Chapter 1325 First Battle
"Company commander, look quickly, the flag is moving! The flag is moving!" A soldier pointed to the front and shouted.

There is a small hill there, and there is their observation post on the hill. According to their company commander's prior deployment, if the observation post waved the red flag, it would be an enemy situation.

If you shake it twice, you have found a small number of Japanese troops, and if you shake it more than two times, it means that there are more Japanese troops.

"You're already old, why panic?" Hearing the soldiers shout, the company commander reprimanded dissatisfiedly, and then pointed the binoculars over.

Naturally, he could see more clearly with the binoculars, and he saw that the soldier in charge of looking out was waving the flag desperately, and the one next to him had his back turned to him, and he was monitoring the enemy's situation.

"Three times, four times, five times, six times, seven times - why are you still waving this?" The company commander was a little flustered when he saw the lookout post waving the flag like this, but luckily the flag didn't wave at all Eighth time.

Then he saw in the binoculars that the two lookout posts he had arranged on the high point received the flags and ran back from the only open space on the top of the mountain with their waists down.

The two lookout posts were arranged in advance by the company commander. They were connected to the main position, that is, such a trench, and the small hill was 500 meters in front of the trench.

That is to look around and run back after a short notice. They can't stay there all the time, waiting for the Japanese army to set up heavy machine guns there, right?
Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the handling of those two soldiers!
And an hour later, the heavy machine guns of the Japanese army on the small hill where the two lookout posts stayed were "dongdongdongdongdongdongdongdong", and the bullets accurately hit the front of the trenches of this company. There is a sound of "chirp", "chirp" and "chirp".

This is the fire cover before the Japanese attack.

At this time, the Chinese officers and soldiers hiding in the trenches were not surprised but happy.

"Damn it, everything is ready for me! But no one is allowed to shoot! Wait a while for the little devil infantry to come up and listen to my orders!" The company commander shouted looking at the small hill ahead.

On the left and right sides of the company commander, there was a whole platoon of soldiers also hiding in the trenches. Although everyone was holding a rifle, no one showed their heads.

As for the remaining two platoons, there were people who showed their heads and watched, but they were just watching. The Japanese infantry did not show up, and they could shoot wherever they liked with their heavy machine guns.

The Chinese position was built on the hillside, and the so-called position was dug a waist-deep trench.

As the defensive side, it is natural to choose an area that is conducive to their own defense. There is an open field in front of them. There were bushes on the open field, but after this company established a position here, the bushes have been given to them. Most of them were brought down.

However, under the order of the company commander, they were "lazy" even when cutting the bushes, leaving more than ten pieces uncut, so the bushes became fragmented.

There are hundreds of soldiers in a company. Even if the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army didn't have enough to eat two months ago, they still have enough to eat after being transferred here.

So they left the left and right bushes uncut, and it wasn't because they were really lazy.

When the Japanese army launched an attack on their position and encountered their fierce resistance, they would naturally find a place to hide, so those shrubs that were still standing were their inevitable choice.

Then, the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army in the position don't need to find out where the Japanese army is, they just shoot into the bushes that are still standing there.

So the clusters of bushes that are still standing are the traps they specially set up for the Japanese army.


Just like the Japanese army's heavy machine gun called Zhenghuan, the small mountain bag is actually a trap designed by them using the terrain!
On the opposite side of this company's position is such a high point, the height is similar to that of the Northeast Army's position, so how can the Japanese army set up heavy machine guns there?
Don't look at the lush vegetation on the hill, and the heavy machine gun is in the lush vegetation, but the heavy machine gun of the Japanese army must be mounted there. The company commander just confirmed it with a telescope.

Compared with rifles, heavy machine guns can shoot at a super long distance. Now it is summer, if the company commander has not predicted the psychology of the Japanese army, it is generally not easy for the people who are shot at a distance to find the heavy guns that are shooting. The location of the machine gun.

"Company commander, the devils are attacking!" A soldier shouted.

The company commander turned his eyes to the front. At this time, the Japanese infantry finally showed their heads. Since they were far away, they couldn't see the details of the opponent's body clearly. However, some Japanese soldiers' helmets were shining in the morning sun. Gloss comes.

As for the other Japanese helmets, there was no flash, probably because grass or net bags were wrapped around the helmets.

If you count from September [-]th, this war has been fought for eight years. Not only the Chinese army learned war in the war, but also the Japanese army.

Although the Japanese army is still domineering, they also know to make some changes, for example, the helmet also knows to be a cover.

It is said that a senior Japanese general was shot dead by Chinese soldiers in the distance because of the reflection of his helmet when he inspected the front line.

But now, leaving aside the steel helmet, the Northeast Army officers and soldiers in the trenches no longer saw the shiny Japanese bayonets. It seems that the Japanese army also treated the bayonets with anti-reflective treatment.

