Chapter 5

Wutongshu Middle School is a famous school with a long history, and its history can be traced back to the Fu School in the late Qing Dynasty.According to the older generation, there used to be a Confucian Temple here more than 50 years ago, enshrining Confucius, Zengzi, Yangzi, Mencius and a series of disciples. Unfortunately, it was razed to the ground due to urban construction and built into a bright and spacious building.

Later, after successive expansions, it occupied a large area and accommodated more than 4000 students in one go.Every morning, the sound of books is loud and the fragrance of orchids is fragrant, which does not violate the original intention of the sage Confucius to advocate that Ming culture should be educated without discrimination.

High school students study hard. In order to strengthen management and tighten the string of study, almost everyone lives on campus.From the first year of high school, they began to prepare for the college entrance examination.I get up at six o'clock every day, do morning exercises and morning reading, and when I have memorized dozens of words in a text, I go to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and then go to class for early self-study.

The class officially starts at nine o'clock, and there are four periods in the morning until twelve o'clock.After lunch, I rested for an hour, and then started the two classes in the afternoon.Then I have dinner, evening self-study, and I don’t go to bed until ten o’clock to get ready for bed.

It can be said that, except for the lunch break and sleeping time at night, they are all spent in listening to lectures, endorsing books, and brushing up questions.

The students are simple-minded and energetic, except that they are often hungry, but they don't feel any pain.

There is no way, the 89-year-old child is at the peak of physical strength and has a fast metabolism.The porridge, steamed buns and noodles I ate in the cafeteria in the morning were all digested in just one or two hours.

During the last class in the morning, the students were so hungry that their mouths were full of water. When the teacher said that the get out of class was over, hundreds of thousands of men and women rushed out of the classroom with a cry, and rushed towards the cafeteria excitedly. Amidst the rumbling sound, the floor trembled like earthquake.

The canteen of Wutongshu Middle School is quite large, with more than a dozen windows.The dishes are varied.In addition to regular rice and stir-fried dishes, there are also dumplings, rice noodles, rice cakes and so on.There are also unconventional ones, such as fried chicken drumsticks, hamburgers, and even stir-fried five-nut mooncakes that are so hard that you can smash your skull out.

Zhou Feiyang's lunch is very cheap, a piece of fried meat with lettuce, and a free seaweed soup.The cafeteria uses a student card to swipe the card, and my mother will charge 600 yuan into the card for food expenses every month. She said, we only do this housework. We eat less when we are free and dry when we are busy. do it.

Meat and vegetables can't be eaten openly, so eat more rice, first a catty.

While he was chomping at the rice, he looked for someone in the crowd with his eyes.After searching for a long time, I saw Wang An'an was queuing up, so I walked over and said, "I'll see you next to the fence of the playground after dinner. I have something to tell you."

Wang An'an seemed very moody today, and said, I will go if you let me go, who are you to me.

Zhou Feiyang, it's really important. Anyway, I'll wait there until the class, come or not.

In mid-October, Rongcheng still can't see the sun for ten and a half months, and the thick clouds above the head are like a pot cover, which makes people feel irritable.But there is a mound at the wall of the back playground, on which two big trees grow.Standing on it, you can have a panoramic view of the buildings in the distance, and there is a gentle breeze, which is very refreshing. It is actually a rare good place to rest in the school.

In the past, when he was free, Zhou Feiyang liked to come here to endorse.

When he came here just now, he had a problem set of "Chemistry" under his arm.It's good for Wang An'an to come, but if he doesn't come, he can do two questions without delay.

Within 2 minutes of sitting on the stone bench under the tree, Wang Anan jumped up and down.

Finished eating so quickly?Zhou Feiyang asked, didn't you eat?
Wang Anan snorted and said, after eating a couple of rice, don't eat too much, or you will get fat.

Zhou Feiyang said that his studies are stressful and his brain consumes too much energy. If he doesn't eat more, he won't be able to survive, and he won't be able to get into a good university.

Wang Anan said, not everyone has to go to college. To me, gaining weight and becoming ugly is more terrible than failing the college entrance examination. You asked me to come over at noon and want to say something. Hurry up, I have to go back to take a beauty sleep .

Zhou Feiyang said, you pay me another 20 yuan.

Wang Anan was puzzled and asked, what is 20 yuan, I don't understand.

Zhou Feiyang said, last time you asked me to buy milk tea for you, and you gave me 52 yuan for express delivery, which is supposed to be considered generous.I thought it was just a simple task, but who knew that there would be such a long queue, and in the end, I missed an evening self-study, which also caused certain consequences.I think it's only fair that you should give me another 20 yuan.

