From janitor to actor

Chapter 96 The identity has to be checked again

Chapter 96 The identity has to be checked again

Lunch break is over soon.

Ever since Ren Shuai heard that Chao Kexin wanted to change the script, he had been thinking about countermeasures.

He didn't want his efforts to be wasted like water.

After finally memorizing the lines late into the night, no one is allowed to modify them at will.

At this time, the female agent with heavy makeup had already inquired about Ren Shuai's situation from Chi Yi.

When I heard that Ren Shuai only collaborated with Shen Luxi in the last work, I felt a little relaxed.

In this way, it seems that he does not have a deep background, and I heard that when he cooperated in the last drama, Ren Shuai only played a small supporting role.

For actors of this age, they always play small supporting roles with few roles, and they are definitely not well-known seniors in the circle.

Fortunately, when she first saw that Teacher Li and Shen Luxi getting in the car together, she wondered if there was some unknown relationship between the two.

But that teacher Li is not young, and he is not famous, has no background, and has a sinister face, so he should have nothing to do with Shen Luxi.

Just as the female manager was walking back, she suddenly saw Ren Shuai getting out of Shen Luxi's car with his mustache off, and Shen Luxi got out of the car to watch him off.

The female agent stopped immediately and looked at Ren Shuai intently.

Why do you feel that Teacher Li is different from what you saw in the morning?

Not only does he look young, but he is also handsome.

For the convenience of eating, Ren Shuai took off his mustache for the time being, and asked the makeup artist to stick it on before shooting in the afternoon.

The female agent was still observing Ren Shuai, seeing him in a suit and gold-rimmed round-rimmed glasses, she had a familiar feeling as if she had seen him somewhere before, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Now when she evaluates Ren Shuai's appearance, she feels that there is not only a mature charm on his face, but also a trace of vitality unique to young people. There seems to be some kind of fighting spirit burning in his eyes behind the lens.

Ren Shuai is now fully thinking about how to stop Chao Kexin from changing the script, so he is naturally full of fighting spirit.

He also didn't notice the female agent who was watching, and walked straight to the dressing room.

The female agent was a little dazed, and felt that Teacher Li seemed to have an inexplicable aura, which was inexplicably attractive.

She couldn't help thinking in her heart that the two of them were in Shen Luxi's nanny car during the whole noon, the relationship might not be as simple as Director Chi Yi said.

We still need to inquire again, and we cannot act rashly.

After Ren Shuai touched up his makeup, he entered the studio to prepare for the afternoon shooting.

Chao Kexin had already finished modeling at this time, and he kept thinking about changing the script when he was eating at noon.

Although he is a rookie actor, with his uncle's investment support, he naturally wants to play the leading role as soon as he comes up.

But if you star in a sweet drama, it will be difficult to break out of the crowd of competitors.

Moreover, Chao Kexin's acting skills are very embarrassing, even playing the domineering president with a paralyzed face seems to be lacking in acting skills.

After careful screening, his management team finally selected a script that suits him, and it is a very characteristic spy movie.

This spy movie can be regarded as a script with a leading heroine, and there is no male lead, but the anti-leader is very distinctive, with an online IQ throughout the whole process, and often has a cold face.

At first, Chao Kexin was reluctant. After finally playing the leading role, he wanted to play the villain.

But after his agent told him the pros and cons, he reluctantly agreed.

This show is the main heroine, so you can find a popular actress to help drive traffic and ensure the ratings of the whole film.

On the other hand, in a script without a male lead, Fan Yi is naturally equivalent to a male lead, and no other actor can steal his limelight.

However, Chao Kexin is still not satisfied, he thinks that his role is not the final big boss in the whole play, and that the Diao staff at the end is very stealthy.

He felt that it was necessary to change Diao's role as the staff officer.

Just when he was about to call the screenwriter team, the director signaled that the filming would start.

The female agent walked up to him and said in a low voice: "Let's shoot according to the original script for the time being. The identity of Mr. Li has to be checked again."

Chao Kexin nodded helplessly and walked to his seat.

Ren Shuai is already in place, his solo scenes have been filmed in the morning, and the afternoon is full of collaboration shots with Chao Kexin.

Sitting in front of the monitor, Chi Yi quickly said, "Attention all departments, get ready, start up!"

Ren Shuai immediately entered the state, turned his head slightly, looked at Chao Kexin on the chair, and waited for the other party to start speaking first.

Chao Kexin squinted at Ren Shuai, and said in a nonchalant tone as if he was reciting a text: "Consul Diao, things have not been peaceful recently, what do you think?"

Ren Shuai was not affected by him in the slightest, and continued to express himself as usual: "Director, do you think there will be a traitor?"

Chao Kexin nodded, and then forgot his words.


Chi Yi immediately yelled to stop, his brows twitching slightly.

Although he was prepared in his heart, he still couldn't help being a little annoyed.

This kind of person's acting skills are not as good as group acting, so he can play the director, a deep-thinking person.

He sighed inwardly, a little admiring Mr. Li's self-cultivation, facing an opponent actor of this level, he could still perform as usual.

Just as Chi Yi was about to calm down, when he took another shot, he heard Chao Kexin dissatisfied: "Director Chi, can you arrange a teleprompter on the camera like shooting a variety show?"

The little flame that Chi Yi had just suppressed rose slowly.

It's the first time I heard that when an actor doesn't recite his lines, he also hates that the crew doesn't prepare a teleprompter.

He gritted his teeth, held back his breath and said, "This is not a variety show, there is no teleprompter."

Chao Kexin continued to suggest: "Then can someone read the lyrics to me outside the venue, as a reminder, this script is a period drama, and many of the words are not life-like, and it is too difficult to memorize."

Ren Shuai watched from the side, thinking that as long as he didn't change his words, he could bear it.

But Chi Yi couldn't bear it anymore. He didn't have the tolerance of his teacher Zhi Yizhao. As a young director, he had a very violent temper.

"Can you be more professional, Mr. Li can memorize the words by heart, why can't you?"

When Chao Kexin saw the director getting angry, although he was a little guilty, he said firmly: "He only has a few words, and I have to memorize the whole script. Of course, there is no way to remember everything clearly."

Chi Yi snapped the script, threw the script on the table, and asked, "You don't recite the lyrics, how do you shoot?"

Chao Kexin didn't give in at all and said, "At worst, just read a sentence and take a picture."

Chi Yi immediately became furious. Any director who would shoot a scene with a single sentence would not be able to film the whole drama in fragments.

Ren Shuai saw that the two were at a stalemate. If this continued, he would definitely not be able to complete the filming as scheduled, and he might be like Shen Luxi, who would be dragged into the early hours of the day before finishing work.

I got up early today, but I didn't have the energy to stay up late.

Besides, he hadn't had time to see the rewards from the big carousel, so he naturally hoped that the sooner he could finish work, the better.

We have to find a way to move forward.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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