From janitor to actor

Chapter 90 The Disappearing Group Performance

Chapter 90 The Disappearing Group Performance

Ren Shuai didn't have a part to play this afternoon, but he was not idle either. He took a borrowed ponytail to observe and learn from the scene.

Although he has junior acting skills, he still needs to improve his professional ability and learn more about the industry.

After all, the standard of living after retirement depends entirely on the income from this sideline business.

Zhi Yizhao is worthy of being an old-fashioned director. The on-site dispatching and commanding is methodical. He can see through the flaws in the performance of the actors at a glance and give timely guidance.

Ren Shuai watched from the sidelines and gained a lot of knowledge.

When he was concentrating on observing, an old man of the same age with a protruding beer belly came over and said in a low voice: "Hey, old buddy, you are also a group performer. This look is not bad. What role are you playing?"

Ren Shuai said honestly, "Play the villain."

He took a look at Ren Shuai's mustache, nodded and said, "Well, it's quite similar."

Then he suddenly lowered his voice, and asked mysteriously: "By the way, just inquire, how much does your company pay for a day's play?"

Ren Shuai was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I'm self-employed and don't have a company."

The beer belly raised his eyebrows slightly, and enviously said: "Better than us, hey, you don't need to be drawn by the company, so how much money can you make for a day?"

The contract that Ren Shuai signed with the film crew stated that he would be paid 5000 per day.

Combined with Ren Shuai's popularity, this price is not bad for a lightweight character in a TV series.

And even though he won't be acting today, the contract will still be paid for three days, and the final salary will be 15000 yuan in total.

Ren Shuai wanted to keep money secret, and salary was a part of personal privacy, and he was not familiar with Mr. Beer Belly, so he couldn't tell the truth, so he simply told him at a discount.

He smiled and said, "500 a day."

After hearing this, the beer belly uncle immediately raised his eyebrows, his eyes glared angrily, and the flesh on his face twitched.

Ren Shuai was taken aback by this expression, for fear that he would come up and punch him twice.

But seeing the beer belly uncle clasped his fists and said in a quack manner: "Thank you brother for telling the truth."

After speaking, he walked away angrily.

Ren Shuai blinked, looking at the back that was gradually going away.

Shouldn't it be, go find an intermediary company to fight...

It was just a small episode, and Ren Shuai didn't think too much about it, and continued to concentrate on observing and studying.

The following scene is the scene where Lucy Shen meets her own agents and encounters an attack on the road. It can be regarded as half a big scene, which needs to show the chaos and tense atmosphere on the street.

The director picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "The thugs are in position, running from east to west."

Everyone took their positions one after another, and the assistant director suddenly realized something was wrong, and quickly said on the intercom: "Director Zhi, wait a minute, there is one less thug."

Immediately after he finished his report, he shouted at the scene with a loudspeaker.

The group leader was still counting the number of people just now, that's right, after a short rest, one person was lost.

He asked the thugs to get together to see who was absent. If it was not obvious, he would find someone to replace him temporarily.

It turned out that the man who rushed to the forefront in the last scene was missing.

That was too conspicuous.

In the last shot, he was the most realistic and cutting-edge. This shot is going to take over, and he can't do it without him.

The group leaders anxiously asked around, and couldn't delay the filming of the crew because of a group performance.

However, mobile phones are not allowed during filming, especially for this period drama, and mobile phones are not allowed.

So finding someone basically depends on yelling, and if you can't find it, you can only ask around, as if you have returned to the original social state in an instant.

"See a beer belly man in a black thug suit?"

The group leader was a little anxious, and asked everyone he met, thinking that if he found this actor, he would have to give him a good reprimand.

The company has to terminate the contract with him. Their intermediary company can no longer sign this kind of unorganized and undisciplined group performance.

Ren Shuai saw that the originally orderly set suddenly became a little chaotic, and occasionally heard words such as "beer belly" and "uncle".

He thought, could it be the one who chatted with him just now.

So he kindly found the group leader and said: "I saw a man with a thick face, thick eyebrows, and a beer belly, very similar to the one you are looking for."

The group leader nodded repeatedly and said, "That's him, where did he go?"


"Go, go? Where are you going?"

The group leaders were all dumbfounded, there was no actor acting in a play, they didn't even change their costumes, and left without saying a word.

Ren Shuai pointed to the direction outside the venue and said, "It's over there."

The group leader looked in the direction, and saw that it was a place temporarily found by their company for the group performers waiting for the show. There was a small soil slope there.

The group leader was furious, gritted his teeth and said, "Whoever found this guy, let's see if I don't teach him a lesson."

As soon as the words fell, a figure appeared from the direction Ren Shuai pointed at.

It was the beer belly uncle who had left the group temporarily.

The group leader walked forward angrily, pointed at the beer belly uncle and said: "You, it's you, don't hurry up and let me pass..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly fell silent.

On the horizon behind Uncle Beer Belly, black heads appeared one after another.

He led a group of group performers and walked towards the head of the group aggressively.

Ren Shuai saw that the situation seemed bad and wanted to evacuate the battlefield, but it was too late.

The beer belly uncle suddenly accelerated, and led a crowd of extras to surround the crowd, including Ren Shuai by the way.

Ren Shuai had no choice but to step back a little and blend into the crowd.

The beer belly uncle took the lead, took a step in front of the group leaders, and glared at him like an angry King Kong.

The heads of the group were full of question marks, not knowing what they had done wrong.

Facing such a ferocious beer belly man and the angry group of performers behind him, the group leader panicked inside, but still managed to remain calm on the surface.

"What do you want to do? Rebel?" the group leader said first.

"You cannibalistic Zhou Paopi!"

The beer belly uncle had a beer belly, his eyes squinted down.

The group leader couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat off his palms, and said with a slightly trembling voice, "I, what's wrong with me?"

The beer belly uncle swept across the crowd and looked at Ren Shuai, but he quickly retracted and shouted angrily, "Let me ask you, how much does the crew pay for the extras?"

The group leader whispered: "120 a day, not too low."

"Hmph, I'm asking how much your crew paid the company?"

The beer belly uncle took a step forward and stared at the other party.

The group leader shivered for a moment, and said in a low voice: "When I signed the contract, I made it very clear to everyone, the remuneration is divided 5:5."

"You're talking nonsense! The film crew paid 500 yuan!"

The beer belly uncle's face was flushed, and he was obviously furious.

When Ren Shuai heard this, his heart skipped a beat. He dared to feel that this uncle was stimulated by his sentence of 500 pay, and led the extras to go on strike.

I was just talking nonsense, and he is not a group performer, so the salary is of course not the same.

If there was such a big oolong because of his words, it would really be impossible to end.

Judging by this posture, it is likely that there will be a fight.

Ren Shuai hurriedly took a step, wanting to explain clearly before killing anyone.

He just took a step, but the group leader said in surprise: "How do you know?"

Ren Shuai staggered suddenly.

 Congratulations to the Chinese team for reaching the top of the Winter Olympics medal list, the first place!
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(End of this chapter)

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