Chapter 65
Li Bing won the first place in the five-kilometer armed cross-country division. This news was enough to cheer the Seventh Steel Company.

As for Chengcai and Xu Sanduo, one fourth and one fifth, there are not many people paying attention to them.

When Chengcai was sitting and resting, he watched Hong Xingguo, Gao Cheng and others greet Li Bing and ask for warmth, and said to the people next to him: "Isn't it just running fast? Fighting rounds, who among the five Liuyi in the whole division can choose?" What happened? Xu Sanduo is the record holder of 333. These Li Bing are not strong."

Wu Liuyi rubbed Xu Sanduo's legs, and took a look at Cheng Cai: "No. [-] is No. [-], no matter which subject, it's a shame for Gang Qilian."

Gan Xiaoning also turned against Chengcai and said, "That's right, Chengcai, if you are really capable, I'll see if you take first place in tomorrow's shooting competition, and I can tell you that Zhou Maolin from Class [-] and Dai Yilong from Class [-] are all sniper A master. Li Bing's shooting is also good, as a talent, don't say you are number one, you can be in the top three is very good."

Being looked down upon by a group of teammates, Chengcai was really angry: "What's so great about them, you can see, I'll take the first place tomorrow and let you see, what is the real gun king!"

The shooting competition set up by the National Normal University Competition is not the previous shooting with five rounds of bullets. This subject is to imagine that a row of 40 "enemy troops" will launch an attack 200 meters away from our position, and our side is only one Soldiers fight in bunkers.

It is required that within 1 minute, the enemy army should not be rushed to our position, and the enemy army should be completely wiped out.

Soldiers participating in the competition can use the automatic rifle Bayi Bar or the sniper rifle 85 sniper, but it is required to change the magazine three times in the middle. An excellent shooter takes 2 to 3 seconds to change the magazine each time, and three times is 6 to 9 seconds. The time is 51~54 seconds.

On average, it takes 1.3 seconds to fire a bullet and kill an enemy.

This requires sharp eyesight and quick hands, and the hit rate must be high. If the first shot is missed and then a follow-up shot is made, a lot of time will be wasted.

A simple trench, plus a single soldier pit, a platoon of enemy troops 200 meters away launches a charge, and the participating soldiers must stop them in the bunker. If an enemy breaks into the position within 1 minute, or does not shoot If you kill, you will deduct 1 point. This is today's competition.

This is also a typical shooting competition with practical meaning.

Chengcai is very confident in his marksmanship, and he is determined to win the first place in the shooting competition.

Li Bing was not so optimistic. He knew that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. He had already heard that in the Seventh Steel Company, Zhou Maolin from the sixth squad and Dai Yilong from the eighth squad were all masters in using sniper rifles.

After the competition started, Li Bing was in front of the talented people for assessment.

He uses the most skilled Bayi bars.

Those "enemy troops" played by the division's direct team are flexible, and it is not an easy task to quickly eliminate them. Fortunately, there are no shelters outside the trenches, and the "enemy troops" can only lie down and bend over , or move coquettishly to avoid.

In this way, the difficulty of shooting is increased, and the enemy who charges forward must be killed first.

Li Bing kept shooting "bang bang bang", and the enemy soldiers fell under his guns one after another.

Of course, there was also a bullet that missed the enemy, and it was necessary to make up the gun, and an extra bullet was fired.

Finally, at 59 seconds, all 40 enemies were finally killed.

100 points score: 59 seconds and 41 rounds of ammunition.

Competition rules: 1 point will be added for every second that ends prematurely, 1 point will be deducted for every bullet consumed, and 60 point will be deducted for every remaining enemy over 1 seconds, with 100 points as the initial value.

Next, it was the turn of Shi Jin, Wu Liuyi, Xu Sanduo, Gan Xiaoning and others. Their scores were all around 100, and it was their turn to become talents in the end.

With a smile on the corner of Chengcai's mouth, he aimed at the "enemy" 200 meters away with a scope.

His reaction was very fast, and the rate of fire was also very fast. He kept moving the muzzle of the gun, almost one shot at a time, without any misses.

The final result: it took 50 seconds and consumed 40 rounds of ammunition.Score: 110 points.