Wang Anan got angry, and said, Zhou Feiyang, you should figure it out, before we let you buy milk tea, we had reached a verbal agreement.I offer conditions, you accept the conditions, but now you come to ask me to compensate you, if you still talk about the spirit of the contract, are you still a man?
Zhou Feiyang said leisurely, what is the spirit of the contract, you didn't explain the situation in advance, and you made it clear that it was a lie.Suspected of fraud, our agreement is naturally invalid.You don't necessarily have to make up the 20 yuan today, I just want to express my attitude.In my mind, you have been blacklisted.

Finally, he asked again: "Your mother asked you to kneel for an hour that day, did you kneel, did you pass the video?"

These words completely angered Wang An'an, and his voice became louder: "I don't care if I kneel or not. Zhou Feiyang, didn't I just make you miss a class? As for being so sarcastic? It doesn't do you any good if I lose face, Yes yes yes, I am ashamed, in front of all the dormitory classmates. But what about you, you run errands, wash clothes for others, and cook for others just to earn ten or eight yuan pocket money, do you have dignity? You know what others say about you, saying that you are everyone's follower, school boy, and that you have gotten into money."

Girls' generation is immature, and she knelt for an hour in front of so many people last night, she felt ashamed and cried half the night.

Up to now, I am still depressed, and my words are also very mean: "Zhou Feiyang, I heard that your father is a rural child from the mountains, and your mother is from the forest area of ​​the Northeast. Only a troublesome person like you was born in the poor mountains and rivers. People who are open to money and have no shame.”

If it were someone else who was attacked personally by Wang Anan, he would have been furious.

But the pain on Zhou Feiyang's face was only fleeting, and he became calm in an instant, showing a maturity rarely seen by his peers.He just shook his head and said, you are the daughter of a rich family, you don't understand at all, you don't understand the harm that poverty can do to a child.Did you eat instant noodles for a month when you were a child, and did you get oral ulcers?I have.

I didn't mean to be sarcastic about you, nor am I actually interested.Classmate Wang Anan, I just want to confirm that your mother often makes you kneel, and still sends videos?
Wang Anan was furious: "What's none of your business? Zhou Feiyang, bastard, I will never forgive you."

After that, he turned around angrily and wanted to leave.

Zhou Feiyang chased after him and shouted: "Wait for me to finish speaking, I mean, this matter is quite simple. We have prepared some material, recorded it, and saved it in the mobile phone for emergencies. In addition, I also A small program can be designed.

Wang Anan stopped, with surprise on his face: "Is it really possible, will you do it?"

Zhou Feiyang: "My ideal is to be admitted to the Department of Computer Science and Technology of the North Qing Dynasty. I am a top student, but you are a scumbag. You can't do it with such a small program, but I can do it."

Wang Anan's grades are actually not too low, that is, the class is in the tens or twenty, 985 and 211 are hopeless, and the ordinary two books are quite simple.

Her parents are rich and successful, and they have extremely high expectations for their daughter.But because the work is too busy, the education methods are simple and rude, especially the mother, once the child is disobedient, she will be slapped twice, and then punished to kneel.

Under the high-pressure policy of her parents, Wang An'an has fallen into the shadow of her childhood.

Ever since she was a child, her mother had scolded her for being a scumbag. Today, when she heard Zhou Feiyang say the same thing, she was furious: "Zhou Feiyang, if you do this again, I'll turn my back on it okay?"

Zhou Feiyang: "Why don't you try it, it's very simple, capture a few movements, and use your computer for me. Of course, you still have to pay a little, so I can't do the work for you."

Wang Anan showed contempt: "I want money again, how much?"

Zhou Feiyang: "Give me 2000 yuan, anyway, you are not short of money. 2000 yuan is for you to go shopping once."

Wang Anan walked away in a huff: "What do you want so much money for as a student? It's extortion, it's extortion, it's so shameless."

Zhou Feiyang chased and shouted: "Knowledge is priceless, technology is the primary productive force. You have this demand, I have this ability, think about it!"

But Wang An'an just didn't listen, and several students who endorsed came to the mound one after another.Zhou Feiyang had no choice but to stop, and cast his gaze to the tall buildings in the distance, and to the Xiling Snow Mountain in the distance.

When he was young, he always asked his father Zhou Shanshui: "Dad, Dad, what's on the other side of the building, what's on the other side of the mountain?"

Father replied: "A bigger world, a world worth seeing."

Yes, even if there are still steel and concrete pigeon cages behind the building, and wilderness behind the mountains, you still have to go and have a look.

The young mind should take the cloud.

Zhou Feiyang murmured: "Wang An'an, who am I and what I do, I have my own reasons, and I don't need you to judge. There are many things that a rich girl born with a golden spoon in her mouth doesn't understand."

(End of this chapter)

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