The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1364 Old Hat's Decision

Chapter 1364 Old Hat's Decision

In fact, when Qiu Bozhao and Yang Chuanyin were fighting with the Japanese army, the battles on the entire front were still happening one after another.

From time to time, there were gunshots reaching Wang Laomao's ears from far or near. This was of course determined by the location chosen by Wang Laomao's group.

But this was already a few minutes ago, and the sound of gunfire and explosions on the entire front was much weaker, and sometimes it even fell silent.

"What's wrong with this?" Wang Laomao, who was hiding in the woods, looked out and said. He mainly talked to Qian Chuan'er, Chutian and their class.

"Just as I was about to say it, I also felt that something was wrong." Qian Chuan'er also said.

"What's wrong?" The monitor and Chu Tian asked at the same time.

Wang Laomao is the deputy company commander and he is just a squad leader, so now the command of their group is naturally in the hands of Wang Laomao.

"It's not very good to say, but if the fight is quite lively, I will feel more at ease." Qian Chuan'er continued to mutter.

"Listen to what's going on." At this time, Old Mao Wang said.

So everyone turned their ears up to listen to the movement around them, and after only a moment, Chu Tian understood and said: "The gunshots to the west seem to be getting farther and farther away. There are no gunshots in the north, and the gunshots in the south are also gone." It just stopped, and it wasn't very intense just now."

"Let's just say that this job is not easy to do, don't let the fox get caught, and make a fuss again." Old Mao Wang said again.

Old Mao Wang is certainly right to say this.

How can it be so easy to find a Japanese army disguised as a commoner on a long front?

But since the brigade commander personally gave the order and Shang Zhen firmly carried it out, Wang Laomao had nothing to say, but the grievances behind his back were unavoidable.

In fact, those veterans who are always with Old Mao Wang have already discovered that Old Uncle Wang has a lot of complaints recently.

As for the reason, the smart people didn't say it, but they all knew it in their hearts.

Don't say it's because they are smart, but there are still tigers among them, for example, uh-huzhuzi.

Hu Zhuzi accidentally leaked the secret with one sentence in one speech - didn't he just miss his little girl!


It's just that now Old Mao Wang didn't have the heart to think about his wife who was many years younger, so he went on to say: "We have to retreat, the people who told us to retreat quickly, don't you brats push the front line forward! "Speaking of this, Wang Laomao said what he was worried about.

As for Wang Laomao's words, the other soldiers were shocked.

This Baisha River blocking battle was another big battle in which the enemy and us invested tens of thousands of troops.

And a few miles behind them is Gaocheng, and after Gaocheng, it is Baisha River.

When they came out, it was near the middle line between the enemy and us.

But if the Japanese army pushed the entire front forward again, then they would be separated from the main force again, and they would be in the rear of the Japanese army.

Once a battle occurs, they will inevitably fall into the situation of fighting alone.

"Then what should the company commander do? Should I ask the company commander first?" Chu Tian asked worriedly.

Shang Zhen divided the guard company into ten groups. If they were arranged from north to south, Wang Laomao and his group should be the third group from the north.

If there is nothing wrong with what Chu Tian said, Shang Zhen must always be notified of the retreat of the whole company. Shang Zhen will give the order, or even if Shang Zhen does not give the order, he must always be notified.

"You, and you!" Wang Laomao pointed at the two soldiers and said, "You two go north, tell our northern groups to retreat quickly, and don't wait to join us."

Then he turned his face to the others and said, "Let's go south quickly to meet up with all the groups and then go straight away, separate from Shang Zhen and the others."

Old Mao Wang has given an order.

He ordered the two soldiers he sent to inform Shang Zhen to move, but the squad leader in their group asked worriedly: "Deputy company commander, can this be done?"

Old Mao Wang looked at the squad leader, his eyes were a little sharp.

The squad leader was swept away by Old Mao Wang's sharp gaze, first lowered his head, but then raised his face to look at Old Mao Wang, and did not avoid Old Mao Wang's gaze.

As a result, the two soldiers who were just going to report to Shang Zhen did not move.

After Wang Laomao and the squad leader just looked at each other for a while, Wang Laomao suddenly said seriously: "If something goes wrong, I, Wang Laomao, will be responsible and carry out the order."

"When fighting outside, you must learn to be flexible. We are not fighting positional warfare." Chu Tian added in a timely manner.

"You owe it to me! Do you have to say it?" Old Mao Wang turned around and scolded Chu Tian.

Chutian remained silent, but what Wang Laomao was thinking in his heart was, after all, this Chutian was enlightened earlier than Chen Hanwen's semi-talented scholar!

"Following the orders of the deputy company commander, the company commander will not blame you." Qian Chuan'er also said.

"Yes!" the squad leader finally said loudly.

The order must be carried out, and the two soldiers ran to the north, and Wang Laomao and the others started to go south, Wang Laomao wanted to collect Luo's team and retreated to his side.

"What's your name?" Old Mao Wang asked the squad leader as they scanned their surroundings vigilantly and headed south.

"Qin Ziqiang." The squad leader answered quickly.

"Okay, you kid can do it, dare to contradict me, Old Mao Wang, but I like it, but you are still a little young to fight this kind of battle." Yes, playing positional warfare makes people stupid!"

Hearing what Wang Laomao said, Qin Ziqiang glanced sideways at the many creases on Wang Laomao's thin face.

Old Mao Wang asked, "Xiao Mian, why are you not convinced?"

"Then what if your decision is wrong?" Although Qin Ziqiang carried out Wang Laomao's order, it was obvious that he was still not convinced.

There are two reasons why Qin Ziqiang didn't want to carry out Wang Laomao's order.

One reason is that Wang Laomao is only the deputy company commander, and your deputy company commander ordered the entire company to retreat. Is it right for you to inform the company commander to kill first and then play?This is suspected of leapfrog command.

Another reason is that Qin Ziqiang recognized the commanding level of the company commander Shang Zhen, but he didn't know Wang Laomao very well, and he didn't think Wang Laomao's command was completely right.

"Wrong is wrong!
If I'm wrong, I won't care about my daughter-in-law and children in the future, and I will continue to beat devils!
Then if I die, you people present will testify to me, and you will make a sacrifice of Lao Tzu's bone and ashes and put it in front of Shang boy's grave to apologize! "Old Mao Wang became impatient.

"Old Uncle Wang, what are you talking about? Why didn't we break through the mountains and seas of fire? We will definitely be able to break through this time. Not only can we withdraw safely, but we also need to wipe out those little devils!" Qian Chuan'er quickly smoothed things over up.

Old Mao Wang snorted and stopped talking, the deputy company commander stopped talking, Qin Ziqiang also closed his mouth, and everyone ran south under the cover of the terrain.

When they joined two groups and ran to the third group, Old Mao Wang asked, "Who is in front?"

"It was Qin Chuan and Ma Tian who let them go." Bai Zhan who had just met them replied, "They are hiding in the woods on that hill."

There are many hills here, and the hill Bai Zhan pointed out is not very high, it is a very inconspicuous one.

The woods on the mountain are not impenetrable.

But no matter how dense the woods are, if people don't go to the top of the mountain and want to see more than a dozen people hiding on the top of the mountain, that's impossible.

When Wang Laomao and the others walked forward and were not far from the hill, they suddenly saw someone appearing between the trees on the mountain. It was Qin Chuan.

Obviously, Qin Chuan ran out when he spotted them first, because Qin Chuan gestured at them as soon as he showed up.

After seeing Qin Chuan's hand gesture, Wang Laomao made a forward movement with his right hand to the right side of the hill, and said, "There is a little devil!"

(End of this chapter)

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