Chapter 64

A hundred flowers are in full bloom, and a hundred schools of thought contend.

A season of training is coming to an end, and the division has already issued a notice that in March, there will be a big competition in the whole division.

In addition to the armored units, there are sharpshooters, sharpshooters, and technical experts on various fronts such as air defense, military supplies, car driving, and field rescue. In the tense preparations for the big competition.

Gaocheng started the mobilization meeting: "I said, you have to stand up for me when it matters! What is the key? Dare to rush in battle, fight hard in training, and win in competitions. Soldiers, this is the key when!
This time, the division will hold a military competition.This is an excellent opportunity for each company to show its comprehensive strength, show its level of leadership, and show its excellent technology! "

Gao Cheng smiled proudly: "I still say the same thing, it's a mule or a horse, take it out for a walk! When you were training, one by one screamed, now it's your turn to perform! I don't want much, just The soldiers of the Seventh Steel Company have gone, so we must strive for the first place, and we must strive for the first place in every subject!"

Hong Xingguo followed his words and continued: "Because the number of places is limited, if you want to represent the whole company to participate, it is natural to give it to those who usually perform well. Those who failed to participate in the big competition, don't be discouraged, keep working hard, and strive to be selected next time." superior."

Later, he posted a list of entries.

The third class has Li Bing, Shi Jin, Wu Liuyi, Xu Sanduo, Gan Xiaoning, the seventh class has Sun Dali and Chengcai, the first class is Zhu Jinming, the fourth class is Su Qingsen, the sixth class is Zhou Maolin, and the eighth class is Dai Yilong... Waiting for a large number of "tops" from the Seventh Steel Company.

In the afternoon, the regiment also issued a notice. In order to achieve fairness and justice, among the participating companies, the proportion of officers, professional sergeants, four-year soldiers, three-year soldiers, two-year soldiers, and first-year soldiers was strictly stipulated.

The first event of the competition is the most common 5km cross-country in full armor.

The record of the five-kilometer weight-bearing cross-country run of the 702 regiment was set by Huang Yaohui of the five consecutive three classes two years ago, with a score of 17 minutes and 55 seconds.

This achievement is unique to the whole teacher, and there is no one close to it.

Last year, the No.2 of the whole division competition in this event scored 18 minutes and 22 seconds, nearly half a minute behind Huang Yaohui.

Of course, this No.2 is also a soldier of the 702 regiment - Wu Liuyi of the seventh company.

Although Wu Liuyi is better than Huang Yaohui in other sports such as fighting, but in terms of running, he is a little worse than Huang Yaohui.


In addition, there are kettles, raincoats, satchels, gas masks, washing tubs and towels. The kettles must be filled with water, totaling about 13 kilograms, and a total of about 19 kilograms.

Li Bing carried these things on his back and instantly felt heavy.

After three months of intensive training, coupled with the chicken legs given by his teammates, he has gained a lot of weight, and he is no longer as thin as a bamboo pole as before. His body strength has also been exercised, and his back and abdomen have been trained. muscles.

His speed was originally his strong point, but after the guidance of two masters, Shen Gang and Shen Tie, he made a breakthrough again.

When the game started, he quickly adjusted his breathing and controlled the rhythm of running.

Shen Gang taught him two tricks: one is to tighten the backpack before running, shorten the straps to fit as close as possible, shorten the straps for grenades, hand pots, etc., and concentrate the weight on the upper body as much as possible; the gun can be carried while running, Otherwise, if the straps are long, it will make people feel that their feet are hanging on their hands, and they will get tired after running for a long time.

The second is to control the rhythm of breathing, which is extremely important.Just like walking, the left and right heels move alternately with the rhythm of breathing. The most common ones are four-step one-inhale, four-step one-exhale; three-step one-inhale, three-step one-exhale; Of course, Shen Gang also taught him a very weird advanced method - three steps for one inhalation, two steps for one exhalation.

When Li Bing first started to practice this method, it was always chaotic, but later he got used to it and it worked.

This kind of breathing does have its own uniqueness. When the consciousness is focused on the breath, running will become easier.

This time, the contestants were all top players from each regiment and company, so when they first started, the gap was not that big, and there was hardly any distance between them.

