Who is the Soldier's Assault?

Chapter 5 Pulling Song Contest

Chapter 5 Pulling Song Contest
You can't chew too much during training. On the second day, you should review the content of the previous day's training before learning the next item.

In this way, proceed step by step, step by step, and learn while consolidating.

Shi Jin shouted: "Calm down, stand at attention! Today we will learn the method of turning between stops. The method of turning between stops is a method of changing direction between stops. It is divided into turning right, turning left and turning backward. It can also be turned halfway when necessary. change."

"Next, I'll demonstrate the movements, and you follow suit."

After Shi Jin finished speaking, he began to demonstrate the turning movements.

"Remember, the movement essentials of the stop-and-stop rotation method are - turn your body quickly, clamp your arms tightly, don't shake your body, keep your hands close to the sides of your thighs, pause slightly when leaning on your feet, and don't sweep your arms out or move your arms. Stomp your feet and look straight ahead."

"Everyone does it a few times, and then each monitor leads his class to practice separately."

Ten people in three rows and five classes stood in a row from short to tall.

Wu Liuyi shouted the password: "Everyone in the fifth class is there, listen to my password, from the beginning to the end of the row, flow operation, turn right!"

Xu Sanduo was the first to bear the brunt, the first to do a twist, and then...he tripped himself.

Take it, really take it!

Li Bing watched helplessly. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be unimaginable that a twist turned his legs into twists.

Xu Sanduo fell to the ground.

Wu Liuyi's face was serious and he wanted to kill Xu Sanduo.

Gao Cheng, Shi Jin and the recruits from other platoons all looked over, and Xu Sanduo lowered his head again.

Wu Liuyi ignored him and shouted: "Start from No.2, assembly line, turn right!"

Li Bing was fine from No.2 to No.8, and then No.9 made a mistake.

He turned in the wrong direction and was directly face to face with Li Bing.

"Wang Peng, the command I yelled was to turn right! Don't tell me you don't know left or right?"

No.9 is called Wang Peng, and he is white and fat. I heard that his family runs a factory, and his father is very rich. He was a million-dollar household in that era.

Wang Peng grinned and said with a playful smile: "Squad leader, you are so smart. You are right. I really don't distinguish between left and right, and... I don't distinguish between east, west, north and south."

Wu Liuyi was about to despair, one Xu Sanduo was enough for him to have a headache, and now there was another Wang Peng.

"Let me tell you, Li Bing in front is on the left, and Cheng Cheng in the back is on the right, do you understand?"

Wang Peng thought about it carefully, nodded, and said, "I can understand now, but...what if I am alone. I used to walk by myself and couldn't tell the difference between left and right."

At this time, Shi Jin came over and said with a smile: "Let me give you a trick, as long as you learn it and remember it, I guarantee that you will never make mistakes."

Wang Peng asked: "Platoon leader, what's the trick, so effective?"

Shi Jin asked him: "Which hand do you use to hold the chopsticks when you eat? Hold it up."

Wang Peng didn't distinguish between left and right, but he knew which hand he used to eat, so he raised his right hand.

Shi Jin said: "Remember, the hand you hold the chopsticks is the right hand, and this side is the right side, remember?"

Wang Peng nodded: "This is easy to remember, I will remember it."

This time he remembered it firmly, and he would never forget it in his life.

This method quickly spread among the recruits, as long as they couldn't tell the left and right, they could now tell the difference.

Nothing is absolute, there is one exception.

A row of new recruits ran up to Shi Jin hesitantly: "Platoon leader, I can't distinguish between left and right, but the squad leader said that I am left-handed, and the one who holds the chopsticks is left-handed. I made all the wrong turns when turning."

Shi Jin said with a smile: "It's the same reason, remember that you hold chopsticks with your left hand, so this side is the left side, why do you have to remember it as the right side? Now let me tell you, you are different. Unique, the hand that holds the chopsticks is the left hand, and the hand that does not hold the chopsticks is the right hand, remember?"

"Remember, thank you platoon leader!"

Li Bing sighed slightly in his heart, Shi Jin's approach had completely conquered all the recruits, and everyone admired him.

At night, while he was going to the bathroom, he found an empty corner and took out the bottle of soda in the system.

The soda is a soda can, which exudes a little chill in the cold.

