From janitor to actor

Chapter 97 You are finished

Chapter 97 You are finished

Ren Shuai walked up to director Chi Yi.

He whispered: "Is our drama dubbing later?"

Chi Yi nodded, and sighed, "If it wasn't for the post-dubbing, Chao Kexin's line skills, how could he be able to meet people."

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "That's easy, I have a way to shoot normally."

Chi Yi was very surprised, he didn't expect Teacher Li to be able to deal with an actor like Chao Kexin.

He said eagerly, "Tell me."

Ren Shuai chuckled and said, "Let him be the number."

Chi Yi was stunned for a moment, thinking what kind of idea this is, how to act without reading the lines is simply a blasphemy to the performance.

Ren Shuai knew what the director was thinking when he saw the director's reaction, and said, "Let me ask you, is there any difference between the state of his lines and the number of attributes?"

Chi Yi was taken aback by the question, recalling Chao Kexin's performance like a marionette.

When Chao Kexin performed, his face was expressionless, only his lips opened and closed, and he could tell that he was speaking lines.

This kind of performance seems to be no different from genus numbers.

Chi Yi sighed and said speechlessly: "I really convinced him, I can only try it first."

As a director, he also shoulders the task of recommending the progress of the shooting, so he can't just stop shooting here.

Chi Yi walked up to Chao Kexin, with a helpless expression on his face, and said: "Well, you can't remember the words, so you can count from one to ten, counting back and forth, and stop when you feel that you have almost reached the number of words."

Chao Kexin was taken aback for a moment. With a person like him full of evil tricks, he couldn't come up with such a wild and unconstrained idea. The director actually put forward such a constructive suggestion.

He immediately smiled and nodded.

"Okay, anyway, it's the post-dubbing, I have no problem with that."

Seeing that Chao Kexin agreed without hesitation, Chi Yi repeatedly complained in his heart that this kind of person can actually get mixed into the cast, which is simply a defilement of art.

After the two came to an agreement, filming continued.

Chao Kexin sat on the chair with a serious expression, glanced at Ren Shuai and said, "One two three four five six seven, seven six five four three two one."

Ren Shuai turned a deaf ear to it. Fortunately, he had already memorized both of their lines.

"Director, let's draw a larger range of traitors first, let's screen them slowly, don't miss them."

Chao Kexin was a little surprised, he didn't expect that this Diao staff officer could catch up with him when he read the words like this.

But these are destined to be in vain. I have made up my mind a long time ago, and I must change the drama of Staff Diao.


Chi Yi shouted angrily to stop.

He asked loudly: "Chao Kexin, what's the matter with you, you don't know any attributes and numbers, open your mouth and say something!"

Chao Kexin realized this time, he suddenly lost his mind while filming the scene just now.

This time he was [-]% right, but he refused to admit it, and quibbled: "Director, I was thinking about the expression I should use to show the next sentence, and I wasted a little time."

For a person like Chao Kexin with zero acting skills, it is ridiculous to think about what expression to use next.

Chi Yi really had the urge to drop the pick every minute, if it wasn't for the teacher Zhi Yizhao to lead him this time, he wouldn't let the producer choose his nephew to play the role of Fan Yi.

At the same time, Chi Yi also admired Teacher Li's skill in nourishing Qi.

Faced with an opponent actor who can be distracted by numbers, Mr. Li is calm and can perform as usual, which is really admirable.

Ren Shuai saw that Chi Yi was on the verge of going crazy, but he didn't say anything, and chose to stand on the sidelines from his position.

The arm can't twist the thigh, and the person arranged by the producer may be difficult to replace. Besides, he is only a small supporting role in the shooting of a few scenes, so there is no need to intervene.

Chi Yi grabbed the turban, suppressed his anger and said, "Continue to shoot, don't be distracted next time."

Chao Kexin nodded, and continued counting after waiting for the machine to turn on.

Ren Shuai still played steadily.

The crew was filming one by one like this, and Chi Yi felt almost numb, and he even began to doubt whether he was suitable to be a director.

At this moment, Chao Kexin raised his hand and said, "Director, I've been sitting here for more than two hours, and I've been counting. I'm too tired. Let's take a rest."

Chi Yi didn't bother to talk to him at all, pretended not to hear, and prepared to continue filming.

However, Chao Kexin stood up directly, walked to the folding chair next to him and began to rest.

Chi Yi squeezed his palms hard, and finally sighed: "All departments have a 10-minute break."

Ren Shuai walked aside. He had been standing and shooting for more than two hours just now, and he was indeed a little tired.

Especially when he had to face Chao Kexin's paralyzed face, even with the blessing of junior acting skills, he was about to be overwhelmed.

He looked around outside to see if there was a small Maza that could let him sit down.

But to his disappointment, the little Mazar seemed to have been taken away.

Ren Shuai could only find a place to sit near the background wall.

Coincidentally, Chao Kexin's folding chair was separated from Ren Shuai by a wall.

He is currently communicating with his agent.

"I'm really fed up. I sat there for two hours and kept counting, which made my mouth dry. Since I have to change the script sooner or later, why waste time filming these scenes?" Chao Kexin complained. .

The female agent with heavy make-up stood beside him and persuaded: "Although on the surface that Teacher Li is just a supporting role, I see that he and Shen Luxi have a very close relationship, so don't act rashly, you still expect Shen Luxi to help attract traffic for this drama. "

Chao Kexin objected: "At the beginning, I agreed to act in this drama because of the image of the chief, who is brave and resourceful. Although his personality is somewhat impulsive, he is one of the best in terms of resourcefulness.

This is helpful to my image building, and it will also help me to take on roles in the future, but what about now?

The role of Staff Diao completely stole my limelight, and the big reversal at the end of the plot made people find that he was the big guy who had been hiding behind the scenes, which covered up the characteristics of my character all at once.

At that time, the audience will just ignore me as a character and turn their attention to Staff Diao. How can I not change the script? "

The female agent knew that what he said was right, the team invested in this drama just to package Chao Kexin and develop his acting career.

She thought for a while and said, "You're right, the script will definitely be changed in the future, but let's stick to finishing the filming this afternoon, there are not many shots left."

She still wanted to be on the safe side, and wait until she found out clearly before acting.

Chao Kexin still listened to his manager's advice, so he could only say, "Okay, let's do this first, hurry up and ask the screenwriter team to change the script, and change me into the final big boss."

Ren Shuai sat on the other side of the prop wall and listened clearly.

Although Shen Luxi had heard it mentioned earlier, he only thought that Chao Kexin had adjusted his lines.

But when I heard it today, what Chao Kexin meant was to delete the entire scene of Staff Diao.

Since Ren Shuai has signed the contract and participated in the filming, he will definitely get the full salary.

However, once his role is deleted, Ren Shuai will not be able to gain any recognition when the film is broadcast.

Is it bearable, what is unbearable?

Ren Shuai's eyes flickered.

If you dare to delete my play, you are finished.

 Happy Lantern Festival!

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(End of this chapter)

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