The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1289 Witnessing the Veterans

Chapter 1289 Witnessing Veterans ([-])

It seemed that he was doing well, Wang Qingfeng couldn't help feeling complacent when he saw that he was not left behind by the veterans while running.

Still, without even realizing it himself, his complacency wasn't that he wasn't holding the veterans back, but that he was still with them.

After all, he can only feel safe with veterans.

However, Wang Qingfeng's self-satisfaction didn't last long. Just halfway through the run, Shang Zhen, who was running in the front, suddenly waved his hands and quickened his pace at the same time.

As soon as Shang Zhen became faster, the soldiers under him naturally became faster, and the soldiers became faster, and Wang Qingfeng, who was afraid that only his elder brother would be left alone, naturally also became faster.

But in the end Wang Qingfeng found with some sadness that although there were still a few soldiers in front of him, Shang Zhen had already run into a forest and disappeared. You can see that valley.

What are you trying to figure out?Wang Qingfeng struggled and ran panting.

It is said that he is entangled because, what is the purpose of running fast?Of course he was going to fight the Japanese devils, but has Wang Qingfeng ever beaten the Japanese devils?

It would be nonsense to say that there is no such thing. He also participated in the battle with the Japanese army when he was the company commander.

But what kind of battle was that? He ordered to shoot when he saw the khaki figure of the Japanese army from a distance.

He was not even sure whether his soldiers with rifles had hit the Japanese army, let alone him who was still using a box cannon. With the range of the box cannon, if he fired a few shots at that time, he could hit a Japanese soldier. For the Japanese army, it is no different from a pie falling from the sky.

Running fast is to beat devils. This is really against his original intention, because he is timid, but running slowly leaves him alone. Not entangled?

And when Wang Qingfeng tried his best not to be the last one to pass through the woods, he saw their people already on the top of the hill, it was Qin Chuan, and Qin Chuan was gesturing towards them who had just got out of the woods.

The hill wasn't very high, and Wang Qingfeng could see Qin Chuan's gestures clearly, but he didn't understand what Qin Chuan's gestures meant.

But he didn't understand, but some of the soldiers understood. Ma Tianfang waved his one arm and shouted: "Don't go up the mountain behind me, come with me!"

This was also an order, and the soldiers following Ma Tianfang followed Qin Chuan and ran along the foot of the mountain.

But at this moment, for some reason, Wang Qingfeng suddenly felt a little ashamed.

The reason why he was ashamed was actually very simple, that is, he, a man with sound limbs, couldn't outrun Ma Tianfang with one arm!
Of course a one-armed person can run, but compared to a person with both arms, there is still a disadvantage in running.

But Wang Qingfeng also understands that it is far away now, how to save his own life is the real thing.

What should I do?Up the mountain or around the mountain?He hesitated.

Shang Zhen and the others actually split up, and Wang Qingfeng didn't know where Shang Zhen was now.

With Shang Zhen?Forget it, that guy runs faster than a rabbit and he's not a hunting dog.

Besides, the veterans also said that Shang Zhen was the most capable fighter among their group. That guy always went to dangerous places, but he didn't have that kind of skill.

So, Wang Qingfeng finally ran away with Ma Tian in front of them.

After running out of the village until now, there has been no gunfire from the beginning to the end, but Wang Qingfeng has been running with the soldiers all the time.

At this moment, Wang Qingfeng couldn't help admiring Shang Zhen and the others.

Just saying that Shang Zhen and the others are still alive and kicking from September [-]th to now, but their ability to run is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

After running for a long time, Wang Qingfeng followed Ma Tianfang and they stopped behind a small hill.

But to Wang Qingfeng's surprise, this hill is no longer one of the hills surrounding the Shanwazi, but a little further away.

Wang Qingfeng, who was still panting heavily, had already noticed that there were at least two mountains between this hill and the hills surrounding the valley, but it was already one kilometer away from the valley.

What is this for?Wang Qingfeng felt that he didn't understand, but he didn't ask, not because he didn't want to ask, but because he was still out of breath now!
It's just that Wang Qingfeng can be free, and the dozen or so veterans who came running over won't be free, but they are already looking for branches, dead branches to be precise.

Although it was said that it just rained a few days ago, fortunately, the rain was not heavy, and the summer sun was very hot, and the dead branches had become dry and loud again under the sun.

