Chapter 1333

Shang Zhen and Wang Laomao had already discovered the difference in the newly seized grenade.

As described earlier, the shape of the Japanese grenadier looks like a goblet that Westerners use to drink red wine.

The cup holder is the base or footboard of the grenadier, the thin rod above it is the handle, and the tube above it is the barrel.

To say that this grenadier is a bit bigger and taller than the original one, the barrel is also thicker, and the weight of the hand is also different.

Shang Zhen was good at it, but he just weighed it and found that the grenadier was four or five catties heavier than the one they had seized.

So, here comes the question, why is this grenadier different from the original one?

Shang Zhen usually plays with grenades. Of course, he is not as good as Qiao Xiong when it comes to shooting grenades or grenades with grenades, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand.

Subconsciously, he looked at the scale on the grenadier again, and saw that there were more scales on it than the original grenade.

What kind of thing is that scale?That is the ruler for the grenadier to shoot far and close. The grenade is a light mortar, but after all, there is no scope on the mortar.

Then all these discoveries point to one thing, that is, the grenade launcher of the Japanese army is a new model. Since the barrel is lengthened, it can only mean that its effective range has become longer.

Why Shang Zhen asked Qiao Xiong, He Xiangcai, and Fan Chanchan to follow Hou Wangshan forward? It was because Qiao Xiong shot the grenade most accurately, but also because they had already studied the grenade used by Qiao Xiong. Thoroughly.

The grenade or grenade can be fired 50 meters away, and it is basically impossible to shoot it farther, or it will become inaccurate because it cannot be controlled.

This is like a rifle with an effective range of 500 meters. Whether the bullet can fly to 1000 meters or not, some guns can, but when the bullet really flies to 600 meters, it is no longer known where it deviates. up.

Therefore, Yao Shangzhen wanted Qiao Xiong to use grenade grenade to deal with the firepower of the Japanese army when formulating the combat plan.

Of course, Shang Zhen certainly didn't know that the Japanese army was using a bare mountain as a point of fire when they didn't pass the line of mountains behind them, but now he knows.

And how far was that bald mountain from them?Visually estimated about 400 meters.

Because of the distance, the three of Qiao Xiong, He Xiangcai, and Fan Chanchan were still moving forward, otherwise the grenade would not be able to hit them.

Well, now that they have newly seized the grenadier with a longer range, there is no need to move forward. If they can blow up the light and heavy machine guns of the Japanese army on that bare mountain with a small cannon, then they will have another bright future. village yet?
"Over there, be careful." Shang Zhen took the grenadier and rushed to a dirt bag by the edge of the woods.

This is the advantage of curved fire weapons. The soil bag in front is a natural cover. The grenade flew out from behind the soil bag in an arc and hit the target in front, while the opponent's heavy machine gun as a direct fire weapon was naturally blocked because the bullets could not turn. The soil bag in front was blocked.

As for Shang Zhenrang to pay attention to vigilance, it is nothing more than the fact that the Japanese army has already chased him from behind. Although he doesn't know how far the opponent is from himself and the others, as long as the opponent shows up on the ridge behind, then they will be able to intercept them. If there are chasing soldiers, it is still a dead end for them!

It's just that the battle is like this, but they can only solve the heavy machine gun position of the Japanese army in front of them first.

Now that Qiao Xiong, the best grenadier used by Shang Zhen and the others, is not here, the job of using the last grenadier will fall on Shang Zhen's head.

But at this time, the veterans saw Shang Zhen poke the grenadier on the ground and then stopped moving. Instead, they began to look at the grenadier.

"Fight! Why don't you fight?" Hu Zhuzi, who was lying behind Shang Zhen, said anxiously.

Shang Zhen ran to the back of the soil bag and squatted down, next to him was Old Mao Wang who was holding the bullet box for him.

Originally, Wang Laomao was a little discouraged when he saw that they were in a desperate situation. Originally, he wanted to suggest to Shang Zhen, so he just fought with the devils!And this is also a typical bachelor character of a Northeast person. Seeing that there is no way out, he naturally has to fight before he dies. Killing one is enough to kill two to earn one.

But he also understands that now that he is the deputy company commander, he can no longer talk nonsense. How can soldiers talk about frustration first when they want to kill the enemy?

