From janitor to actor

Chapter 89 The soul of makeup styling

Chapter 89 The soul of makeup styling

After lunch, Ren Shuai met with the director under the recommendation of Shen Luxi.

Director Zong is a person full of literary and artistic atmosphere. He is dressed in retro style and looks young, but he is actually 56 years old.

His name is very distinctive, called Zhi Yizhao, which sounds like Zhi Yizhao, and he is considered an old veteran in the TV drama industry.

The shooting of the spy film this time was an attempt by him to lead his apprentices.

His apprentice is also one of the directors of the film crew. He has a characteristic mustache and a flower turban on his head. He looks in his forties, but in fact he is only in his early thirties. His name is Chi Yi.

Ren Shuai felt that the names of the two were quite auspicious, one trillion, one hundred million, a bit of a loss to be a TV director, he should make a movie, the box office would be a big hit.

Zhi Yizhao looked at Ren Shuai and nodded to express his satisfaction. He had seen the photos provided by Shen Luxi before, and knew that Shen Luxi had a great time cooperating with him in "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds", so he readily agreed.

He had also thought about the candidate for this behind-the-scenes villain before, and he wanted to invite an old artist to come as a guest.

But spy movies need to pay attention to a sense of mystery. Once a well-known actor comes to play a cameo, the audience can guess his identity as soon as he shows his face, and the mystery is instantly destroyed.

Therefore, when Shen Luxi recommended this Li Laifu, Director Zhi agreed without much hesitation.

After all, it is necessary to have good acting skills, not to be well-known, and to be of the right age. There are not many people in the first place.

Teacher Li just fits the bill.

Under the skillful hands of the makeup artist, Ren Shuai quickly dressed up. He put on a suit made of gray woolen fabric, fixed his hair into a back style with gel, and paired it with a pair of small round glasses with gold wire rims, just like a military master behind the scenes look like.

The director nodded to express his satisfaction, but he hesitated after looking around: "It seems a bit too handsome, and also looks too young, looks like a positive person."

Ren Shuai has no opinion on this. He doesn't have much experience and doesn't have too many ideas of his own. It all depends on the director's arrangement.

Director Zhi saw that Ren Shuai hadn't spoken, so he turned his head and asked Shen Luxi, "Comrade heroine, come and see, do you think Teacher Li needs to adjust her appearance?"

Shen Luxi looked at Ren Shuai's spirited attire. If it weren't for the gold-rimmed glasses to cover it up, she might be recognized as the mysterious Teacher Li on the red carpet.

She nodded immediately and said, "I have to change it, why don't I change my hairstyle to a middle part."

Ren Shuai had no objection, and the makeup artist acted immediately, changing the hairstyle from the back to the middle part.

However, his good looks are slightly resistant, and with the gold-rimmed glasses, Ren Shuai, who is in the middle, looks bookish.

Compared with the back head, not only does it not appear to be worse, but its momentum has decreased and its intimacy has increased.

"It doesn't seem to work."

Shen Lucy was the first to deny her proposal.

Director Zhi was also a little melancholy, and asked the makeup artist, "Is there any way to make him look like a bad guy?"

The makeup artist looked at Ren Shuai carefully, and found that his facial features were very regular, and the shape of his face was not sharp. It was difficult to draw the villain's temperament.

She shook her head slightly and said, "Ms. Li's image as a villain can only rely on acting skills."

The director has rich experience, of course he knows that playing a villain with a positive image is more evil and terrifying, but now that the audience has figured out the routines of TV dramas and learned to guess the bad guys from the good guys, he doesn't want to fall into the clichés.

Director Zhi wants to make a layer cake.

He just wants to make Ren Shuai look like a bad guy, but the bad guy is superficial and obvious, so that the audience ignores him and won't think that the final big boss is him.

Therefore, he needs to work hard on Ren Shuai's image to make him a bad guy in appearance.

Zhi Yizhao couldn't think of a solution for the time being, and turned to look at his apprentice.

Chi Yi, who was wearing a flower turban, shook his head and smiled wryly: "Master, if I still have some ideas about modern costumes, I'll be fine with period dramas."

Ren Shuai suddenly remembered some war movies he saw in his previous life. Some characters in them looked like villains, and the essence of their makeup was a little black on their faces.

"Director, why don't you put on a beard." Ren Shuai suggested.

Zhi Yizhao nodded and said, "I can only try first."

It's not that he hasn't thought about adding a beard, but he's afraid it will make the character look more gentlemanly.

The makeup artist immediately took out the patch from the kit, picked out a mustache and prepared to peel it off.

Ren Shuai stopped and said, "Let's not choose this shape, but a square one."

The makeup artist was a little puzzled, she had been putting on makeup for a long time, and she had never heard anyone ask for a square beard.

"It's not in the patch, so please cut a shape yourself."

The makeup artist hands over a full beard patch.

Ren Shuai was also unambiguous, picked up the scissors and started to operate, cut out a small square, peeled off the adhesive tape, and stuck it on his face.

After adjusting his position in front of the mirror, Ren Shuai turned to face several people.

"How is it, is there any internal smell?" Ren Shuai asked with a smile.

Director Zhi looked at the small piece of beard on his face, and couldn't help but be overwhelmed.

"It feels right!"

For some reason, there was an extra beard in that position, and there was a villainous atmosphere immediately.

The makeup artist was even more surprised than the director, and she admired Teacher Li's imagination a little bit. As a makeup artist, she was willing to bow down.

Shen Lucy chuckled, but she didn't see much evil, but somehow felt that Teacher Li was very happy.

Seeing her smile, Ren Shuai immediately put on a straight face, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Shen Lucy suddenly turned pale with fright.

Ren Shuai smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

Shen Lucy stuck out her tongue, almost forgot that Teacher Li was a senior, and as a junior, she couldn't be too presumptuous.

But since she walked the red carpet last time, she always felt that Teacher Li was not as distant as she thought, and she felt very comfortable and safe to get along with.

Zhi Yizhao looked at Ren Shuai and said, "The eyes just now are in place, very harmonious and unified with the image."

Ren Shuai smiled modestly, but matched his image with an inexplicable sense of hypocrisy.

Zhi Yizhao was even more satisfied, nodded and said: "Okay, the styling is settled, that's it, Mr. Li, you should familiarize yourself with the script in the afternoon, and set up your shots tomorrow."

Ren Shuai thought that the shooting would be done in the afternoon, but he didn't expect to wait until tomorrow, so he asked, "I only took two days off, can I make it in time?"

Zhi Yizhao was not surprised. He had already learned from Lucy Shen that Ren Shuai is an employee of Meiying. Apart from acting, he also needs to take care of his job, and the shooting time is limited.

"Don't worry, the plot has been scheduled. Tomorrow I will ask Xiaochi Yi to film the scene between you and another teacher, and the day after tomorrow I will personally film the scene between you and Luxi. After the two parts are filmed, you will be done."


Ren Shuai wanted to start shooting quickly and complete the system tasks quickly. He was always curious about what good things he could turn out from the lucky wheel this time.

But since the director has made arrangements, he can't be too eager for quick success.

Just wait one more day.

 The first day of work, sprinkle flowers~
  Ask for recommendation, ask for monthly pass, ask for support!
(End of this chapter)

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