind Shen Luxi's behavior of throwing the blame, but also thank her for giving the production team face and cooperating with the publicity in a high-profile manner.

"Okay, let's do it like this." The manager agreed decisively.

She's ready to make the phone call right away, contacting the operations team to get started.

Ren Shuai instructed again: "Don't reveal my identity."

The agent's hand on the phone stopped, and he looked at Ren Shuai in surprise.

At first, she thought that Ren Shuai was trying to catch Shen Luxi's popularity, so he cooperated and behaved intimately, so as to increase his popularity.

But now it seems that he has his own ideas, and the way of handling things is also effective, not just a vain show.

The style of acting is a bit like the seniors in the circle.

I heard from Shen Luxi that he is an old senior, but he looks not only not old, but also very fashionable and handsome, with a contradictory temperament, which makes people unforgettable at first sight.

The agent began to look at Ren Shuai with admiration.

After listening to Ren Shuai's suggestion, Shen Luxi thought that her intuition was indeed correct, and Senior Li had a solution.

The agent started to make arrangements quickly, Shen Luxi's assistant packed up her things, and they were ready to go.

At this time, someone knocked on the door of the dressing room, and the deputy editor of the magazine "Fashion Baiyang" came to the door in person.

Shen Luxi and her manager were very surprised and enthusiastically invited people in.

The deputy editor-in-chief was a plump middle-aged woman. She said hello to the two of them first, and then her eyes drifted to Ren Shuai, her eyes lit up.

She came here for Ren Shuai. She originally wanted to ask Shen Luxi about Ren Shuai's background, but she didn't expect Ren Shuai to be in her dressing room.

It seems that the news is right, the relationship between the two is unusual.

Today's celebration was originally only a small-scale publicity, and it was a bit popular in the fashion circle, but due to the relationship between Shen Luxi and Ren Shuai, the popularity continued to rise, and many people knew about the celebration organized by their magazine.

The deputy editor-in-chief came here in person to thank him, and to invite Shen Luxi and Ren Shuai to take a set of magazine photos.

Although she had never met Ren Shuai before, she knew that he would be popular in the future when she saw him today.

The magazine has photographed so many celebrities, and the deputy editor-in-chief can tell who has celebrity looks at a glance. With Ren Shuai's image and temperament, he will definitely have a good development in the entertainment industry.

Although he looks a little old, the more mature a man is, the more attractive he is.

 On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the New Year is auspicious, and everything goes well in the Year of the Tiger!

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(End of this chapter)

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