And just now he saw that Shang Zhen captured the Japanese army's new grenadier, and he wanted to understand. The weapon made by the little Japan is better than the one made by our Chinese soil. The heavy machine gun is fired, isn't this the way to survive?
So, he, the old Uncle Wang, came to serve as an ammunition hand for Shang Zhen himself, so it was this time, and it turned out that Shang Zhen didn't get this kind of treatment!

But now when he saw that Shang Zhen was just looking at the grenade but not stuffing grenades into it, he became anxious.

Because he was also in a hurry, even Hu Zhuzi was too lazy to talk to him.

"Hurry up, you can see a flower if you don't touch it?" Old Mao Wang said angrily.

At this time, he heard Shang Zhen say "um", and stretched out his hand towards him, it was to ask him for a grenade.

"Oh, let me do it! You set up that little cannon!" At this time, Old Mao Wang also thought about it. Isn't this grenadier used differently from the original one?

At this moment, he didn't know that if he really asked this question, Shang Zhen would reply him "That's not a big deal". The new bomb launcher of the Japanese army is different from the original one!

The grenadiers of the Japanese army are light and easy to use, but the adjustment of the firing range is not achieved through the elevation angle of the grenade.

There is a vent hole on the old grenade, and the range is adjusted by the amount of deflation.

The less gas is released, the more gas remains in the barrel, and the force acting on the grenade will naturally shoot the grenade farther.

On the contrary, the more gas is released, the energy inside will be less, and the fired grenade will naturally get closer.

Shang Zhen and the others had already figured out the firing principle of the old-style grenade, but he didn't know what kind of shooting principle this new-style grenade was.

But as far as he is concerned now, it is already pushing the ducks to the shelves. If you don't understand, you have to fight. There is only a glimmer of hope if you fight. If you don't fight, you will be surrounded by the Japanese army.

Old Mao Wang stuffed the grenade in through the mouth of the barrel, and Shang Zhen didn't think about it anymore. He pulled the trigger on the back, and there was a "boom", and the grenade was shot out.

It was not surprising to shoot it out. There was still a test firing of the old-fashioned grenadier. Shang Zhen and the others watched eagerly, and then they saw a cloud of dust erupting in the open field in front of them.

It doesn't matter how powerful a grenade can explode, what matters is the point of impact!
And now looking at the point of impact, there are really joys and sorrows.

Hi, this projectile is indeed farther than the original old projectile.

Worry, the point of impact happened to be between them and the bald mountain, it was close, no, the range had to be adjusted!

This time, there was no need for Mr. Wang to remind him. Shang Zhen started to turn a knob on the back of the throwing barrel with his hands.

For Japanese veterans who are proficient in using grenades, a grenade can be fired in two or three seconds.

Shang Zhen didn't have those two strokes, but he was able to hit one in a few seconds.

Shang Zhen fired four grenades one after another, but the fourth one finally fell to the foot of the bald mountain.

"One more shot." Shang Zhen gritted his teeth and said, he felt that the fifth grenade should be able to hit the target.

And it must be hit, because now there are only two grenades left in the box.

They didn't know how many grenades could be contained in the box of the Japanese army, but they knew that they were captured grenades, and the Japanese army had used them before!What they use now are leftovers from other people's households.

Old Mao Wang stuffed the grenade in his hand into the cannon barrel, but at this moment everyone heard a "boom" in front of them, and then they saw the explosion smoke rising from the bald mountain!

"Oh, hit!" Hu Zhuzi shouted from behind.

It's just that Wang Laomao was a little dazed, because he was still holding the grenade in his hand, so how could it be they fired it before it was put into the barrel.

"You're all staring blankly? Run back!" Shang Zhen jumped up as he shouted, not forgetting that he was carrying the grenadier in his hand.

Others can't figure it out, but Shang Zhen can.

I hadn't fired the fifth grenade yet, but the Devil's heavy machine gun was blown up. It was Qiao Xiong and the others who did it!
If the grenadier on his side also worked, it would have attracted the firepower of the Japanese army. Now the smoke and dust on the mound in front of him has not cleared away, it was fired by the heavy machine gun of the Japanese army.

(End of this chapter)

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