Chapter 92

Although the beer belly uncle is big and thick, he looks fierce, but he is actually quite honest. If he is bullied, he just plans to leave after he gets the money he deserves.

Hearing Ren Shuai's question, he immediately waved his hands and said, "It's his fault that he blackmailed us, but if we beat people again, it's our fault."

Ren Shuai's face was full of black lines, and he said speechlessly, "Who told you to beat someone?"

The beer belly uncle looked puzzled, and glanced at the mustache on Ren Shuai's face again, thinking about your expression just now, and you said not to let the group leader easily, didn't you imply that you would beat him up?

Ren Shuai was really defeated by his simple mind.

But he didn't know that the culprit was the mustache on his face.

Putting on this makeup, he looks like a bad uncle with every frown and smile.

Ren Shuai said in a persuasive manner: "The group leader's behavior of cutting leeks must be hidden from the leadership of the intermediary company. Being greedy for the salary of the group performers will not benefit the company at all, and only he will benefit from it."

The beer belly uncle nodded. Although he understood, what can he do?

Ren Shuai decided to be a good person to the end, pierced the window paper and said: "You take everyone to the company to report him, you will lose your job anyway, why don't you give it a go and pull the group leader down, you come to be the group leader, isn't it good?" ?”

Uncle Beer Belly was not very naive, and immediately understood the benefits of doing so.

I thought to myself why I couldn't think of such a good idea, no wonder I can only rely on the company.

He said excitedly, "Smells, smells, really smells."

At this moment, Shen Luxi finished shooting, and was very satisfied with her performance in that close-up.

She felt that she had acted out the entanglement, struggle, and helpless inner fluctuations very well, and she had fully played to her level.

I don't know what kind of evaluation Teacher Li will give after seeing his performance.

Shen Luxi had long since discovered that Teacher Li hadn't left, but had been sitting on the pony on the sidelines to watch, thinking that Teacher Li was probably here to see her performance.

The last time the two of them worked together, Shen Luxi didn't perform at her best level, and she kept worrying about it, always thinking about showing her true ability in front of Teacher Li.

This time, she finally performed normally, so that Teacher Li can know that although she is young, her acting skills are not bad, and she is not the kind of vase that relies solely on her appearance.

She walked towards Ren Shuai confidently, but saw Ren Shuai chatting with a group performer Zheng Huan, as if they were talking about some food, the beer belly man couldn't help but praise, "It's delicious, it's delicious".

Shen Luxi leaned over curiously and said, "What's delicious, so fragrant?"

The beer belly uncle who was excited stopped his laughter quickly, looked at Shen Luxi in surprise, and thought that this is not the heroine, why would he take the initiative to strike up a conversation with his co-star?
Ren Shuai coughed, blinked and smiled, "There is a dish called Stir-Fried Squid Head with Leeks."

Uncle Beer Belly often drinks beer, and he is no stranger to this appetizer, so it feels really appropriate to say it at this time.

These group performers who have been cut into leeks, went to the company together and fired the group leader, which sounds very cool.

"Yes, this dish is really delicious." The beer belly uncle laughed.

Shen Luxi thought that Teacher Li likes to eat seafood, so she smiled and said, "Mr. Li, shall I treat you to this dish tonight?"

Ren Shuai could only chuckle, noncommittal.

The beer belly man laughed even more happily, but he smiled and suddenly realized that something was wrong, why did the heroine invite the person next to him to dinner?
Is it...

A flash of light flashed in the mind of the beer belly uncle, and he immediately figured out the cause and effect.

He looked at Ren Shuai enviously and said: "Brother, no wonder you are capable as an individual. It turns out that the connections in the circle are so strong. It is a loss to be a group performer."

Ren Shuai was speechless.

The brain circuit of this beer belly man is probably not turning the corner. He is like this, and he still thinks he is a group performer.

Shen Luxi looked at the other party in surprise, thinking that Teacher Li had an extraordinary temperament just sitting there, how could it be a group performer, this uncle has a bad eye.

The beer belly uncle was very self-aware, and he didn't continue to disturb Ren Shuai and Shen Luxi's communication. After a few thanks, he left in a hurry and went to do big things.

Shen Luxi sat on the folding chair next to her, looked at Ren Shuai full of expectation and said, "Mr. Li, what do you think of my performance just now?"

Ren Shuai asked in surprise, "Have you finished filming yet?"

He was so busy chatting with the beer belly uncle just now that he didn't pay attention to the progress of the shooting scene at all.

Shen Lucy's smile froze on her face, and the hope in her eyes gradually turned into resentment.

It turned out that Teacher Li didn't watch her performance at all, and she was acting affectionate again.

No, maybe from another point of view, Teacher Li was afraid of hitting her, and it was inconvenient to say so, so she used this roundabout way to express her dissatisfaction with her performance in disguise.

Otherwise, why would he sit and watch with a ponytail when there is no shooting task.

It turned out to be like this...

Shen Luxi suddenly felt that Teacher Li was like a mountain, unfathomable.

She nodded immediately and said, "I'm too proud and complacent. In fact, I'm still far behind. I will definitely work harder to hone my acting skills in the future."

Ren Shuai was confused.

Did he say anything? Why did Shen Luxi suddenly look enlightened.

Seeing that Ren Shuai didn't speak, Shen Luxi acquiesced, and her guess was right.

So he stood up from the chair, bent slightly and said, "Mr. Li, I hope you can give me more advice the day after tomorrow."

Shen Luxi couldn't wait, and wanted to film a scene with Teacher Li again.

Ren Shuai heard that some actors will become a little nervous when filming, especially some good actors with high understanding.

He thought that Shen Luxi might be this kind of actor, that's why she was happy at times and sad at times, and kept talking to herself.

He expressed his understanding of this, so he cooperated with Shen Luxi and said, "Okay, I will try my best the day after tomorrow."

Shen Luxi smiled and nodded, playing with Mr. Li must have yielded a lot.

After the filming of this big scene, Zhi Yizhao began to direct the crew to make a transition, followed by Shen Lucy's opponent scene in the office with Fanyi.

Ren Shuai saw that the sky was getting dark, so he didn't stay on the sidelines any longer. After removing his makeup, he returned to the hotel to familiarize himself with the script.

Tomorrow, his scenes will also be against Fan Yi. Although the number of shots is not many, the lines are denser than he imagined.

When reading the script in the afternoon, Ren Shuai was surprised to find that his lines had several pages.

Although he wanted to continue watching the filming of the crew, he was afraid that he would not have time to recite his lines and delay tomorrow's filming, so he returned to the hotel early.

Tomorrow is his first day of filming in the group, and he must not lose the chain because of his lines.

Ren Shuai changed into his pajamas and began to study the script seriously.

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(End of this chapter)

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