Chapter 1324

"It's not easy to fight any of them!" Old Mao Wang sighed again in the afternoon.

From more than [-] o'clock in the morning until more than [-] o'clock in the afternoon, the Japanese army in front of them was over.

Don't care what kind of organization they are, whether it is a brigade or a division, anyway, they estimate that this Japanese army must have [-] people!
Shang Zhen and the others had killed the Japanese sentry last night and entered the Japanese defense line. Under the cover of night, they had already advanced sixteen or seven miles inside.

Originally, Shang Zhen and the others only planned to kill the heavy machine gun of the Japanese army after touching it.

But Shang Zhen thought about it again, since his group had already penetrated the Japanese defense line, the movement of killing a heavy machine gun was a little less, and besides, they couldn't figure out how many Japanese troops were around when it got dark.

And this kind of attack is destined to only happen once.

Now they can be regarded as fighting in the heart of the enemy. As long as the battle starts, regardless of their results, the Japanese army will definitely swarm in from all directions.

Even if they can escape, it is impossible to start a new battle again.

Don't look at Shang Zhen's words of looking down on the Japanese army, such little devils, Japanese devils, little bastards, etc., but in actual actions, they know the fighting power of the Japanese army too well, and they don't want to be beaten by the Japanese army!

So if this is the case, why don't they find a more valuable target, such as the command post of the Japanese army, such as the ammunition storage of the Japanese army.

And all day long today, they saw the Japanese army marching past them like ants, so they felt that they couldn't do anything.

It is distressing not to have devils to fight, and it is also distressed to have too many devils to fight, and this is why Old Mao Wang sighed.

Now that Old Mao Wang finished sighing and looked at Shang Zhen. Naturally, he was waiting for Shang Zhen to make up his mind, and he felt that there was nothing he could do.

"Look at me?" Shang Zhen guessed Wang Laomao's psychology when he saw Wang Laomao's expression, that is, he asked the question knowingly.

Old Mao Wang looked at Shang Zhen's expression, but he couldn't understand what Shang Zhen was thinking. His teeth itch with hatred, but this time he wanted to scold Shang Zhen again, but he couldn't.

That's because the veterans have already persuaded him, saying, Uncle Wang, now we are back in the main army, not only our group of people are together, but there are others. If you want to scold Shang Zhen, you have to recite it. Let's go, he's the company commander, you're the deputy!
Old Mao Wang scolding Shang Zhen was just a matter of habit, he was not stupid, and thought to himself that this was really the case, and he had to save some face for that bastard Shang Zhen.

But now, just looking at Shang Zhen's expression, he knew that the story of the veterans persuading him behind his back must have reached Shang Zhen's ears, otherwise how could he be in such a shameful state?

Just when Wang Laomao felt that he was going to blurt out another curse on Shang Zhen, but Shang Zhen didn't give him this chance, he pointed in front of him the moment he was about to blurt out the dirty words and said: "The devil has lived too much, which one is not good to beat?" Choose, I will take two people to the top to choose!"

Shang Zhen's words were so timely, so he directly choked back Old Mao Wang's vulgar words.

The helpless old man Wang bit his old teeth that were yellow from smoking, so he could only follow the other me and follow Shang Zhen's direction.

Most of the terrain here is hilly and low mountains, the mountains are not high, and the open area is not small, but there is a peak protruding behind the short mountains in front, but it is higher than other mountains.

"Are you familiar with the terrain here?" Wang Laomao asked Shang Zhen after being stunned for a moment.

"Anyway, I know him better than you." Shang Zhen replied.

"When did you wander around here, why don't I know?" Old Mao Wang asked curiously.

Shang Zhen smiled: "That's when Old Uncle Wang was lying in a daze."

When Shang Zhen said this, Monk Zhanger, who was in the original guard company, couldn't figure it out, but a smile appeared on the faces of Shang Zhen's group of veterans.

"Get out! Get out of here!" Old Mao Wang blushed and cursed.

To tell the truth, Wang Laomao is nearly fifty now, and his little daughter-in-law is pregnant again, and he already has the intention to retire. If it is not because of military discipline and no good place to go now, then he really wants to go back to the mountains and forests Daughter-in-law and children are hot on the kang.

When Shang Zhen said that he was lying in a daze, he meant that he didn't want to do anything, but lay down and thought about his little wife every day.

Being disrespectful to the old, but being exposed by Shang Zhen, how can Wang Laomao's old face not be red despite the vicissitudes of life?

Shang Zhen saw that Old Mao Wang was blushing, so of course he knew it was time to order. He put a smile on his face and called by name: "You two, Qingfeng Li, come with me."

"Ah? Are you just taking the two of them?" Old Mao Wang hurriedly asked to hide his embarrassment.

Old Mao Wang couldn't help but not ask, after all, they came out with fifty people this time, but Shang Zhen only brought two people with him to scout out the enemy's situation.

"It's too obvious to have too many targets. Three people are enough. You just hang around here. Let's meet again tomorrow night or the morning after tomorrow. We must find a big target this time!" Shang Zhen said.

"It's a way, so be careful." Old Mao Wang thought for a while and said.

"Yes." Shang Zhen replied.

More than two hours later, when the setting sun was only a thin line in the western sky, Shang Zhen, Li Qingfeng, and Big Boss finally appeared on the hillside of a mountain. It is a steep slope, and it is the peak that Shang Zhen pointed out earlier, which is very different from other short mountains.

The reason why the three of Shang Zhen and the others arrived here was slow, on the one hand, because Wangshan ran a dead horse, and the mountain looked close at the time, but it was actually quite far away; on the other hand, they naturally had to be wary of the possible Japanese troops around of.

It has become part of the Japanese front.

The tens of thousands of Japanese troops they saw during the day could not be gathered together like they were marching. The Japanese army also needed to deploy troops within a range of more than ten miles in depth, such as attacking troops in front and fire cover behind.

However, the 51st Army deployed defenses along the Baisha River line like hemp salt, but the Japanese soldiers who were on the offensive side would condense into several "arrows" to attack key areas.

This way of fighting will of course lead to more Japanese troops on the local battlefield. It must be admitted that the Chinese army has too many problems in command.

But isn't that the so-called "trading space for time"?The rigid command and the miscellaneous army are consuming the Japanese army ahead, who cares about the life and death of the miscellaneous army?What the upper echelons care about is only the use value of the motley army, that's all.

As for the fact that the motley army is really exhausted, then it should be exhausted.

Perhaps, as far as the Northeast Army is concerned, on the night of September [-], they received an order from above not to resist and lost the three provinces in the Northeast within a month. That was their original sin, and that was their eternal shame. .

This kind of original sin and shame can't be washed away even with blood. Otherwise, why would many people in later generations talk about the "non-resistance" of the Northeast Army?

Shang Zhen and Li Qingfeng started to climb up the mountain, climbing with bare hands.

The height of the above steep mountain is about 30 meters, Shang Zhen and Li Qingfeng can still climb up it, while the old man stays below to watch the wind.

On that mountain peak, Shang Zhen will use a telescope to observe the surroundings in order to obtain the most valuable attack target.

(End of this chapter)

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