He opened the tab and took a sip, which tasted like a carbonated drink.

After drinking, Li Bing didn't find any adverse reactions in his body, but just felt a little cold.

At this time, Wang Peng appeared out of nowhere: "Li Bing, why are you eating in the toilet?"

Then he saw the can in Li Bing's hand.

At that time, carbonated drinks were just on the market, and many places did not have them yet.

Wang Peng had seen an advertisement for this drink before, and was surprised: "This is not a carbonated drink, is it?"

Li Bing nodded helplessly, "Yes."

Wang Peng smiled: "It seems that your family is quite rich?"

Li Bing didn't refute, because the more he explained, the more unclear he was. His family was a member of ordinary people, not a rich man, nor a boss.However, he knew that Wang Peng's family was rich, as if his father was a coal boss.


Train, eat, study, sleep.

Unchanging, boring but fulfilling.Such is life in the barracks.

The training continued day by day, but Xu Sanduo was still so disappointing that he became the bottom of the whole company.

After all, he is a comrade-in-arms, Li Bing really couldn't stand it anymore, and decided to help Xu Sanduo open his knot as soon as possible, and force him to release the small universe in his body early!

However, the more mistakes Xu Sanduo makes, the more he loses confidence. Now he can't even open his mouth to sing before eating.

Shi Jin saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.He didn't want to give up any pawns.

"Relax, stand at attention~!"

Shi Jin gathered all the soldiers in the three rows in front of the barracks: "Everyone has been training for a week, and it is very hard. The queue training includes standing at attention, taking a break, turning on the spot, saluting, walking in unison, walking forward, running, straddling Stand at attention, I've already learned it all. Today, the company commander said that there will be a singing competition between the platoons. The third platoon, do you have the confidence to compare with the other platoons?!"


"Okay, all of them are there. Take the class as a unit, form five columns, and target the training ground!"

The three platoons acted immediately, and the recruits and soldiers from other platoons also entered the training ground to assemble in order.

The people in the first row have already shouted: "The third row, come one! The third row, come one!"

The third row is more prominent in the training, and Shi Jin is Gao Cheng's "popular man", so Gao Cheng runs to the third row every day.

Jealousy, comparison, without that is impossible, healthy competition can promote better progress.Therefore, Shi Jin, the third platoon leader, has become the goal for all soldiers in the recruit company to learn and surpass.

If it weren't for Xu Sanduo's hindrance, the training results of the third row would definitely be the first in the entire company.

Gao Cheng looked at it with a smile, he liked to watch the soldiers compete, even if there was a singing competition, they had to compete for the first place.

Shi Jin stood in front of the third row of soldiers and shouted loudly: "The third row and the first row have declared war, what should we do?"

Wu Liuyi led and shouted: "If the 'enemy' declares war, I will fight! Use me in the first battle, use me to win!"

Those in the third row shouted along with him, their voices shaking the sky.

Shi Jin led the singing: "We soldiers, get ready~sing!"

"We soldiers, what's the difference, just because we all wear plain military uniforms..."

The third row began to sing, to be precise, shouting desperately.

He Hongtao said happily to Gao Cheng: "Old Gao, it's not bad, it's only been a week, and it's already looking good."

Gao Cheng's heart was already full of laughter: "Soldiers must have this kind of enthusiasm! The overall quality of this batch of recruits is good, and some of them are still seedlings."

He Hongtao took a cigarette in his mouth, handed another to Gao Cheng, lit each other's fire, and said, "You, with your bad temper, only trained for a week, and you're thinking of robbing people."

Gao Chengdao: "I call it the first to act first, and I must take the initiative, so that other companies can be killed all over the place."

He Hongtao smiled irrefutably.

The third row has already sung the song "We Serve as Soldiers".

Naturally, the platoon leader in the first row could not show weakness, and immediately shouted: "Everyone in the first row, follow me! The cold wind blows the leaves, and the army is a green flower. Dear comrades, don't miss home, don't miss your mother... ..."

This song "Green Flowers in the Army" is different from the soul-stirring "We Serve as Soldiers". The soldiers who sang with yearning sobbed and had sand in their eyes.

Li Bing was also infected by the singing, and couldn't help but think of his parents in that world, wondering if they are okay?I hope they can come out of the grief and live a good life...

(End of this chapter)

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