In the room of Zhilan, you don't smell its fragrance for a long time, and in the abalone place, you don't smell its stink for a long time.

The above can be understood as a habit of people, a habit of the surrounding environment.

In fact, the same is true for soldiers who fight.

They pretend to only focus on life and death and forget the harshness of the surrounding environment, and sometimes they forget the change of wind direction.

Seeing the white mist blowing in front of him and drifting towards the trenches, the distant mountains are gone, let alone the mountain that the Japanese army besieged just now, Old Mao Wang gritted his teeth and finally stomped his feet and said: " Everyone retreat!"

This time there is nothing to say, even if you have great skills, you can't ignore the existence of the poisonous gas, and the guard company ran back after digging out of the trench.

Old Mao, who was at the front, was now the last one, and when he got out of the trench, he still didn't forget to take a look inside the trench.

He saw that some soldiers were covering their mouths and noses with towels or rags soaked in water, while some soldiers simply buried their heads in a small hole dug in advance.

Old Mao Wang, who had seen the poisonous gas of the Japanese army before, was not ignorant of the poisonous gas of the Japanese army.

It is said that covering the mouth and nose with a wet towel can have the effect of anti-virus.

It's like when there is a fire, if you don't cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel and run out, you may not be burned to death before you run out, and you will suffocate to death due to the gas.

And put the head in the wet soil pit, it is said that the soil also has the effect of filtering the poisonous gas, although this method is impossible to prevent people from being poisoned, but the poisoning will be lighter after all.

Does it do much to just do it?Old Mao Wang doesn't think so.

Even if these two methods can protect you well, so what?After a while, the little devil will rush up wearing a gas mask.

Those soldiers who covered their mouths and noses with wet cloths, you always have to put your hands down and shoot at the Japanese soldiers, wouldn't you be poisoned again?

Not to mention the soldiers who buried their heads in the earth, maybe the Japanese devils came up with guns, and you are still hiding there with a big buttocks to avoid poison, so what's the point of defending such a position?
"Why are you still hiding here? Why don't you leave?" Old Mao Wang pulled his neck out of the trench and shouted.

"We didn't get the order from above!" A soldier guarding the position replied loudly.

"It's really dead!" Old Mao Wang cursed angrily, "There are still many people in Guanshan, but there are not many people in our Northeast Army!"

After shouting this sentence, he ignored the soldiers and ran back as well.

"Deadness" is an adjective of the Northeast people. To say that a person is really dead means that a person only knows how to stick to the rules and does not know how to adapt.

After the Japanese army's poison gas bombs exploded, they were blown over in pieces by the wind. Once they were trapped by the poison gas, not to mention whether they would die or not, this life would be wasted.

Wouldn't it be deadly to carry on in this situation?

Old Mao Wang shouted very eagerly, and he just yelled casually because he didn't want these Northeast soldiers to die because of the poisonous gas of the Japanese army.

He didn't even notice that besides "dead nature", he also used a term called "Guanshan".

In Shang Zhen's team, it wasn't just intellectuals like Chu Tian and Chen Hanwen who were influenced by the bosses?

The influence is mutual
In fact, a big old man like Wang Laomao was also influenced by intellectuals, but he didn't realize it. For example, he now uses the "Guanshan" that only Chu Tian and Chen Hanwen often talk about.

"What Guanshan?" An officer in the trench asked.

"It means the position." There are not only cultural people in Shang Zhen's group, but some of the soldiers who guard the position still understand after all.

Therefore, "Guanshan" was replaced with "position", and what Wang Laomao meant was obvious, that is, when there is no position, but our Northeast Army is running out.

It is said that killing people is nothing more than punishing one's heart, but those who persuade people also need to reach people's hearts. What did Old Mao Wang do on this point!
"There are positions at any time, but we don't have many people in the Northeast Army." The officer repeated what Wang said in a low voice, and then he also jumped up in the trench and shouted: "Retreat! Retreat! All Fucking retreat!"

Just as he yelled, in this long trench, nearly a hundred officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army turned up and ran back. At this time, the smoke of Japanese poison gas had already drifted to the top of the trench, and there was a coughing sound. Immediately it rang.

Wang Laomao, who was eager to get rid of the poisonous gas of the Japanese army, didn't notice it. When he shouted this sentence just now, he was heard by others in the rear of the position.

Then the person who heard Wang Laomao's shouting also ran back, and the poisonous gas also came.

At this time, Qin Zhiqiang and Li Liangzi had already moved down the mountain on the other side of the smoky mountain.

They were sure that reinforcements were coming, and they also roughly judged the location of the reinforcements.

"It should be the little Guizhou native who came after the company commander, do you remember?" said Li Liangzi, who was slipping down under the cover of rocks and trees, staring at the panic of the Japanese army at the foot of the mountain.

The little man from Guizhou that Li Liangzi was referring to was Qiao Xiong.Now they have heard that Qiao Xiong is very accurate in throwing the barrel.

At that time, when they were divided into groups by Shang Zhen to search for points along the front line, Li Liangzi noticed that the little man Qiao Xiong belonged to a certain group in the north.

Their guard company was separated, and Wang Laomao ran back with most of the soldiers, but there were people from other groups who didn't know the situation here and came to help rashly, and Qiao Xiong and the others were like this.

"I remember." Qin Ziqiang replied, he also knew Qiao Xiong.

But at this moment, the two of them saw a Japanese soldier coming out from behind the dirt bag at the front and bottom.

But then another grenade accurately landed behind the bag of earth. With the sound of "boom", some Japanese soldiers must have been killed, but there were still two Japanese soldiers fleeing.

"We should shoot now." Li Liangzi was already in front of a steep wall on the hillside.

He said that he shot, of course he wanted to kill a few more Japanese soldiers.

But at this moment, Qin Ziqiang didn't think so. Qin Ziqiang said, "Don't be in a hurry to shoot. Let's get closer. Maybe we can join up with the other group."

Now that there is hope of life again, Qin Ziqiang doesn't want to die now.

"What's the matter?" Li Liangzi felt a little worried when he looked at the steep slope in front of him.

The two of them went down from the top of the mountain, of course they had to choose a place where they could hide their bodies.

Now the path they are going down, of course, if it is considered a road, it is naturally hidden, but the problem is that they also know that there is a steep slope here, but whether they can go down this steep slope, they can see it from the top of the mountain. Not sure.

Qin Ziqiang lay down on the steep slope and looked down, and after a while he said, "I'll cover you from above, you go down here, and you can see the trees and shrubs in the middle without you going out to that position Step on that tree, reach out and pull down the bush to slow down, and then jump down."

Li Liangzi also looked at the steep slope under his eyes. Although the slope was a bit high, the two of them could only take risks now.

As for dead or alive, who cares?Kill more devils, and then resign yourself to fate!

I will go to the hospital to accompany you at night, so let’s pass it on now.

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