"It's almost done, light the fire first!" Ma Tian put down the order, and some soldiers took out matches to light the hay they had picked up.

Wang Qingfeng, who had already recovered her breath, still played the role of a bystander and did not talk nonsense.

On the one hand, he wanted to see what Shang Zhen's soldiers were going to do, but on the other hand, he was really afraid of Shang Zhen's veterans!Everyone of these veterans can hate him, but he can't afford it.

At the banquet where he thanked Shang Zhen and the others for saving their lives, when everyone was drinking wine, Old Mao Wang pointed to his nose and said, you are a guy who watches people order dishes, but you also drink too much. In order to improve the relationship with the veterans, he said, why do I just let others order dishes?You are all my dad!

At that time, his Wang Qingfeng's words caused the veterans to burst into laughter, but after waking up, naturally no veteran laughed at him for losing his temper after drinking. It was a joke to call those veterans his father, but it was true that he couldn't offend those veterans. of!

The soldiers really lit the fire, and there was blue smoke curling up towards the blue sky, and as the fire became stronger, the blue smoke rose again and finally turned into a smoke column.

At this time, Wang Qingfeng finally called out: "You guys are so messed up, aren't you trying to recruit the little devil?"

Those few veterans were still collecting firewood and fueling the fire, but they all looked at him who was yelling at the same time. From Wang Qingfeng's understanding, there was certainly suspicion in his eyes that he had never seen the world. But it seems to be saying, congratulations, you got it right!
Wang Qingfeng opened his mouth in astonishment, his face became mournful as he watched the rising smoke.

However, it was Ma Tianfang who comforted him and said, "What are you afraid of? Let's lay an ambush and kill the little devil."

Hearing what Ma Tianfang said, Wang Qingfeng looked over. Ma Tianfang's expression was very flat, but Wang Qingfeng grinned again.

Are the people in Shang Zhen so awesome?They wanted to use their dozen or so people to destroy a group of 30 to [-] Japanese cavalry, it was like killing a bug.

"Okay, it's almost done. Chief Wang and I are in charge of watching the fire. You all find a good place to ambush. It is estimated that the little devil's cavalry is coming soon." Ma Tianfang ordered again.

So those soldiers ran away, they ran very scattered, not far but not close.

In the woods, behind the mound, and on the top of the hill, there are places to hide anyway. At this time, Wang Qingfeng also noticed that these soldiers were not in groups of two, but were all alone.

The fact that Wang Qingfeng can't fight well is only because he is timid, but it doesn't mean he is stupid.

Of course he understood that the soldiers were going to shoot from different angles at the Japanese troops who would appear here soon from different positions.

And this point made Wang Qingfeng admire these veterans under Shang Zhen.

You must know that not every soldier can become a lone hero and act alone. Soldiers still tend to huddle together to keep warm. If they are still killed in battle, then accept their fate.

It's just that Wang Qingfeng's admiration for the veterans was only for a moment, and then he thought, I'm really eating carrots and worrying about them, so I don't care what they do?Let's worry about yourself, what if the devil's cavalry rushes over?I have such a stick!

And when Wang Qingfeng looked at Ma Tianfang subconsciously, the reason why he looked at Ma Tianfang was, of course, because only Ma Tianfang and himself were left beside the fire, so there was no way to seek comfort in his eyes. meaning.

Ma Tianfang looked at him and smiled, the meaning of the smile was long, and then Wang Qingfeng heard Ma Tianfang say: "Mr. Wang thinks this place is very dangerous, the little devil must have come here?"

Wang Qingfeng didn't say a word, but he nodded, and he didn't even notice it himself. His nodding was true, but the frequency of nodding was really too fast. It's too much to say nodding, but he had to catch up anyway. A chick is pecking rice!

Seeing Ma Tianfang, Wang Qingfeng smiled and said, "It's really dangerous here. Oh, by the way, Mr. Wang is using a stick, right?"

Wang Qingfeng nodded again. He is an officer, and it can be said that he is a person with status. Of course, he must use a stick.

But how could he not understand that in this kind of battle, Luzi can only hit 50 meters, and with his own marksmanship, he may not be able to hit the target at 30 meters. This gun is only for self-defense and is not suitable for fighting. Then it is no longer a way to scare the common people!

"Since it's dangerous here and it's not too far to hit the devil, then Mr. Wang might as well go to the front, where the devil can still use the devil." Ma Tianfang said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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