Chapter 1334

A group of soldiers rushed out of the woods as if they were herding sheep. Under Shang Zhen's order, the soldiers started to run freely.

Originally, Shang Zhen planned to let everyone cross cover and retreat.

But on second thought, let’s forget it, let’s run back as best as we can, whoever doesn’t get shot by the Japanese army will be killed!

It stands to reason that Shang Zhen, as a veteran, should not have such thoughts, but Shang Zhen, who has experienced too many battles, is sometimes quite superstitious.

It stands to reason that according to his order, the one who runs fast has a higher chance of escaping.

But this is only in relative terms, that is, when Shang Zhen is chasing devils, for example, he is usually the first to run away quickly!

By doing this, you can kill as many enemies as possible.

Besides, how fast can you run?Shang Zhen understood that they just wiped out or more precisely defeated a Japanese army team of 30 people. Although the bald mountain was shot by Qiao Xiong's grenade, there could be no other things on the mountain. Japanese army.

So, the person who is running at the front is now taking on the task of breaking through the encirclement first.

Therefore, there is no other reason why Shang Zhen runs the fastest now, and what he is holding in his hand is the only twenty-gun box cannon of their master group.

Due to the violent running, the scene in front of him seemed to become blurred and shaken, but Shang Zhen couldn't help it.

Originally, the long-term battle and many narrow escapes had given Shang Zhen a certain confidence in his heart.

But this time is different. He doesn't know where the Japanese army is hiding in front. He is afraid that the Japanese army will knock him down with a single shot. The people rushed up against the guns of the Japanese army!
Running like the wind, it only takes a moment, and Shang Zhen has already run more than 200 meters.

And at this time, he heard the gunshot in the "whoosh" of the wind, and the gunshot came from the rear, and even in the "whoosh" of the wind, he could intuitively recognize that it was a Japanese-style [-] The movement of the rifle.

Moreover, could he not know whether the sound of the gunshot came from behind him or from a distance behind him?

But Shang Zhen understands that at this time, he can no longer turn back, and now their only way of survival can only be in the front, and now they can only die worse if they turn around and shoot, and their people can only die more!

And when Shang Zhen ran forward for tens of meters, he saw explosion smoke and dust rising from the bald mountain in front of him, and at the same time, the sound of explosion came to his ears.

That was a grenade explosion, such a thought flashed through Shang Zhen's mind, Qiao Xiong and the others made another move!
At this moment, Shang Zhen realized something.

"Turn around, dodge the gun!" Shouted Shang Zhen, and ran sideways while changing direction.

Maybe it was because of his blindness, or maybe he should not die, maybe it was the coincidence of necessity or the necessity of chance that philosophers said, a bullet really flew past his waist!
Shang Zhen just stared at the front without looking back and kept changing directions and running forward. During this process, grenades exploded at the foot of the mountain constantly.

And when he was about [-] meters away from the bald rock, he finally caught a glimpse of the figure of the Japanese soldier in the explosion smoke, but at the same time he also saw a Japanese soldier pointing his rifle at his side in a kneeling position.

It was almost there, Shang Zhen changed direction and fell directly on the ground, then rolled to the side and lay on the ground with his face up, and then he gasped heavily for the sky filled with gunpowder smoke.

Shang Zhen wanted to fight back, but he really had to take a breath, he was not a god.

What sprints need is speed, such as [-] meters.

Long-distance running requires endurance, such as 500 meters.

But the 400 meters is the most difficult of them all. He needs to have both speed and stamina. He spared no effort in running.

Panting for a while, Shang Zhen finally turned over and jumped up, but he only ran two or three steps forward, but fell forward again, and the moment he fell down, a grenade was hit by him. He threw it with Xuan'er.

The grenades used by the Chinese army are all imitated from the German M24 grenades, but the amount of charge has been reduced to adapt to the physique of the Chinese.

Isn't the biggest feature of the grenade that it has a wooden handle?And it is precisely because of this wooden handle that it can throw it farther than the oval grenade of the Japanese devils.

So Shang Zhen just swooped and threw the grenade, and the grenade really flew a hundred meters away.

When the grenade exploded and a cloud of smoke exploded, Shang Zhen jumped up and rushed forward again, and when he fell down again, he threw the second grenade out again.

And when the second grenade exploded, Shang Zhen's box cannon started to "crack" and "crack".

Shang Zhen is now hitting when he sees a figure under the bald mountain.

In his subconscious mind, it must be inaccurate if he ran so panting like this, so he must build up his momentum first and then attract firepower to his people.

As for where his subordinates are, he doesn't even look at them, and he doesn't have time to look!

Shang Zhen kept shooting and switching shooting positions until he moved forward tens of meters and landed directly on a slightly low-lying place.

Because at least he couldn't shoot immediately, but he emptied the full magazine in his Kowloon belt, he had to press the bullet!
A comedian in later generations has a famous saying, which is called "The most painful thing in life is that the money is not spent when a person dies; the most painful thing in life is that the money is gone while a person is alive."

But now Shang Zhen continues to press the bullets into the box cannon, but he thinks the same thing, he is still alive, so don't shoot out the bullets!

Just when he started to put bullets into the magazine and prepare to observe the battlefield, the heavy machine gun in front suddenly rang out again.

Shang Zhen was startled and looked up.

It was only at this time that he was very close to the bald mountain in front of him. When he got here, he noticed that the reason why this mountain was bald was that it was a stone mountain.

But the heavy machine gun was placed on the top of the mountain. Due to the obstruction of the rocks, Shang Zhen could only hear its sound but not see its shape, and he couldn't see the trajectory of the heavy machine gun bullets in broad daylight.

So he subconsciously turned around, and at this moment he was surprised to find that the impact point of the heavy machine gun was not on this open ground at all, but seemed to hit the line of ridges that rushed down behind him!

If he couldn't figure it out, then Shang Zhen wouldn't be a veteran.

Now the heavy machine gun called Zhenghuan on the top of the mountain has become his own.

As for how to become your own partner, do you still have to ask?Of course Qiao Xiong, Fan Chanchan and He Xiangcai grabbed it!Because only the three of them are in front of people like themselves.

"Come on! After passing this mountain, we will win!" Shang Zhen jumped up and put the box cannon on his shoulder and rushed forward.

(End of this chapter)

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