Chengcai originally thought that with such a result, he could be ranked first in the division, but, as Gan Xiaoning predicted, Zhou Maolin in Class 1 scored 49 point higher than him, taking 40 seconds and consuming [-] rounds of ammunition.

Dai Yilong from Class 45 was even stronger, and completed the challenge in 115 seconds, scoring 1 points, and won the No.[-] result in the whole division.

According to the whole division, the No. [-] Steel Company won all the first, second and third places in the shooting competition.

After the results came out, Chengcai was silent, and he squatted alone in a corner of the field.

"Chengcai, what's the matter with you?" After Xu Sanduo found out, he walked over to comfort him.

"Three idiots, I'm done..."

"Chengcai, why do you say such depressing words again? You are endless! You are No.3 in the whole teacher!"

The confidence in becoming a talent has suffered a huge blow: "It's not over yet?! The Seventh Steel Company is all top! I thought my sniper was the strongest, and this is what I am most proud of, but they are better than me. !"

Xu Sanduo looked at Chengcai's dejected look, and seemed to see Li Bing's appearance when he first went to the fifth squad in the grassland: "Chengcai, the company commander said, you have the talent to be a sniper, and you will be the king of guns in the future!"

"King of guns, king of guns! King of guns! I am the third, not the first! I feel that if I continue to stay in the Seventh Steel Company, I am afraid that I will never be able to make it to the top. There are too many good soldiers in the Seventh Steel Company. I'd rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, Xu Sanduo, do you understand?"

Xu Sanduo didn't quite understand what Chengcai wanted to do: "I don't understand! I only know that you are strong in other aspects, and you have no shortcomings. As long as you persevere, you will definitely be able to do it."

Chengcai shook his head: "Xu Sanduo, I came out of the countryside, and now I understand that I can't do it if I want to work vigorously in the military camp for a lifetime, they have to ask me to do it! Conscripts only have two years, if you want to be in the military camp If you continue to work here, you will either be promoted to a military academy, or transferred to a non-commissioned officer to extend your military service, otherwise, you will have to be demobilized and go home.”

Xu Sanduo said: "Chengcai, I know you don't want to leave, and I don't want to leave either, so you can be transferred to a non-commissioned officer."

"I want to transfer too, but there are too many good soldiers in the No. [-] Steel Company. Will they transfer me?" Cheng Cai had already inquired. There are already several top talents in the No. [-] Steel Company who want to transfer to non-commissioned officers. His performance this time is not good. , being upstaged by Zhou Maolin from Class [-] and Dai Yilong from Class [-], his hopes are getting slimmer and slimmer.

Ren Niufei, the company commander of the Red Third Company, came over: "Chengcai, did the banyan tree grow in your hometown? Instructor He asked for leave and went back to Dahu Township. When I came back, I happened to lead the team to compete, so let me take your home A letter from you."

As he spoke, he took out a letter from his pocket.

Chengcai took it, and after seeing the contents of the letter, it was like a thunderbolt!

His father accidentally fell while working, and he couldn't get up in bed. He wanted him to hand over some money to go home, or take a few days off to go home and have a look.

If it's really a house leak and it rains overnight, it's even worse!

Looking at the letter from home, Chengcai felt as if he had knocked over the five-flavor bottle in his heart, full of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty and delicious.

Ren Niufei had already heard He Hongtao talk about Chengcai's family situation, and patted him on the shoulder: "Chengcai, if you want to open up, if you need anything, just call me, or Lao Gao, and we will try our best to help you."

Chengcai nodded, thinking of his situation, he instantly felt that these words were so warm, and felt that Ren Niufei was a good company commander.

Thinking of this, he said to Xu Sanduo: "Xu Sanduo, I want to talk to the Third Company Commander about something, you should go get busy first."

"Okay. Third company commander, then I'll go first!" Xu Sanduo saluted Ren Niufei and left.

Chengcai hesitated for a moment, and said, "Third Company Commander, I...I want to ask you something."

Ren Niufei smiled and said: "Chengcai, I have a very good relationship with Lao Gao. Lao Gao's temper is like that. He is soft on the inside and strong on the outside. It is not easy to communicate. If you have something that is inconvenient to tell him, just tell me." Bar."

After Chengcai was encouraged, he finally expressed what was in his heart: "Company Commander, if... I said that if I want to go to Hongsan Company... would you want me?"

(End of this chapter)

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