From janitor to actor

Chapter 91 Do good deeds without leaving a name

Chapter 91 Do good deeds without leaving a name
Ren Shuai really didn't expect that what he said casually would become a prophecy.

The group heads looked at the beer belly uncle with a guilty conscience, and their thoughts kept churning.

When signing the contract with the crew, only the company representative and myself were present, so where did these group performers know the price?
Facing the gazes of many group performers, the group leader dodged his eyes and said: "Most of the group performances are paid 240, but you have a little more thug scenes, so it was raised to 500, but I haven't had time to tell you, don't So excited, have something to say."

"Then when I acted as a thug yesterday, why did I still get paid 120? You don't want to fool me."

The beer belly uncle looked like "I'm smart".

Most of the salaries of group performances are settled daily, and the salary is settled one day for one performance, and the fluctuation of personnel is also relatively large.

The group leader quickly pretended to be stupid and said: "I may have forgotten yesterday, but I used to settle according to the usual standard, and I will make it up for you today."

Just as the beer belly uncle was about to nod, someone in the crowd said, "No, you don't have credibility, show me the contract."

"Yes, take the contract."

"Look at the contract!"

When everyone heard this suggestion, they echoed it one after another, and their voices became louder and louder, which had already attracted the attention of the crew.

Ren Shuai quietly withdrew from the crowd in line with the fine style of doing good deeds without leaving a name.

He was the one who started the proposal from the contract just now.

Everyone came out to be a group performer and earned a hard-earned money, but the group leader actually wanted to deduct it from it, which is as shameful as arrears of wages to migrant workers.

Ren Shuai couldn't stand the behavior of the group leader when he saw the road was uneven and someone stepped on him, so he naturally wanted to act chivalrously.

Seeing the anger of the group, the head of the group thought that if there was no compromise, things would never go well today.

In case the filming of the crew is affected, the crew will demand compensation from their intermediary company according to the contract, which is even more worth the loss.

The group leader quickly comforted him: "Okay, okay, I'll show you the contract. If there is any missing or underpaid salary, I can make it up for you, okay?"

After hearing the words, the group performers felt that their goal had been achieved, and they were ready to leave as soon as they were ready.

Ren Shuai was watching the excitement from the outside, always feeling that the leader of the group was not a kind person, and had already pocketed the money privately, and it might not be that easy to ask him to take it out.

So he approached the crowd again, hid behind and shouted loudly: "We have made a video, if you repent, it will be exposed!"

The group leader was still thinking about turning his face and denying the person when the matter was over, but when he heard this, his heart was completely chilled.

When did the group under him become so smart?

Is there any expert behind the scenes?

He sighed, today he can only confess, but please don't let me know who is behind the scenes.

The group leader nodded resignedly, and said, "Let's leave, everyone. I promise, I'll show you the contract after today's filming, and make up all the money."

The group performers gave up and dispersed, leaving only the beer belly uncle standing where he was.

The group leader wondered: "I promised to make up the money, why don't you leave?"

Uncle Beer Belly said: "Don't I still have a show?"

"Hey, seeing you making a fuss, I forgot about business." The group leader patted his head and said, "Hurry up, I'll wait for you."

The beer belly uncle walked to filming contentedly, and when he passed by Ren Shuai, he cast a veiled grateful look.

Ren Shuai pretended not to see it, and looked down at the script in his hand.

This group leader is still looking for the mastermind behind the scenes, so it cannot be exposed.

As a result, the group leader walked up to Ren Shuai and looked at him fixedly.

"Thank you." The group leader said.

Ren Shuai won't be able to be punished anymore. I'm afraid this group of leaders have been frightened and stupid. Why did they start talking nonsense?

He revealed that the salary almost killed him, but he came to thank himself instead.

The group leader continued: "Originally you were kind enough to help me find someone, but I didn't expect you to be surrounded as well."

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay." Ren Shuai smiled and waved his hands.

It turned out that it was because of this that he thought he had been exposed.

After bidding farewell to the group leaders, Ren Shuai went back to his little horse and sat down, continuing to observe and study.

The fight scene on the street just now ended smoothly. The people on the street seemed to be chaotic, but in fact, they were all arranged for movement without any confusion.

The female agent played by Shen Luxi dressed up as a grocery shopping woman with a gray square scarf on her head for the sake of convenience.

As a result, the meeting hadn't started yet, and the whereabouts of the party's meeting partner was exposed and she was hunted down. She was not far from the agreed place, and she was also implicated.

In order not to reveal her identity, she could only squat in the corner and watch her companion being taken away.

This episode is divided into three parts. The first is the fierce battle scene where the thugs chase her partner. The second is the scene where his partner is arrested because he does not want to hurt the public. Finally, Shen Lucy sees her partner When captured, a close-up of inner struggle and forbearance is shown.

The filming of the first part of the plot ended successfully, and the beer belly played the thug under the command of the villain agent. After this scene was filmed, his part of today's scene was over.

He saw Ren Shuai sitting on the ponytail, and came over to say hello with a smile.

"Brother, thank you very much today."

Ren Shuai looked around and found that the group leader was not nearby, so he responded with a smile: "It's a little effort."

The beer belly uncle sat down on the ground next to him, and sighed: "I really envy you who are an individual, have connections, and can receive dramas."

Ren Shuai looked at him suspiciously.

The beer belly uncle smiled wryly and said: "Our small group performers who don't have any acquaintances in the circle can only be affiliated with an intermediary company, so that they can take on the show through them, but you have also seen that the group head is too dark, and they deduct our wages. After the trouble was over, I lost my job and had to change companies."

Ren Shuai saw that he was about the same age as himself, so he inquired, "Did you become an actor after retirement, or have you always been doing this?"

"Retirement?" The beer belly uncle touched his face immediately, and said aggrievedly: "I look old, but I don't want to retire, right? I'm only 51 years old this year."

Ren Shuai was stunned for two seconds, then immediately smiled and said, "In our hometown, you can retire at the age of 50."

"Oh, so that's the case." The beer belly uncle heaved a sigh of relief.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, although this person is not very delicate, he still values ​​his age, but luckily he came back witty.

After chatting for a few words, the beer belly uncle patted the dirt on his buttocks, stood up and said, "Brother, let's see you by fate. If I can't be a group performer, I guess I will switch careers and go to the community to watch the gate."

Seeing his dejected look, Ren Shuai suddenly felt sympathetic, looked left and right, made sure that no one was paying attention to this place, and pulled him closer.

Lowering his voice, he said, "The leader of the group bullies people like this, and you have to lose your job after getting the money. Are you going to let him go so easily?"

The beer belly uncle was taken aback, and looked at Ren Shuai in surprise.

 I didn't grab Bingdundun again...

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(End of this chapter)

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