From janitor to actor

Chapter 85 Looking for Teacher Li on the Internet

Chapter 85 Looking for Teacher Li on the Internet
The mysterious teacher Li was completely on fire that night.

The whole network is looking for Teacher Li.

As the person involved, Ren Shuai didn't notice it, and was conscientiously shooting the cover photo.

He obediently did what the photographer asked him to do, and he seemed very cooperative.

After all, the price is worth it.

Although the poses he and Shen Luxi posed were not ambiguous, they had a sense of CP.

The two stood by an empty lake, and the lighting engineer made the scene extremely bright.

Shen Luxi put on a dress with layers of tulle and sat on a bench by the lake, while Ren Shuai leaned against the stone railing by the lake.

The two are far away and close, one looking at the lake and the other looking at the moon, showing an unusually harmonious feeling through the lens.

Although the moon is not bright tonight, post-production can help create a bright moon.

The group of the two made a blockbuster film under the moon, with a deep sense of mystery of a vampire.

The facial features of the two are very three-dimensional, and with the lighting, the contrast between light and dark on the face is very charming.

In particular, Ren Shuai's eyes are very deep, with shadow effects, revealing a strong sense of mystery and a different kind of attraction.

The photographer felt that the two of them looked good no matter how they took pictures, and couldn't help being a little overbearing. They kept posing in various poses, and the number of films produced was astonishing.

Ren Shuai maintains an early to bed and early to rise routine all year round. It is already one o'clock in the morning. He has been trying to keep his energy up, but the biological clock really can't hold back.

Ren Shuai yawned, and the photographer saw that he was suddenly inspired by new creative inspiration.

Immediately, the photographer excitedly held up the camera and said, "Mr. Li, it's good to maintain this sleepy and lazy state!"

Ren Shuai didn't expect the photographer to have such a request. He nodded happily to cooperate with him, put his hands on his head, and simply closed his eyes and took a nap on the stone railing.

The photographer began to shoot around him from all angles, with an increasingly excited expression on his face.

For Mr. Li, he was astonishing as a heavenly man. There are almost three hundred and sixty no dead ends to produce the film, and each angle has different effects.

It was a single photo of Ren Shuai just now, Shen Luxi took the opportunity to change clothes, and when he came back, he saw him resting on the railing, and couldn't help admiring it.

When the two collaborated last time, he played the role of an old fairy, which gave Shen Luxi a dazed feeling. Later, Shen Luxi reflected on why she was so unprofessional.

Now she finally found out why.

It can't be blamed for her being unprofessional. Teacher Li not only attracts attention with his charismatic temperament, Shen Luxi only now realizes that his facial features are not as simple as Jane's handsome. The more you look carefully, the more profound and three-dimensional he feels.

Like a piece of art sculpture.

The photographer finally got over his addiction and took pictures of Ren Shuai from every angle before it was over.

Ren Shuai had already started dreaming, and he was awakened only when he heard the photographer shouting excitedly.

He calmed down, turned his head to look at the lake subconsciously, and thought that fortunately he was leaning on the railing, if he sat on it, he might fall into the lake from sleep.

As a result, this look back was seen by the photographer again, which inspired another inspiration, and he raised his camera and started to capture pictures.

Ren Shuai was speechless. He didn't know where the photographer got so much energy, and he didn't know how much he was paid.

Thinking in his heart, there was inevitably a trace of impatience on his face.

The photographer captured this moment, stopped taking pictures, and began to zoom in on the photos.

Ren Shuai thought that he seemed a little impolite, and was going to go over to apologize to the photographer.

Before he could take two steps, the photographer suddenly raised his head, stared straight at Ren Shuai, and said loudly, "Ms. Li is amazing, I just want this feeling of getting up and breathing, this effect is great!"

Ren Shuai stopped in his tracks, he could only laugh in his heart.

Later, the solo photos of Shen Luxi began to be taken, and Ren Shuai could finally rest for a while.

He really didn't expect that taking photos is more tiring than filming TV dramas, no wonder the rewards are so generous.

Even if he exercises every day, after a few hours of filming, he still feels a burst of muscle soreness.

After all, you can move around when you are acting, and you need to constantly freeze the frame when taking pictures. After a few hours, your muscles are much stiffer.

Ren Shuai walked into the dressing room, lay down on the table and began to catch up on sleep.

The photographer was quite satisfied with the amount of films produced. He glanced at the sky and said, "Everyone will shoot here first, take a rest, and continue at five o'clock."

He wanted to capture the dawn before dawn and take another set of photos with different effects.

Ren Shuai was very busy that night, and so were the netizens.

There are many netizens with deep obsessions, determined to dig out Ren Shuai's identity and strive to catch the headlines.

There are also some netizens who are diehard fans of Shen Luxi, and they must dig out the identity of Teacher Li as soon as possible.

They used big data technology to screen and mine massive amounts of information, and with the assistance of expert experience, they identified Ren Shuai's facial photos.

At the same time, add the associated keyword "Ms. Li" to the photo.

However, the results were discouraging.

This Teacher Li seemed to have jumped out of a crack in the rock, and there was no clue on the Internet.

Some daring netizens even opened their minds, guessing that Mr. Li had just returned from plastic surgery in Nuozhou recently, so he couldn't find historical materials.

And on this basis, search and locate Shen Luxi's past friendship network relationship, as well as the co-actor network of all works.

However, none fit Mr. Li's profile.

Either the age is not right, or the temperament is not suitable, in short, nothing is gained.

They almost dumped all the information on the Internet, but no one could find Mr. Li.

Netizens felt that they were going crazy, and began to post all kinds of weird messages.

"The real hammer of plastic surgery is probably the staff around Lu Xi."

"What the upstairs said is wrong. According to reliable sources, this Teacher Li has just returned from sex reassignment surgery. She used to be Lu Xi's best friend."

"The latest news, this Teacher Li is not from Yezhou. He has been engaged in outdoor activities in Feizhou before, and was recently discovered by a brokerage company."

"The news upstairs is out of date. I just found myself to confirm that he is not from Yezhou, and he was not in Feizhou before. He is not even from Bixing at all. He came from time travel."


When Ren Shuai was resting, Shen Luxi was afraid that her face would be swollen from sleeping, so she kept holding on and brushed her phone by the way.

Seeing all kinds of weird comments from netizens, she couldn't help but tremble with laughter.

Ren Shuai was woken up by the alarm clock and saw Shen Luxi sitting beside him happily watching him, so he rubbed his eyes and looked into the mirror.

I wonder if there are flowers sleeping on his face?

Due to the firm makeup and hair effect of the system, even though he slept on his stomach, he was still handsome, and his hair was not even messy at all.

Ren Shuai looked at Shen Luxi suspiciously and said, "What's the fun?"

Shen Luxi tried her best to suppress her smile before she said: "Look, netizens are guessing your identity, they even say that you are from time travel, haha."

After hearing this, Ren Shuai lost all sleepiness and straightened up.

 On the third day of the Lunar New Year, ask for tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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