The heavy machine gun of the Japanese army was still ringing "holes", and the scattered shots smashed the edge of the trench into dust.

However, the Chinese officers and soldiers in the trenches did not take the heavy machine gun too seriously.

As far as the Japanese Type [-] heavy machine gun is concerned, although the bullets used are similar in caliber to the Chinese imitated Maxim heavy machine gun, the momentum it creates is much worse than that of the Maxim heavy machine gun.

The reason is that when designing this machine gun, the Japanese army considered that Japan’s local resources were scarce and the consumption of ammunition should not be too large. Therefore, the design of this heavy machine gun did not intend to have the power of the wanton pouring of ammunition, but it focused on accurate shooting. In terms of long-distance shooting, it is more accurate than a rifle.

It's just that most of the Chinese officers and soldiers are hiding in the trenches now, so naturally they don't worry about the precise shooting of the Japanese heavy machine guns.

Under the cover of the Japanese army's heavy machine guns, the advancing Japanese army was getting closer and closer.

There were more than 20 Japanese soldiers who came up, and they were not standing close to each other. Let alone the Japanese soldiers now, even the Chinese army rarely charged in crowds.

Just after the bullets from the Japanese heavy machine guns swept over his head, the company commander poked his head out and looked forward. At this time, the Japanese soldiers were only about [-] meters away from the position.

"Everyone get ready! Remember your target!" The company commander suddenly shouted, using the sound of heavy machine gun fire from the Japanese army as the "background music".

He was about to give the order to start the fight, and at this distance, he was still somewhat sure of hitting the devils with their marksmanship.

And with his shout, there was a "crash" in the entire long trench, which means that the soldiers finally pushed and loaded the bombs.

The company commander also pushed the bolt, and then he held the gun with both hands but tilted his neck and put his right ear closest to the edge of the trench, as if he had fallen into a stiff neck, and when he heard the sound of the Japanese heavy machine guns finally became distant Sometimes, he thrust his body out of the trench and shouted, "Fight!"

There was a whole platoon of soldiers on the left and right of the company commander, but more than 30 people showed up and pointed their guns at the small mountain bag with Japanese heavy machine guns in the distance. "Crack" and "crack" sounded.

And in the sound of their guns, the heavy machine guns of the Japanese army stopped abruptly!

Yes, there may not be sharpshooters among these soldiers, but they can't hold back their numbers, but they use a whole platoon of people to shoot at the heavy machine gun that the Japanese army placed in the lush vegetation of the hill, and there are bullets in the end. Hit the Japanese machine gun shooter!
And at the same time that the Japanese army's heavy machine gun was misfiring, the Japanese army that was attacking the mountain was shot by two other platoons of soldiers from the Northeast Army in the trench.

Some Japanese soldiers were shot and fell to the ground, and some Japanese soldiers hurriedly hid behind the bushes that had not been cut down, and some Japanese soldiers were only injured when they were shot, and then struggled and rolled on the ground.

The officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army in the trenches were still shooting. The exposed Japanese soldiers didn’t care much whether they were lying on their stomachs or rolling over. Most of them fired bullets at that cluster (cluster) Another pinch of bushes.

Regardless of whether he can hit the Japanese army hiding behind it, even if he can't kill him, he will definitely scare the opponent.

However, in this company, there is at least one squad of soldiers still shooting at the hill ahead.

Could they see the Japanese troops?Of course not!
To be honest, is Conglong Cao talking for nothing?

They couldn't see the Japanese army at all, but they knew the approximate location of the heavy machine gun. In short, they couldn't let the Japanese army fire up the heavy machine gun again. up.

This was just the prelude to the approaching war. After more than ten minutes, the Japanese army withdrew, leaving more than a dozen corpses on the open ground in front of the company's position.

"It's just such a little devil who came up. Look at that time, you waved the flag like a fucking windmill!" After the victory, some soldiers scolded the two lookout posts dissatisfied, but there was no lack of words in their words. The joy of victory.

"So a little devil?" A lookout post replied dissatisfied, "There are hundreds of them here, and they are all black and white, but they haven't rushed up now!"

But at this time, Shang Zhen and Li Qingfeng were still obediently observing the situation in the distance on a mountain that could barely be called a mountain behind the Japanese army, and they could not hear the front line at all. gunshots.

"See, the little devil on the road got two cannons." Qingfeng Li said, pointing to the road in the distance.

"Where is it?" Shang Zhen, who was looking elsewhere with the binoculars, asked. He put down the binoculars for a while and glanced at the direction Li Qingfeng was pointing at, and then turned the binoculars towards it.

Those are two [-]-type infantry guns of the Japanese army. They are less than one meter long with shields. The barrels are short and thick, and the wheels are not rubber wheels but iron wheels. Of course, they look more like wood from a distance. of.

The two cannons were being dragged by two horses to the front line.

Shang Zhen frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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