Chapter 6
The work of real estate is not as simple as people imagine, just standing at the gate of the community, usually organizing manual cleaning, and then collecting property management fees and parking fees from the owners.

First of all, although Renhe Xincheng is a high-end residential area with mostly villas and bungalows and a low floor area ratio, it is not small in scale, with a total of [-] residents.

What is the concept of 600 people? The total population of a township that Zhou Shanshui's hometown just annexed last year was only [-].

That is to say, here is already a small society. As a service organization, property management has replaced the functions of streets and communities in some aspects. Sanitation, epidemic prevention, public security, fire protection, and volunteer services must be implemented in place.

Therefore, as the butler of Jin, Zhou Shanshui is not just sitting in the office and waiting for the owner to come to pay the fee.The water pipe in the owner's home burst, and he has to contact the engineering department to repair it; the owner has a dispute, and he has to go to the mediation; the owner needs to pay the water, electricity and broadband fees, and he has to run errands; even an elderly owner is sick. , a phone call came, and he helped to buy medicine at the pharmacy...

In addition to these daily tasks, the head office often engages in some disturbing and helpless things.

The property that Zhou Shanshui works for belongs to a rather large group company, which is seeking to go public in recent years, and the management is extremely strict.Employees have to clock in every day, and they have to write work records and upload them to the system.Daily inspections have to be videotaped, and weekly summary meetings have to be held.

There are more than 40 employees in the property management center, including 12 Jin Guanjia, who manage different areas and are responsible to the owners.

Soon it was two o'clock in the afternoon on Friday, Zhou Shanshui was making an access control card in front of the computer, and the property manager Xu poked his head out from the office: "Shanshui, come here."

Lao Xu and Zhou Shanshui were classmates in college and slept in a dormitory.

Speaking of that college, there is another story.At that time, it was the 90s of the last century. Because Zhou Shanshui was a child from a rural area, he was restricted by educational conditions and failed the college entrance examination as usual.But he was not willing to face the loess all his life and his back to the sky, so he thought about how to improve his education, at least get a diploma.

It just so happened that education was being industrialized everywhere at that time, and a school in my hometown prefecture-level city recruited trainees.After a long talk with my parents, my parents gritted their teeth and said, this is a rare opportunity, so I have to read it even if I have to.

So, he entered the school with his family's income for a year.I didn't know until I entered university that even if I finish reading this book, I won't be awarded a diploma, and I have to take the adult college entrance examination.

Zhou Shanshui knew the hardships of life since he was a child, and he studied hard. He finally passed the test in the year of graduation, and since then he has embarked on the road of no return to being a worker.

Zhou Shanshui's development in the provincial capital has not been smooth. He has worked in sales, stood at the counter, entered the workshop, and sat in front of the computer as a small white-collar worker, without achieving anything.But at any rate, he married Xu Run, a beautiful woman, gave birth to Zhou Feiyang, a good boy, bought a house, and barely survived.

Old Xu has developed well, and has been mixed into the position of manager of the property center.

In the past few years, Zhou Shanshui's housing mortgage, divorce, unemployment, bad luck, and great pressure, Lao Xu called him to help, which can be regarded as a solution to life problems.

The relationship between the two was ironclad. Zhou Shanshui entered his office, saw no one around, and didn't pay too much attention, so he went straight to the drawer to find good tea to drink.

Old Xu: "Shanshui, don't make trouble, let me tell you something serious, you know the Jiabaojia that was promoted just now, right?"

Zhou Shanshui: "I know, it's very convenient. Don't tell me, old Xu, the Internet age is good now, and it has reduced our workload a lot."

The so-called Jiabaojia is an APP run by the headquarters, which contains a variety of contents, including housing lease and sale information of the company's properties around the company, owners who participate in activities organized by the property, and even news reports on the leaders of the headquarters attending social activities.

But this small program mainly has two functions, one is access control, and the other is to pay property fees.

Especially the property fee payment is very useful. In the past, the owners had to come to the center when they paid the fee. Many elderly people had to walk for a long time with their legs and feet.It's all right now, just press it lightly with your finger on the phone and it's OK.The most wonderful thing is that the system also comes with a collection reminder function, so that the housekeepers and the owners don't need to talk about money face to face, which makes each other embarrassing.

Some time ago, the headquarters promoted this APP. Zhou Shanshui, as the steward of Jin, approached the owners, uncles and aunts one by one.

Old Xu clicked on Jiabao Plus on his mobile phone, pointed to one of these places and said, "There is an extra scoring system here, which is related to the vital interests of your steward Jin, so don't be careless."

After watching it for a long time, Zhou Shanshui finally figured out that this scoring system is based on the service quality of Jin Butlers, with the highest score being five points and the lowest score being one point.

Old Xu said next to him that this thing was made by the headquarters.Isn't the headquarters seeking to go public? Everything must be formalized.Therefore, the evaluation of the staff of each unit comes up with standards.What is the evaluation standard of our housekeeper? That is not up to you to decide. It still depends on whether the owner is satisfied with your service.

This scoring system is once a month, included in monthly, quarterly, half-year and year-end, directly linked to KPI and your salary,
Zhou Shanshui couldn't help but said: "This is a simple rating. It is basically the owner's own decision. It is too free and unscientific."

Old Xu Dao, let’s execute this thing if the higher-ups come up with it, you don’t care if it’s scientific or not.After the other gold stewards knew about this, they were already greeting the owners, hoping that they would give them full marks by then.I said don't be careless, don't be given a bad review by then, and it will be ugly if you rank at the bottom.

Zhou Shanshui asked, how much will be deducted if the ranking is last?
Old Xu said that deducting money is the next best thing.It is said that after the scores of the housekeepers of each property are settled uniformly, the last three will be displayed on the APP.

Zhou Shanshui took a breath of air: "This is a bit too much. Let's put it bluntly, you are the porter. As for doing this?"

Old Xu: "It's still the same sentence. When the headquarters seeks to go public, the management must be strict, and it is easy to introduce unimaginable policies. This is also a workplace."

"That's right, the workplace is where there are people." Zhou Shanshui shook his head: "Then I'll come down and talk to the responsible clients, and ask them to give five points for their face."

After all, just as I was about to enjoy Lao Xu's "Mengding Green Tea", there was an owner who bought too many vegetables and went home, probably because he was too old and couldn't walk at the gate. Panting on a roadside bench.

Now that it has entered the age of aging, Renhe Xincheng has many successful people from the previous generation, old money, and many elderly people.

When work came, Zhou Shanshui got a trolley from the supermarket and helped the uncle transport the vegetables home. After making sure that the old man's heart, blood pressure, and cholesterol were fine, he was relieved, and told the owner about the future scoring.

The owner took Zhou Shanshui's hand tremblingly, and said gratefully: "Shanshui, you are just like my son, five points, I must give you five points."

"My lord, I thank you."

The phone rang, and the screen displayed "Son, answer in seconds."

Zhou Shanshui: "Feiyang, Dad is at work, what's the matter? By the way, today is Friday, when will you go home?"

Zhou Feiyang: "I can't call you if I have nothing to do?"

Zhou Shanshui was suddenly very happy: "Why, I miss my father, you want to chat with me, let's chat." The child talked less, and never took the initiative to contact him when he had nothing to do.Zhou Shanshui always felt that there was a layer of separation between Zhou Feiyang and himself. He loved dolls to the bone and always wanted to get closer to him, but Zhou Feiyang always avoided too close a relationship, which made Jin Butler Lao Zhou a little dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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