Chapter 87
Gao Dagui's smug smile hadn't fully bloomed yet, it had already froze on his face.

When the two girls took pictures of him, Gao Dagui already felt something was wrong.

When he realized it, he realized that Li Laifu was not sitting in the duty room, but a handsome strange man.

Gao Dagui froze in place immediately, and said after a while: "Yes, I'm sorry, I admitted the wrong person."

He hurriedly stepped back and planned to go out, but he suddenly stopped and turned around after taking two steps: "No, isn't Li Laifu on duty today?"

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "He has something to do, let me take his place temporarily today."

Gao Dagui looked at Ren Shuai carefully, feeling a little familiar, and said uncertainly, "You, are you?"

Ren Shuai nodded quickly and said, "That's right, I'm Li Laifu's distant cousin."

Gao Dagui suddenly said: "No wonder you look a bit like him. You are a relative, but you are much younger and handsome than him. At first glance, you look like a big star."

Ren Shuai nodded frankly.

Gao Dagui didn't have much to say, so he could only say resentfully: "Help tell Li Laifu, let him tell me the reason for leaving his post when he comes back."


Ren Shuai readily agreed.

The two female students looked at Gao Dagui, as if they were afraid that he would bully Ren Shuai, and stared at him like a thief.

It wasn't until he walked away in the patrol car that he put down his phone in peace.

The two saw that Ren Shuai really couldn't take pictures during working hours, and that there would be a vicious-looking leader chasing the post from time to time, and they had to go to class later, so they left temporarily and planned to come back in the afternoon.

Ren Shuai was finally able to be quiet for a while, touch a little fish, and make up for the energy he lacked because he didn't sleep last night.

Near noon, Ren Shuai, who was taking a nap, was suddenly awakened by a notification sound.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task of overwhelming the audience at the red carpet event, and rewarding a dubbing card]

Ren Shuai was delighted, and quickly opened the system panel to check.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: none
Props: Charm Card*3, Voice Card*1
Skills: Primary Acting (670/1000)
Recognition degree: 601
System functions: shopping mall, lucky turntable

Ren Shuai glanced at the extra item card, opened the store to check the price.

Charm Card: 100 approval

Line card: 200 recognition

Makeup card: 300 recognition

Dubbing card: 400 recognition

Martial arts card: 500 recognition

Ren Shuai waved his fist slightly.


The dubbing card is worth 400 approval points, and the makeup making card is 300 approval points. Although a makeup making card was used to complete the red carpet task, a dubbing card was obtained, which is a small profit of 100 approval points.

Ren Shuai was very satisfied with this reward and began to check the details of the dubbing card.

[Dubbing card, after use, it can improve the sound shaping ability, and the time limit is 6 hours]

Ren Shuai gradually discovered some rules. It seems that among these item cards, the higher the value, the shorter the time limit.

Nowadays, many TV dramas are dubbed in post-production, and there are very few works that are recorded at the same time.

Producers with a little more money will invite actors to dub the characters again in person, while teams with tight money can only ask voice actors to do the dubbing.

Although dubbing by voice actors is more professional, the price is much cheaper than dubbing by actors themselves.

Ren Shuai has never played a leading role so far. Basically, the producer directly finds someone to dub him, and it is rare for a crew to ask an actor to do the dubbing for a small supporting role.

Ren Shuai thought that this card might be useful when playing the leading role, so he closed the mall and glanced at the task panel by the way.

[Main quest, if the recognition level reaches 1000, a random skill will be rewarded]

[Trigger the task, play the role of the villain, and reward the lucky wheel once]

Ren Shuai began to look forward to the lucky wheel rewarded by the system after joining the group in a few days.

He felt that he had been lucky recently, and he might get something good from the wheel of fortune this time.

Satisfied, he turned off the system and looked at the time. It was almost 12 o'clock, and he was ready to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

At this moment, two familiar figures appeared outside the doorman, poking their heads to look inside.

It was the two female students who came to ask for a group photo in the morning.

Ren Shuai had a headache and thought about how to refuse.

Before he could finish his thoughts, the girl in the pleated skirt said, "Hello, sir, where is the handsome uncle who was on duty this morning?"

Ren Shuai was slightly stunned, his eyes drifted to his face reflected on the glass, and found that the effect of makeup and hair had failed, and he returned to the original state of plain makeup.

He coughed lightly and said, "He's gone."

The girl in the pleated skirt was suddenly lost and said: "Just now, I just found out through the hot search that the mysterious male companion who walked the red carpet with Shen Luxi is him. He ran over immediately after class, why did he leave... Sigh."

The two girls could only leave disappointed.

When Ren Shuai heard her talking about hot searches, he immediately took out his phone and started searching.

Ranked 12th on the search engine search list, the title is "Shen Luxi and Mysterious Male Companion Walking the Red Carpet", followed by a small flame representing popularity and a small arrow that represents an upward trend.

Ren Shuai clicked in to take a look, and found that the link was a video clip of the red carpet last night.

It turned out that this morning, "Fashion Baiyang" magazine had released the red carpet video from last night on the Internet.

Originally, a fashion red carpet event would not attract too much attention, but in conjunction with Shen Luxi's trending news on the Internet, this red carpet video suddenly became popular.

Many netizens commented on the guests displayed on the red carpet, and it just so happened that the magazine officially launched a fashion selection and voting activity.

Netizens actively participated, and in just a few hours, the mysterious teacher Li rushed to the top of the fashion voting list.

Leading the second place Shen Luxi by more than 1 votes.

Ren Shuai was stunned, no wonder the system suddenly reminded him that the task of overwhelming the audience was successful, it turned out to be recognized by netizens.

He was a little curious, he just picked out a suit of clothes at random and barely matched them, basically relying on makeup and hair to support him, what do those netizens think about him?

He watched the video curiously, and found that he was really relaxed, and his temperament was in place, but the other guests were not useless.

Except for those people in fancy clothes, there are still a few people who are well dressed and look decent.

Ren Shuai opened the comment section under the official voting link to see what everyone thought.

"Looking at the hot searches, I was curious about the mysterious male companion. I thought it was some kind of gimmick, but I was surprised to find a handsome guy."

"Upstairs, this teacher Li is so handsome, and I don't know what he did before. I heard that this person can't be found on the whole Internet. It's really mysterious."

"I blindly guessed that it was Shen Luxi's benefactor, but I clicked on it to see the appearance. How could there be such a god-like benefactor."

"It's all amateurs upstairs. The fashion red carpet can't just look at the appearance, the clothing is the key point. Mr. Li's outfit has a lot of mystery."

"Ask for popular science upstairs."

"Professionals have explained to me in detail that his suit is a new limited edition by Fenden Kou Niqi, and there are only five sets in the world. His shoes are pure leather daddy shoes from Kanai Numbos, shoes The straps are custom made and unique.”

"Isn't this outfit expensive?"

"Money can't buy it, okay?"

Ren Shuai didn't know what to do after watching it. His outfits turned out to be so tasteful.

 Break five to welcome the God of Wealth!
  Please recommend, ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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