From janitor to actor

Chapter 94 Good Noon

Chapter 94 Good Noon

Chi Yi had great admiration for Ren Shuai, thinking that he was worthy of being an old actor, and with just a few words, he guessed that the producer and Chao Kexin were relatives.

The two glanced at each other tacitly before preparing to start filming.

Director Chi Yi sat in front of the monitor with a flowered turban on his head, and spread the drawn storyboards on the table.

In the morning, we focused on shooting close-up shots of Ren Shuai, and the director's assistant was responsible for helping to write the words.

Chi Yi looked at the scene, nodded in satisfaction, and signaled that Ren Shuai could take his place.

"Okay, all departments are ready, start up."

Staff Diao, played by Ren Shuai, stands next to the director's desk with his chest slightly open, showing his respect for the director.

The two cameras took close-ups of Ren Shuai's upper body and face respectively.

The director's assistant who was in charge of the script stood outside the camera, holding the script and read: "Master Diao, Xiao Zhang, who was on patrol last night, found that the door of the archive room was unlocked. What do you think about this?"

Ren Shuai showed a thoughtful look, and said after a while: "What did Director Sun of the archives say?"

The director's assistant added: "He has caught a cold for the past two days and has a terrible headache. He was a little confused when he got off work yesterday, and couldn't remember whether he locked the door or not."

"I'm afraid we need to check all the files to see if there is anything missing." Ren Shuai said in a low tone.

The assistant director said: "Well, I agree."

Ren Shuai was puzzled when he heard this line.

Chi Yi noticed on the monitor that Ren Shuai was suddenly playing, and immediately called a stop.


He believes that an old drama player like Mr. Li should perform very stably. How could he make such a low-level mistake as suddenly appearing in a drama?

Besides, this is still a very ordinary scene that doesn't require too many emotional fluctuations.

"Ms. Li, is there any problem? Do you need to adjust your status?" Chi Yi asked.

Ren Shuai said, "Is there a problem with the lines?"

When Chi Yi heard this, he turned his head to look at the director's assistant. The young assistant quickly glanced up and down, and immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, I was watching the series, and I missed a word."

Chi Yi suddenly realized that it turned out that Mr. Li had that reaction when he discovered a mistake.

As expected of an old actor, he has memorized his lines very well, even if he skips a line, he can find it.

Chi Yi waved his hand and said, "Sorry, Mr. Li, let's take another shot."

Ren Shuai nodded, and filmed again. When the wrong line was reached, the director's assistant continued: "Although it is necessary to check the files, we must also prevent spies from taking advantage of the loopholes and sneaking into the inspection team to steal information."

Ren Shuai showed a smug smile, his mustache raised slightly, adding a touch of sinister, he said: "Isn't this a good opportunity for us to lock down the spies, when the time comes, we will monitor all the people responsible for checking the files."

The assistant director said: "Well, I agree."

Ren Shuai bowed his head slightly, took two steps back respectfully, and prepared to leave.

"Director, then I'll make arrangements."

"Okay, card!"

Chi Yi nodded and said: "Mr. Li, this one is very smooth and very good. Let's take a shot."

Ren Shuai memorized his lines very well, and every shot was completed smoothly.

The character he needs to show today is pure sinister and cunning, and he doesn't need to express things that are too deep. Relying on the stable performance of elementary acting skills, there is no problem at all.

Chi Yi was amazed at Teacher Li's performance. He didn't need to describe it, and Teacher Li could accurately perform the effect he wanted.

Moreover, Mr. Li's performance was quite stable throughout the morning, without any fluctuations. If it wasn't for keeping a few more shots, he even felt that Mr. Li could pass all the shots.

Chi Yi put on the Fuhua headscarf. He has never felt that being a director can be as easy as it is today.

"Great, Mr. Li, our task in the morning has been successfully completed."

Ren Shuai took a sip of wolfberry water and said with a smile, "When will the meal be served?"

Chi Yi was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "We'll finish work early in the morning. It's only after 11 o'clock, and it will take half an hour. You should take a rest first."

As soon as he finished speaking, several people walked in from outside the studio, carrying large boxes.

Ren Shuai's eyes brightened slightly. Didn't this mean Cao Cao? Cao Cao will be here soon. The logistics must have brought the lunch box over.

He didn't eat much in the morning, and after the intensive shooting in the morning, he was already starving.

Just as Ren Shuai was about to go up to meet him, he saw the first young man dressed in hip-hop walking towards Chi Yi with headphones.

"Director Chi, good morning." The young man took off his earphones and nodded with a smile.

Chi Yiyi looked at the person, and replied politely: "Kexin is here, hello."

It was Chao Kexin who came. Those who carried the boxes behind him put down their things and opened the lid of the box. A middle-aged woman with heavy makeup stepped forward and said with a smile, "These are the coffees that Xiaoxin prepared for you. Thank you for your hard work."

Chao Kexin looked around, only nodded politely to the camera teacher, and turned a blind eye to the others.

When he found Shuai Ren beside Chi Yi, he asked curiously, "Who is this?"

Chi Yi introduced: "This is Teacher Li who plays the role of Staff Diao."

Chao Kexin said "Oh" and didn't take it seriously, thinking that he was just a supporting role, so he didn't say hello.

Ren Shuai thought to himself that this was the Chao Kexin that Shen Luxi sent text messages to complain about, and he really lived up to his reputation, young people are a bit crazy.

Seeing his attitude, Ren Shuai asked Chi Yi knowingly, "Who is this?"

Chi Yi immediately replied: "This is Chao Kexin who plays Director Wu."

Ren Shuai let out an "oh", turned around and walked out of the studio.

When Chao Kexin saw Ren Shuai's attitude, he was immediately puzzled, thinking that you, a small supporting role, why are you so crazy, and you didn't take the initiative to say hello when you saw yourself as the anti-number one.

The girl with heavy make-up walked towards Chao Kexin and said, "That's your counterpart actor in the afternoon, don't offend anyone, hurry up, and get him a cup of coffee."

Chao Kexin reluctantly took the coffee, and muttered: "It's just a small supporting role, the role is only so small, and I need to go and hand him the coffee in person."

The female agent with heavy make-up frowned slightly and said, "I've told you so many times, be humble. Even if your uncle is a producer, don't make too much publicity. It's not good for your future development."

Only then did Chao Kexin nod his head, and quickly caught up with Ren Shuai and said, "Mr. Li, good morning. I have prepared a cup of coffee for you."

Ren Shuai turned his head and saw a boy with a smirk holding a cup of coffee with a stiff face, the reluctance in his heart couldn't even hide the smirk.

Ren Shuai took the coffee politely, smiled sincerely and said, "Thank you, good afternoon."

After speaking, he walked out of the studio with a cup of coffee.

Looking at the back of Ren Shuai leaving, Chao Kexin curled his lips, thinking that smiling so enthusiastically with a cup of coffee is really a young actor who has never seen the world, but what did he just say?
good afternoon……

Are you mocking yourself?
Chao Kexin felt a choke in his heart, a little upset.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets, ask for Dundun!
(End of this chapter)

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