Chapter 93
Ren Shuai doesn't have all the scripts in his hands, only the main characters can get all the scripts, and he only has the parts related to him.

The villain played by Ren Shuai is called Staff Diao, who occasionally shows his face to give advice to Fan Yi. On the surface, he looks like a villain with a little cleverness and tricks, and most of the time he listens to Fan Yi's orders.

In fact, Staff Diao is a deep-seated conspirator in the city, and his real identity is a secret agent sent by the top villains to supervise the work.

His hidden identity was not even noticed by Fan Yi. At the last moment, when Fan Yi and Staff Diao disagreed, he revealed his identity and forced Fan Yi to carry out his plan.

It was also this plan that brought a great crisis to the heroine Shen Luxi.

However, the heroine successfully survived the crisis with her extraordinary courage and calm mind, and successfully uncovered the black hand that was always hiding behind the scenes, Staff Diao.

The lines between Ren Shuai and Shen Luxi are not too many. Most of his lines are dialogues with Fan Yi when he is making plans.

Ren Shuai didn't follow the crew to the scene just now, so he didn't see the opposite actor who was going to play against him tomorrow.

However, through his analysis of the script, this character, as the director of the villain organization, is young, but also courageous and resourceful, otherwise he would not be able to sit in this position, let alone deal with the positive camp for so long.

But on the contrary, this character has many shortcomings, impulsive, irritable, self-willed, and vicious methods are the most prominent.

It is precisely because of these problems that the villain's organization is unstable and there are many loopholes, which pave the way for their eventual demise.

Ren Shuai started to practice his lines over and over again, and since there was no one to help him to match the words, he also memorized the lines of the anti-one by the way.

Ren Shuai didn't put down the script until he felt that there was no problem, but found that it was almost 12 o'clock at night.

At this time, there were rustling sounds and occasional talking in the corridor of the hotel.

Ren Shuai looked through the cat's eyes curiously, and found that the crew seemed to have just returned from work, and the cast and crew walked back to their rooms tiredly.

Ren Shuai secretly said that the actors really worked hard, and they often had to stay up late for filming in order to catch up with the schedule.

He sighed, then washed and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Ren Shuai was woken up by the alarm clock on time, glanced at the phone, and found an unread message on it.

"Who sent the message so early?"

Ren Shuai muttered something and turned on his phone to check.

The sender was Shen Luxi, and this message was sent at 12:[-] last night.

Ren Shuai guessed that she sent a message after she came back from work, but he was a little puzzled why Shen Luxi sent him a message at such a late hour.

"Mr. Li, I'm sorry to send you a message so late. I've thought about it for a long time, and I think I should send you this message."

Ren Shuai looked at it with a palpitation in his heart, and sent a message in the middle of the night, probably some bad news.

He continued to look down.

Shen Luxi wrote: "Tonight's filming was not very smooth, and the crew dragged on until now to finish work. I sent you a message to hope that you can prepare yourself in advance, and try not to lose your temper when filming tomorrow."

Ren Shuai was puzzled, why did he lose his temper?
"Tonight is also the first time for me to cooperate with the actor Chao Kexin who played the anti-one. I only heard that he is not easy to cooperate with. This time I realized that this description is a bit reserved. How should I put it, although it is not good to judge others behind the scenes like this. , but I still have to tell you the truth, he really can't act at all."

Ren Shuai was stunned. According to Shen Luxi's personality, she sent a message to tell herself how bad the cooperation last night was.

He also said to let him have a mental preparation in advance.

I'm afraid it's not just that they don't know how to film and are not good at cooperating.

After reading the news, Ren Shuai immediately opened his mobile browser to find information about Chao Kexin.

Chao Kexin, idol singer, dancer, actor, height 183, good at rap, Breaking, etc.

When he was a teenager, he was discovered as a trainee by Shule Dongze Film and Television Company. After three years of training, he made his debut and participated in rap talent shows and won No.5.

A year later, he participated in hip-hop variety shows, showed his excellent Breaking ability, and gained attention.

In the next three years, he participated in the recording of many variety shows, and gained a lot of fans with his excellent appearance.

In the past two years, he has participated in the filming of film and television works, guest starred in many well-known film and television dramas, and received constant praise.

When Ren Shuai saw this, he probably had an understanding.

This person named Chao Kexin is not a professional actor, but a crossover from the rap and hip-hop industry. He has also participated in guest appearances in previous film and television dramas.

The spy film shot this time may be his first major role.

Ren Shuaixin said that even if the actor does not have acting skills, it will not affect his own performance. At worst, he will act in his own way. Anyway, there is only one day of the scene, and the filming will be finished soon.

The one who should really be upset is the director.

I don't know what the producer thinks about finding someone who has absolutely no experience to play the important role of Fan Yi.

Ren Shuai thought to himself that Shen Luxi probably regarded him as the kind of old artist who kept improving his works, and he sent a message to explain because he was afraid that he would get angry because of this.

He closed the phone, didn't take it too seriously, washed up and left on time.

When he arrived at the shooting scene, Ren Shuai had already seen the director Chi Yi preparing in front of the monitor. He was still wearing the familiar flower headscarf, directing the scene to adjust the set and camera positions.

They are all filming in the studio today, the main scene is Fan Yi's office.

Seeing Ren Shuai coming over, Chi Yi straightened the flower headscarf, stood up with a smile and said hello, and then said with a stiff smile, "Mr. Li, our shooting today may be divided into two parts."

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "No problem."

He is not a professional actor, and he doesn't know what the director means by dividing into two parts.

Chi Yi was a little surprised, he didn't expect Teacher Li to agree so readily, without even asking why.

But Chi Yi still took the initiative to explain: "It was too late yesterday, and Chao Kexin, who played the anti-one, is still catching up on sleep. The morning filming can only be done by you first."

Ren Shuai was speechless. Can this kind of work quality be an actor?

I didn't come to shoot because I was sleeping... No wonder Shen Luxi complained about him.

Although Ren Shuai was a bit prepared, he was unavoidably upset and asked curiously, "Is the producer his father?"

Chi Yi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and waved his hands, "No."

Shuai Ren was puzzled, why did the show invite such a person with no acting skills, no experience, and no professionalism to play the important role of Fanyi.

If you look at his traffic, then this Chao Kexin is not considered top-notch, at most he is a little famous. If the filming effect is not ideal, his fans alone will not be able to drive the ratings.

Investors are simply not worth the candle.

Chi Yi smiled and said in a low voice, "The producer is his uncle."


Ren Shuai could only smile knowingly.

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(End of this chapter)

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