The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1363 The helplessness and shocking words of the wounded

Chapter 1363 The helplessness and shocking words of the wounded
It was Qiu Bo's group who rushed over to reinforce when they heard the gunshots. He followed Shang Zhen's usual style of covertly approaching the enemy and firing suddenly. By the time they fired, they were already very close to the Japanese army.

So by the time the Japanese army reacted, they had already been knocked down by half, and after a few minutes of fighting, only a few of those Japanese soldiers escaped, while the two teams of the guard company also paid for the death of seven people with minor injuries. Five people seriously injured two of the price.

Not to mention the ones who were killed in battle, the five who were slightly injured were those who could follow the army even if they were not capable of fighting, but the two seriously injured soldiers had a predictable ending.

"Our two brothers will stay, you can withdraw." A seriously injured man named Wang Cheng said, and then he said without waiting for others to persuade him, "First, you can't take the two of us away, it's too slow .Secondly, even if the two of us go back, those who lack medical treatment and no medicine will not be able to live, so it is better to stay here and let you die, so that you can die happily."

The thigh of Wang Cheng's right leg was shot by the Japanese army, but the bullet didn't pass through, so it was probably stuck in the bone.

Now even though the leg has been strangled with cloth strips, the blood is still flowing out, and the whole right leg is covered in blood.

In today's China, not to mention the Northeast Army, in fact, it is absolutely rare that such seriously wounded people as the Central Army can receive effective treatment.

Excessive blood loss and wound inflammation will eventually cause other symptoms. Death is no longer an option. The only choices are the method of death and how long it takes to die.

Another seriously wounded man was Zhao Chengli. He was hit in the chest by a bullet. Of course it couldn't be the heart, so it could only be the lungs.

He can't speak now, coughing up blood whenever he speaks.

After listening to Wang Cheng's words, everyone looked at Qiu Bo.

Qiu Bo was also the backbone of Shang Zhen's original group, and after only one battle, the two groups of them all agreed with Qiu Bo's combat level, so it is natural that Qiu Bo needs to express his opinion now.

Qiu Bo was only silent for a moment and then said, "Are there enough bullets?"

"It's enough, I guess it's enough to hit a few rounds." Wang Cheng's words sounded a bit sad.

It's almost enough if you can't hit a few rounds, and everyone present naturally understands.

After they shot a few shots at the Japanese army who would rush over later, they would not survive.

"Whoever still has two more grenades for our two brothers, he will die happily, and don't die as a living crime." Wang Cheng said again.

Of course, the crime of being alive means not dying. Once they become prisoners, who knows how the Japanese army will torture them.

The wounded are an unavoidable topic in war.

No matter how many enemies are eliminated in any battle, it is said that one's own side has zero casualties. Except for very few battles, the rest are all dramas.

There can be no casualties, but just as history is written by the victors, when a protracted war of resistance against Japan is won, the victorious side can indulge in their own heroic fighting but intentionally or unintentionally ignore the tragedy of the ancestors at that time .

A few minutes later, Qiu Bo and Yang Guanyin joined another group of people.

But at this moment, gunshots came from the direction they came from.

"Didn't you all come over? Why are you still shooting?" Hou Kanshan asked.

"Two brothers were injured and couldn't keep up." Qiu Bo looked back in that direction and replied in a heavy tone.

"Oh" Hou Wangshan responded, and then remained silent.

They are all veterans, everything is silent, but there is no friendship between men and women in this silent, but there is only deep pain.

"Let's go, then go to meet up with other people. Now that the start has started, the Japanese army's revenge will come soon." Qiu Bo said.

Everyone was speechless, so they continued heading north.

But at this time, the gunshots from the direction they were coming from had stopped. Just as the soldier named Wang Cheng said, it was just a matter of firing a few shots.Then they heard the explosion of a grenade.

Hou Kanshan looked at Qiu Bo with questioning eyes, and Tou Bo nodded to him.

Hou Wangshan also guessed why the grenade exploded.

"Actually—" In the silence, Hou Wangshan hesitated to speak.

"Actually what?" Qiu Bo asked.

"Actually, after my wife and child died and separated from everyone, I went to seek revenge on the little devil.

When the fight with the little devil is over, it is purely fate that he can survive.

Later, I was rescued by an old lady. You should be able to imagine what kind of mood you will feel when you see yourself like this grandma.

The reason why I didn't die was because I still wanted to take revenge, and it was also because of what I was afraid of.As long as he is not dead, as long as he has arms and legs, he can still kill little devils. "Hou Wangshan said slowly.

Hou Wangshan disappeared from Shang Zhen's group because his wife and children were killed, and when he returned to the team again, he had changed beyond recognition.

At the beginning, the veterans of course knew that Hou Wangshan was stimulated by the killing of his wife and children by the Japanese army, so naturally they would not rub salt on his wounds and ask him about those things.

And so many years have passed, and his wounds have already healed. Of course, there are veterans who have good things to ask, such as Qin Chuan.

But Hou Wangshan still kept silent, and when Qin Chuan asked again, Wang Laomao happened to overhear him, and Wang Laomao scolded Qin Chuan, "Don't let your voice go."

Therefore, why Hou Wangshan was disfigured became one of the taboo topics among the veterans, so that when some newcomers who joined later looked at Hou Wangshan's "multiple flowers and three layers" face and secretly asked why , Veterans always use "Don't let your voice go" as the standard answer.

Therefore, this is the first time Hou Wangshan took the initiative to bring up this matter of himself.

Hou Kanshan's face was so ugly, so ugly that people could never forget it, so that the soldiers of the former guard company were also secretly curious, but now they finally sighed after hearing the clues. There is indeed a sad story behind it.

"Actually—" Chen Hanwen, who was also in Hou Wangshan's group, suddenly said at this moment.

"What are you really?" Qiu Bo asked angrily, while vigilantly paying attention to the movement around him.

Chen Hanwen's pedantic air of a scholar is not only due to the fact that he follows the scriptures, but also because he has never been the protagonist of a legend or a sad story, but he is always the one who criticizes other people's stories
There is never a shortage of such people in real life, but at the same time, such people are not so attractive
"Actually, I think from this point of view, it's right for the Northeast Army to directly abandon the three eastern provinces." Chen Hanwen suddenly said ridiculously.

"What words? How do you say it?" Qiu Bo was really taken aback by Chen Hanwen's words.

The Northeast Army, to be precise, part of the Northeast Army was reviled by the Chinese people because they abandoned the Northeast and lost the moral high ground in the war of resistance. Therefore, the three northeastern provinces abandoned their fathers and villagers before the war of resistance, and they always listened with tears streaming down their faces. Those Northeast exiled students who were also in tears sang "there are mountains and plains full of soybeans and high grain", and then the Northeast Army proposed "ashamed of life and proud of death" in the all-out war of resistance.

But now Chen Hanwen said that it was right to abandon the Northeast. Isn't that ridiculous?

"From this point of view, at least the face-to-face separation of relatives or flesh and blood can be avoided." Chen Hanwen said with a flushed face.

The reason why Chen Hanwen's face turned red was habitual, because he was used to being robbed by veterans.

But even though he was used to the white-grabbing of the veterans, he was still used to expressing his opinions, and he developed a habit of blushing after speaking.

What should be said has to be said, although others call it "pedantic", but he thinks it is called "scholar's backbone"

It was right for Chen Hanwen to turn red, because after he finished saying this, Qiu Bo was silent for a while, because he was thinking about what he meant.

But then Qiu Bo scolded: "Screw those tasteless farts, you've got a mouth that doesn't twitch!"

(End of this chapter)

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