From janitor to actor

Chapter 86 Exposure

Chapter 86 Exposure
Ren Shuai finished the photo shoot tremblingly, thinking about the netizen who said he was from time travel.

After repeated confirmations, he gradually relaxed until he was sure that the person was just joking.

It was nearly eight o'clock after the two of them finished the photo shoot, and the photographer still had an unfinished expression, so scared that Ren Shuai hurriedly changed back into his clothes, got in the car and left.

He had a hard time tossing all night.

Shen Luxi had to go to the airport to catch the plane, but she still insisted on sending Ren Shuai back to school first.

However, Ren Shuai was still on duty today, so he asked Shen Luxi to take him directly to the school gate.

In the morning, there were sporadic students coming in and out at the gate of Meiying. When they saw a vehicle suspected of being a celebrity nanny parked at the gate, some people began to pay attention quietly.

Ren Shuai bid farewell to Shen Luxi, agreed to see the crew again, got up and got out of the car.

The students who were looking at this side saw the door open and fixed their eyes on the past, only to see a tall and straight figure in a dark red casual suit walking out of the car.

The students moved their eyes to the face of the figure, wondering which star it was.

However, it didn't match up for a while.

"Who is it?" A girl in a pleated skirt turned her head and asked her classmates.

"I haven't seen it before, but it's so handsome." Her classmate stretched her neck to identify it carefully.

After Ren Shuai got off the car, Shen Luxi walked to the door and waved.

"Goodbye, Teacher Li."


Ren Shuai turned and walked towards the guard room.

The girl in the pleated skirt looked at her classmate and said, "Just now, the person in the car seemed to be Shen Luxi?"

"Yes, I also look like Shen Luxi." Her classmate nodded in confirmation.

The nanny car started to leave quickly, and Shen Luxi would not be able to catch the plane if it was later.

Just as the two students were about to step forward, they saw the car going away, so they could only give up and turn their attention back to Ren Shuai.

I saw Ren Shuai walking straight into the guard room.

Yesterday night shift was Xiao Liu's gatekeeper, and Ren Shuai changed shift with him at [-]:[-] today.

Xiao Liu saw that 5 minutes had passed. In the past, Li Laifu always arrived on time. I don't know why he was late today.

Just as he was thinking, he saw an unusually well-dressed and handsome man walk into the room.

Xiao Liu quickly got up and said, "Sir, you are not allowed to enter the guard's room at will. If you have any questions, you can consult at the window."

It was only after Ren Shuai heard the words that he realized that he was wearing makeup and hair effects, no wonder others couldn't recognize him.

He probably couldn't explain clearly, so he simply said, "Uncle Li Laifu has something to do temporarily, let me take his place for a while."

Xiao Liu was skeptical, looking at Ren Shuai's attire, he was deeply puzzled, always felt that this person in front of him looked like a big star, how could it be possible to take over for Uncle Li.

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Ren Shuai simply took out his work card from his pocket and handed it to him.

"Uncle Li gave me all the work permits. You don't have to worry about it. I know how to look at the gate."

When Xiao Liu saw it, he finally nodded his head, but he thought in his heart that you are sitting in the guard room with your appearance, so it is not you who is watching the door, but the person outside the door is watching you.

He picked up his water glass and walked out of the guard room, and couldn't help but look into the room.

Seeing that Ren Shuai skillfully signed the record book on duty, he was slightly relieved. It seemed that Uncle Li had given him pre-job training.

The two students at the gate saw Ren Shuai walk into the guard room, but a security guard came out instead, and walked further and further, obviously in the rhythm of getting off work.

The girl in the pleated skirt and her classmate looked at each other, and said strangely, "Why can't he come out after entering the guard's room?"

Her classmate guessed: "Could it be that he is a security guard?"

"What a joke."

The girl in the pleated skirt admires her classmate's sense of humor.

Her classmate was also just thinking about it casually, and said with a smile: "Why don't we ask for a group photo, maybe it's some celebrity we don't know, the key is handsome."

"Let's go, let's go together."

The two of them walked towards the guard room.

As soon as he walked to the window, he saw a figure in a security coat from the back.

The two stopped and looked inside hesitantly.

Ren Shuai changed into his uniform, poured wolfberry water, and prepared to start his day's work.

As soon as I turned around, I saw two pairs of curious big eyes looking in from the window.

Ren Shuai immediately entered the working state, opened the small window and said, "Is there something wrong with the two classmates?"

When the girl in the pleated skirt saw Ren Shuai turn his head, her heart skipped a beat.

Although he didn't wear that suit, but changed into the security uniform worn by the guard, but he couldn't hide the charm of his appearance.

"That, I, I think"

She was a little nervous and speechless.

Her classmate quickly answered, "Can you take a photo with us?"

Ren Shuai wondered, if he was dressed like this, no one would know that he was Li Laifu, why would there be students asking for a group photo.

"Do you know me?" Ren Shuai asked.

The two girls were immediately stopped by the question, and could only falter. The girl in the pleated skirt had an idea and said, "We saw your collaboration with Shen Luxi, and we like you very much."

Ren Shuai immediately understood.

They must have seen them when they got out of the car just now.

Not to mention that the work I collaborated with Shen Luxi was not broadcast at all, even if it was broadcast, no one would recognize this makeup now.

Ren Shuai didn't want to refuse, but he had just walked the red carpet with Shen Luxi yesterday, and he wasn't worried about being recognized. If he was human fleshed out after taking a photo, he wouldn't want to stop going to work in the future.

"I'm afraid you have misunderstood the person, I am not a celebrity." Ren Shuai replied with a smile.

Seeing his smile, the two girls were a little dazed, and hurriedly waved their hands and said, "It's okay, we don't chase stars, we just want to take a photo with you."

Ren Shuai had no choice but to spread his hands and said, "I'm sorry, I'm on duty, so I can't take photos during working hours."

They were suddenly slightly disappointed, and the girl in the pleated skirt asked expectantly, "When do you leave work?"

Ren Shuai didn't expect them to be quite persistent, and he was also a little troubled by the fact that the effect of makeup and hair would not take effect until noon.

He could only evade and said, "Not necessarily, I'm just helping someone keep an eye on the post temporarily."

As soon as he finished speaking, a familiar patrol car drove up slowly.

From a distance, Gao Dagui saw two young and beautiful girls standing at the door of the guard room, talking and laughing at Yanyan, and suddenly felt that he had caught Li Laifu's braid.

I was caught chatting with female students during working hours, and I caught my attention. This time, see what you have to say, and you must deduct the bonus!
He excitedly got out of the patrol car and went straight to the guard room.

"Li Laifu!"

Gao Dagui stared and raised his eyebrows, his face was slanted, revealing an evil aura.

Ren Shuai turned his head and looked at him.

Gao Dagui didn't take a closer look. After entering the room, he raised his head and showed a confident smile, and said slowly: "The work regulations are clearly written, and you can't chat during working hours. You don't want this month's bonus, do you?"

When the two girls saw Gao Dagui suddenly barging into the guard room, they spoke in a strange tone, with the word "bad guy" written all over their faces.

They immediately complained for Ren Shuai, with a sense of justice in their hearts.

Pointing at Gao Dagui with the mobile phone that had been prepared, the shutter flashed continuously.

We must expose his evil deeds!

 The opening of the Winter Olympics today, catch up with the beginning of spring, let's celebrate together!
  ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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