From janitor to actor

Chapter 95 Change the script

Chapter 95 Change the script

Ren Shuai walked out of the studio, took a breath, and waited for lunch.

At this moment, Chao Kexin grumbled and walked back to the manager, complaining: "The mustache who played the role of Staff Diao was just now implying me."

The female agent with heavy make-up asked back: "Did you embarrass yourself?"

Chao Kexin curled his lips and said, "I laughed very hard."

"He showed you the face?" The female manager was puzzled.

Chao Kexin shook his head and said, "He smiled very enthusiastically, but what he said was annoying."

"How did he implicate you?" the female agent asked.

"Oh, I said good morning, but he said good noon." Chao Kexin was very upset.

The female manager chuckled, nodded and said, "You're right, it's almost 12 o'clock, but it's really a bit embarrassing for you."

Chao Kexin said dissatisfied: "He is a small supporting role. I took down my identity to give him coffee, and dared to mock me. The scene in the afternoon happened to be changed for him."

The female agent thought for a while and said, "The scriptwriting team hasn't revised the script yet, so let's shoot according to the original script for the time being."

Chao Kexin said with a smile: "It's just right, when the script is revised, I will delete all the scenes of the mustache for him, and let him shoot for nothing."

The female agent nodded slightly, and said cautiously: "I'd better find out if the actor has any background first, so as not to offend anyone."

Chao Kexin didn't take it seriously at all and said, "If he had some kind of background, would he still play such a small supporting role, huh."

The female agent sighed and said: "Okay, you should be more cautious. After all, it's your first time playing the leading role. I think Shen Luxi was not very satisfied with you yesterday, so don't be too public."

"Isn't that because I just joined the group and I'm not very familiar with the lines? Besides, I don't think Lu Xi has any dissatisfaction with me." Chao Kexin said feeling good about himself.

The female agent could only shake her head and remained silent. As a bystander, she watched Chao Kexin's various performances and felt offended for him.

Although I also complained about this artist under my hand, but his family gave too much.

The logistics team began to distribute lunch boxes to the actors.

After Ren Shuai received the lunch box, he sat on the ponytail and didn't eat immediately.

He was staring at the system interface anxiously.

When shooting the first scene in the morning, he was a bit out of play, and it wasn't all because of the assistant director's wrong words.

At that time, the system in my mind suddenly sounded a friendly notification tone.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task of playing the villain, and reward the lucky wheel once]

In order to complete the filming task, Ren Shuai endured not watching, and waited until noon to find time to look at the rewards.

At this time, he looked at the reward and clicked on the lucky wheel.

Ren Shuai looked at the big turntable that kept flashing afterimages, and prayed silently in his heart, hoping to draw a surprise.

"Mr. Li, why are you sitting here?"

A familiar voice interrupted Ren Shuai's thoughts.

He immediately turned his attention away from the system, and saw Shen Luxi wearing a plain dress.

Seeing that Ren Shuai was in a daze with the boxed lunch and didn't attract his attention when he came over, Shen Luxi thought that Chao Kexin must have made Teacher Li angry.

Ren Shuai pointed to the lunch box and said, "Ready to eat."

Shen Luxi tentatively asked, "Did your morning shoot go well?"

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "It's going well, basically it's all one-way."

Shen Luxi was surprised, thinking that Teacher Li is so good that even someone like Chao Kexin who has no acting skills can fly, she asked curiously: "You and Chao Kexin have a good cooperation?"

Ren Shuai waved his hand: "No, I was the only one shooting in the morning."

Shen Luxi asked in surprise, "Alone?"

Ren Shuai turned his head towards the studio.

"It said that I finished work late last night and came here just at noon."

Shen Luxi suddenly felt a burst of anger. As an actor, she was so unprofessional, did she think the crew belonged to his family?
Yes, it seems to be invested by his family, but even so, there must be some basic qualities.

No wonder Mr. Li was sitting here eating alone, he must be angry, but because of his own face, he didn't get angry, but he didn't want to go in to eat with Chao Kexin and others.

If this matter had been placed on the shoulders of other veteran actors, the performance would have stopped long ago.

Seeing that Shen Luxi hadn't said anything for a while, Ren Shuai turned his attention back to the big turntable.

He took a deep breath, ready to stop at any moment.

But Shen Luxi asked at this moment: "Mr. Li, would you like to go to the nanny's car with me for lunch? The assistant also prepared a fruit plate."

Ren Shuai focused all his attention on the big turntable, and didn't listen carefully to what Shen Luxi said, and responded casually: "Oh, good."

Shen Luxi immediately smiled and said: "Then let's go, my car is in the open space over there."

As soon as Ren Shuai finished saying good, the big turntable stopped slowly.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the fifty chapters of "Cycle and Beginning". 】

Ren Shuai was stunned for a moment, and before he had time to take a closer look, he realized that he seemed to have promised Shen Luxi to eat in her nanny's car just now.

Shen Luxi looked at him expectantly, Ren Shuai could only stand up from the saddle and walk with her with a box of lunch.

At this time, Chao Kexin's female agent found the director Chi Yi in the studio, hoping to find out about my teacher Li's background.

Only to find that Chi Yi had already gone out to eat.

She walked out of the studio, intending to take advantage of the noon break to find out the origin of that teacher Li.

As soon as the female agent walked out of the studio, she saw Shen Luxi and that moustache Mr. Li walking out talking and laughing.

She followed the two of them with her eyes, and was surprised to find that they got into Shen Luxi's nanny car together.

The female agent was a little bit guilty, this teacher Li actually went to lunch with Shen Luxi in her car, the relationship between the two is definitely not normal.

She thought that she must quickly ask the director to clarify the situation, lest Chao Kexin change the script at will and offend the seniors in the industry.

Ren Shuai walked to Shen Luxi's car with the lunch box, thinking about the prizes drawn by the lucky wheel all the time.

The prompt this time is very strange. It is neither an item card nor a personal skill, but a thing called "Cycle and Beginning".

He wanted to open it immediately to see the situation, but Shen Luxi had been talking to him, and it was impolite to be distracted at this time.

Shen Luxi enthusiastically led Ren Shuai to the car. On her table was the familiar pink lunch box and a fruit plate beside it.

Shen Luxi invited Ren Shuai to his seat, and said apologetically, "Mr. Li, I originally invited you because I was very professional in watching the crew. I didn't expect to meet an actor like Chao Kexin."

Ren Shuai said indifferently: "It's okay, I will only play with his opponent for a long time."

Shen Luxi didn't expect Teacher Li to be very talkative, maybe it was because of her face that she didn't care.

"Thank you for your understanding, but I heard that Chao Kexin brought a screenwriter team himself, and may change the script."

Ren Shuai was surprised. He had only heard about script changes during filming before, but he didn't expect to catch up with him this time.

Isn't that line memorized in vain?
 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

  Tun has fulfilled his wish~

(End of this chapter)

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