Shi Jin, Wu Liuyi, Li Bing, Gan Xiaoning, Xu Sanduo, Chengcai, and Zhu Jinming from Squad [-] almost all ran together.

Wu Liuyi took the lead, and as the leader, a long queue formed behind him.With a leader, you will not run more and more chaotically, and your pace can form a sense of rhythm.

Under the leadership of Wu Liuyi, the long team ran almost two kilometers, and the contestants of Steel Seventh Company were still in the first echelon.

After running three kilometers, the gap in physical fitness gradually became apparent.

In fact, the most difficult stage of the five-kilometer off-road is neither the beginning nor the end, but the middle section.

When in this interval, the body is in the fatigue period after energy consumption.

However, as long as you survive the fatigue period and your willpower is stronger, there is basically no problem in reaching the finish line.

Of course, this is under the premise of not considering the pros and cons of the performance. After training, the fatigue period will gradually shorten.

But the process of going through the fatigue period is extremely painful, especially breathing. My chest is burning and I can hardly breathe. The front is still aerobic exercise, and the back is basically anaerobic.

The pain of shortness of breath forced many contestants to slow down.

Li Bing thought it was okay. Looking at Wu Liuyi in front of him, he started to speed up.

He likes the feeling of running against the wind. It may be painful for others, but for him, it is a kind of enjoyment.

This is actually a psychological reverse effect.

With the last kilometer left, the first echelon of the No. [-] Steel Company began to accelerate and sprint.

Running No.1 temporarily is Huang Yaohui from the 702rd Battalion, [-]th Company and [-]rd Squad of the [-] Regiment.

Wu Liuyi still ranked second.

Li Bing followed them, ranking third, followed by Cheng Cai and Xu Sanduo.

The speed of Shi Jin and Gan Xiaoning has gradually slowed down, ranking tenth.

Seeing that the finish line was coming, the people in front ran with all their might.

Li Bing had already exerted all his strength, and there seemed to be wind under his feet.

No one would have thought that by now, he could still have such an explosive speed!

That kind of speed is like a thousand-mile horse that has finally grown up, completely throwing off its four hooves on the grassland, and galloping freely!

It may be an exaggeration to make a thousand miles a day, but Li Bing's running speed is comparable to that of a horse!
Dash, Dash, Dash!
At this time, he has gradually surpassed Wu Liuyi.

"Old Gao, look quickly, Li Bing is already ranked second, and he is still accelerating!" Hong Xingguo couldn't sit still and shouted.

After Gao Cheng saw it with a telescope at the finish line, he ran to the second half of the race to greet him in person.

"Come on!" Shen Tie and Shen Gang were extremely excited and ran with Li Bing outside the arena.

Gaocheng has never been so excited before. Huang Yaohui from the third class of the fifth company is really strong. For two consecutive years, in the subject of armed five-kilometer cross-country, the seventh steel company can only come second.

Now, Li Bing is very likely to surpass Huang Yaohui and win the first place in the division!

The head of the regiment, Wang Qingrui, also came. Although both the fifth company and the seventh company were his companies, and Li Bing and Huang Yaohui were both his soldiers, they were different.

Because Li Bing is still young, there is still room for growth!
Huang Yaohui knew that someone was chasing him, and the distance was getting closer and closer, and finally he was less than ten meters away!
He suddenly yelled "Ah", and made the final 100-meter sprint!
Li Bing also roared loudly: "Seventh Steel Company~!"

He mobilized almost every muscle, every inch of bone, and even every cell in his body.

All the strength accumulated in training exploded at the last moment!
He is like a cheetah, at the last moment, he does everything he can to fight for the first place!

His eyes were fixed on the red line at the finish line in front of him, and he was supported by an extremely strong thought in his heart—for the Seventh Steel Company, for the honor, to win the first place!

With such a high-speed sprint in the end, both of them are now at the end of their strength, and they are all supported by a single energy and will!

"Chong~!" Li Bing roared again, caught up with Huang Yaohui, and evened with him.

Huang Yaohui glanced at him sideways, then continued to accelerate.

Seeing that the two were about to reach the finish line, Li Bing accelerated again, and then hit the line hard with his chest.

The time was fixed at the moment he crossed the line, 17 minutes and 32 seconds.

He was [-] seconds faster than Huang Yaohui, and in this short time, he became the first in the whole division!

(End of this chapter)

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