Chapter 88

In the past few days, Ren Shuai has been paying attention to the news on the Internet.

Although the news of Shen Luxi walking the red carpet has been on the hot search list, netizens are still looking for Teacher Li tirelessly.

In these two days of entertainment interviews, Shen Luxi was often asked who Teacher Li was.

Shen Luxi has always kept his mouth shut, always smiling and shaking his head in the face of reporters' questions, adding to Teacher Li's sense of mystery.

Ren Shuai will join the team to shoot a spy movie tomorrow, but he hasn't asked Gao Dagui for leave yet.

The main reason was that Gao Dagui was reported and was suspended from his duties for the past two days.

Ren Shuai was surprised at first that he didn't see the familiar patrol car passing by, but later he found out that the logistics department was investigating Gao Dagui's work style.

He didn't know that the culprit of all this, no, the starting point of all this was on him.

The girl in the pleated skirt failed to find the mysterious teacher Li, and felt disappointed, feeling that it was Gao Dagui's fierce appearance that scared people away in advance.

So she posted the video taken on her mobile phone to the school mailbox, and reported Gao Dagui's work style in real name.

The school attached great importance to it, and immediately launched an investigation, using anonymous random questionnaires among the security team to investigate Gao Dagui's usual style.

The security team consisted of 13 people. Gao Dagui himself was excluded, and the remaining 12 people were randomly checked by half. A total of 6 questionnaires were distributed, 5 valid questionnaires were returned, and 1 invalid questionnaire was invalidated.

The results of spot checks are not optimistic.

Gao Dagui is usually harsh, likes to criticize, and with his bad looks, he often acts as a psychological deterrent to his subordinates, and everyone criticizes him quite a bit.

In addition, this survey is conducted anonymously, so everyone no longer hides it, and tries to make an evaluation based on facts.

After the logistics department took back the questionnaire, they began to interview Gao Dagui, and finally gave him the penalty of staying on duty for observation.

After Ren Shuai learned that Gao Dagui had returned to work, he immediately called to ask for leave.

Gao Dagui didn't answer the phone for a long time, he felt that Li Laifu was going to see his own joke and called to mock him.

Ren Shuai saw that the phone was not answered for a long time, so he simply sent a text message.

"Captain, I would like to ask for two days off on Monday and Tuesday, please approve."

When Gao Dagui saw the news, he suddenly became angry. He had just asked for a week's leave last time, and now he came to ask for leave again after a few days.

He immediately dialed back the phone.

"Hello?" Ren Shuai picked up the phone.

Gao Dagui wanted to directly ask him why he always asked for leave, but he suddenly thought that he was under observation, and if he was complained again, his position as captain might not be guaranteed.

He immediately suppressed his temper, and said in a gentle tone: "Hehe, Lao Li, are you feeling unwell, why do you always ask for leave recently?"

Ren Shuai was taken aback by his creepy laughter and got goosebumps.

He replied in the same tone: "Hehehe, no, I'm preparing for my retirement life recently, and I have a lot of things to do."

Gao Dagui curled his lips, thinking that he didn't have as many affairs as you before he retired.

Still smiling, he said: "It's understandable, after all, life will change after retirement, and you need to prepare in advance, haha."

Ren Shuai smiled more earnestly and said, "Thank you Captain for understanding, hahaha."

Gao Dagui's face turned black, originally he didn't want to agree to Li Laifu's request for leave, but he didn't expect Li Laifu to think that he agreed so naturally.

He couldn't refuse yet, or he would have to complain again.

So angry.

Li Laifu cannot be let off so easily.

"By the way, when you were on duty a few days ago, there was a distant cousin who replaced you. He was quite handsome. I thought he was a big star."

Gao Dagui didn't say clearly that Li Laifu had left his post, but pointed him at the sidelines.

Ren Shuai hurriedly smiled apologetically and said, "I'm so sorry, leader, I wanted to contact you to explain the situation when I came back that day, but I couldn't. I heard that you are busy."

Although Ren Shuai didn't say it clearly, the meaning inside and outside the words was very clear, pointing out that Gao Dagui was suspended by the school at that time.

Gao Dagui was choked and speechless, feeling that it was a mistake for him to call.

He gritted his teeth, suppressed his anger, and said in a trembling voice, "Well, I don't blame you."

Ren Shuai smiled sincerely and said, "You are really generous."

Gao Dagui could only swallow his anger, feeling that his blood pressure would exceed his height if the conversation continued, so he immediately ended the call.

Ren Shuai hung up the phone and laughed twice.

Gao Dagui decided that he really wanted to chat less with Li Laifu in the future, because his blood pressure really couldn't stand it.

Most of the recent ups and downs in mood are due to Li Laifu, and the various unlucky things that happened to him are also inseparable from Li Laifu.

I always feel that Li Laifu restrained him a bit.

I didn't find old man Li so difficult to deal with before, and it seems that it has become different in the past month or so.

Gao Dagui thought that Li Laifu was about to retire anyway, so he should try his best to control himself and avoid picking on him recently.

On Sunday, Ren Shuai embarked on his way to the crew with a backpack on his back.

Shen Luxi knew that he would join the set today, so she waited for him outside the set during the lunch break.

The shooting location of the crew is in Yezhou No. 300 Film and Television Base, [-] kilometers away from Meijing City, where most period dramas are filmed.

Ren Shuai came by bus, about four hours away, and arrived at the set at noon.

As soon as he came to the outskirts of the film and television city, Ren Shuai saw many visiting media, all of whom were planning to interview Shen Luxi during the filming break.

Ren Shuai was not very well dressed and walked through the media group without attracting any attention.

If these media reporters knew that the mysterious Teacher Li just passed them by like this, they would probably regret it.

Ren Shuai came to the periphery of the set in a low-key manner, and found Shen Luxi standing there looking out, holding a lunch box in his hand.

"Teacher Li."

Shen Luxi also saw Ren Shuai and came over while saying hello.

Ren Shuai also greeted her with a smile, and took the lunch box in her hand very politely.

"It's too polite, and you even helped me get a meal, thank you!"

Ren Shuai was exhausted all the way, and he was already starving, so he was not polite, so he went straight to eat.

Shen Luxi's smile froze on her face, she watched Ren Shuai stiffly as she opened the lunch box, took out the chicken leg, and took a bite.

This, this is her own lunch.
Ren Shuai nodded, affirming the chef's craftsmanship.

"The drumsticks are well done." He praised.

Shen Luxi nodded quickly and smiled, "Yes, I prepared it specially."

She thought that Teacher Li was really cute, but she didn't realize that the lunch box had a pink bunny pattern.

Ren Shuai looked at the other two dishes and said, "It's a pity that the other dishes are a little bit vegetarian."

Shen Luxi thought that it was a nutritious vegetarian dish that she specially prepared to balance calories, but she was disgusted by Teacher Li.

As Ren Shuai said, he turned his head and saw the lunch box prepared by the crew's canteen, which contained several boxes of lunch that had not been taken away.

Through the transparent box, you can see braised pork, fried chicken tenders and braised eggplant inside.

Ren Shuai looked hesitantly at the lunch box in his hand, and then at the crew's lunch box.

Shen Luxi smiled, thinking that Teacher Li finally found out that he took his lunch box by mistake.

Ren Shuai looked at Shen Luxi, pointed to the lunch box and said, "Did you get tricked by the chef? His dishes are obviously better than this."

Shen Luxi:
 Recommended on the last day of the holiday, please support, ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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