The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1288 Witnessing the Veterans

Chapter 1288 Witnessing Veterans ([-])

On the fifth day, when Wang Qingfeng stood with other soldiers and looked at Shang Zhen in the yard, Shang Zhen was already fully dressed and standing in front of him.

Now he has confirmed that although Shang Zhen was injured, not to mention the severity of the injury, he has never reached the point where he cannot take care of himself and relies on others to carry him.

The reason why Shang Zhen stayed in the village with his people was because he was waiting for Old Mao Wang to come back. As for what Old Mao Wang was doing, Shang Zhen and his soldiers didn't say a word to him. Mention, Wang Qingfeng is also very interesting and did not ask.

Then just wait, Wang Qingfeng thought, already holding the mentality of what comes and goes.

To put it bluntly, he and Shang Zhen's veterans didn't get along well at first, they even beat him up, but after the veterans saved his life that time, the relationship has naturally eased a lot.

What's more, Wang Qingfeng also believed that if Shang Zhen and his group were not the best bodyguards in the entire 337 Brigade, there would be no one else, so why would I be afraid of being with Shang Zhen and the others?
It's just that what makes Wang Qingfeng very helpless now is that it's not just that Shang Zhen hid his injuries, but that they didn't wait for Wang Laomao and the others to come back, but they waited for the Japanese army to come!
Just when Wang Qingfeng was going to wander around the village again, a villager ran back in a panic from outside the village to report that he saw a Japanese devil riding a tall horse to the mountain valley where the war was fought a few days ago!

As soon as the news spread, the whole village became tense.

You must know that the mountain depression is only a few miles away from this village, so who knows if the Japanese army will come over once they find this village.

What made Wang Qingfeng speechless was that when he and the villager who came to report the news rushed to Shang Zhen's house, when he said that the Japanese devils had gone to that mountain depression, it was Shang Zhen who was lying on the kang who "assassinated him." Leng'er" got up immediately.

Oh, mother of the goose, who can tell that he is a wounded person just because of the smoothness of his movements?
It's just that at this time, it's not the time for Wang Qingfeng to complain about Shang Zhen, the Japanese devils are here, and Wang Qingfeng can still figure out which is more important.

While Shang Zhen asked the soldiers to notify the people with smoke coming from the chimneys to put out the fire quickly, it took only a moment to turn over and get off the kang while fully dressed, and then Wang Qingfeng heard Shang Zhen yell, "Look at me, everyone! Go talk in the yard."

When Shang Zhen said this, the soldiers in the crowded room went out, thus forming the current scene.

"Do you see how many little devils there are? Did they come on horseback?" Shang Zhen asked.

"When the Japanese devils came, I was so scared that I fell down in the wheat field, but I think there are always 30 Japanese devils, and they all ride horses." The villager replied.

"Oh." Shang Zhen nodded and then ignored the villager and said to the soldiers who had already lined up: "The little devil will definitely come to this village."

Seeing that Shang Zhen said so firmly, let alone the soldiers, at least Wang Qingfeng's heart skipped a beat, and the villager's face turned pale.

"These little devils should have collected the corpses of those little devils we beat to death earlier.

Not to mention that they came to this village to kill people to vent their anger, so they probably have to come to the village to find a carriage to pull people to death, right? "Shang Zhen gave the simplest analysis.

The devil is going to come to this village?Wang Qingfeng sighed in his heart, and he had the urge to turn around and run.

But after all, he hasn't forgotten his identity. Although he is not in charge of directing the battle, he is still the highest officer in the yard, so stay calm!
"Now let's go to Shanwazi immediately according to the original plan." Shang Zhen ordered, and then he looked at the villagers who had gathered around and said, "Don't start cooking for these two days, we will definitely lure the devils Let's go! Let's go!"

What is this and what?Everyone started to move, but Wang Qingfeng was a little confused. What Shang Zhen said was too simple.

Why is there still the original plan, what original plan?It's just that now is not the time for him to think about things, the courtyard is already full of people, and Wang Qingfeng left the courtyard surrounded by veterans.

When they got out of the yard, the soldiers naturally wanted to quicken their pace, and Wang Qingfeng followed instinctively.

And only then did he wake up, Shang Zhen was going to take someone to fight the devils!But Shang Zhen went to fight the devils, what should he do?
Yes, what are you doing?How about asking Shang Zhen?He looked at the back of Shang Zhen who was trotting ahead and thought.

But at this time, he ran a little slowly. When someone passed him from behind, he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, so he bumped him with his shoulder.

"Why, you don't dare to fight the devils, you should guard the village here!" Hou Wangshan passed by, but the words drifted over.

What?Guard the village?or yourself?Forget it then!
Wang Qingfeng was stunned for a moment, then instinctively chased him out, leaving him alone to guard the village, just kidding!That little devil is coming to find a carriage to collect the corpses of their people!
Soon, Wang Qingfeng ran out of breath.

It has been eight years since Wang Qingfeng entered the customs with the Northeast Army. As far as the entire Northeast Army is concerned, these eight years have been eight years of homelessness.

It was the original thing that Wang Qingfeng was called Fatty Wang. Now his big belly has long since disappeared, so his figure is also well-proportioned.

And because he has been serving as the logistics chief for his brother-in-law, the brigade commander, the food is not bad, so his physical fitness is actually better than that of ordinary soldiers.

So, just trotting now, although his physical fitness is not as good as Shang Zhen and other veterans, he is still better than ordinary soldiers.

Everyone knows that the Chinese army is at a disadvantage in bayonet fighting with the Japanese army. Regardless of the level of bayonet fighting, it is also a big aspect that the physical strength of Chinese soldiers cannot keep up with Japanese soldiers.

What do Japanese soldiers eat and what do our Chinese soldiers eat?
If the human beings on the land of China are now compared to a food chain, then the Japanese army is undoubtedly at the top!As for the Chinese soldiers, especially the ordinary soldiers of the miscellaneous army, they are not much better than the people at the bottom!
The reason here is that, on the one hand, as the territory occupied by the Japanese army invaded China became larger and larger, it became more and more difficult for the Chinese army to supply logistics; There are very few people who do not deduct the salary of the soldiers below!
Officers at all levels were drawn and exploited layer by layer, and many troops just couldn't starve to death when they reached the bottom soldiers.

Before the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, the Nanjing Military and Political Department promulgated an army food standard, stipulating that a soldier can receive 22 taels of rice or 26 taels of rice noodles, 4 taels of canned Zheng Tao meat, 2 taels of dry tea, and pickles. 2 two.

Since a catty is equal to 16 taels nowadays, it means that every soldier can eat a catty and a half of rice every day.

As far as the current Chinese army can achieve this food standard, not to mention eating one by one with a shiny face, it will definitely not be bad in terms of physical strength for fighting and marching.

But in fact, there is a trustworthy nutritionist in China who went deep into the national army to conduct an investigation, and the result is this:

Soldiers with nutritional edema and beriberi can be seen everywhere. A large number of soldiers have night blindness, which affects their night combat effectiveness. More than [-]% of soldiers have inflammation of their lips, more than [-]% of soldiers have roundworms in their stomachs, and more than half of soldiers have dental caries!
And the main reason for all this is malnutrition due to lack of food.

And the above-mentioned soldiers are still regular soldiers, not including those strong men who were forced to come here!

So, it is not easy for the ancestors to beat the devils, and they always say that we have defeated the Japanese imperialism, but how much experience and lessons need to be learned from it?

(End of this chapter)

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