Li Liangzi slipped down.

Qin Ziqiang saw Li Liangzi come out faster and faster, and when he was about to fall, he stepped on the trunk of the tree he mentioned.

As soon as the tree bounced, Li Liang's body paused for a moment, and then fell again. At this moment, Li Liangzi reached out and grabbed the trunk of the tree, and then slipped down the steep slope.

When he fell to the ground, although he made a forward roll, the problem was no longer serious, and he successfully landed on the ground.

And when Li Liang squatted on the ground and pointed his rifle forward, Qin Ziqiang also slipped down the steep slope.

A person does not know how much potential he has until he is pushed to the limit.

Qin Ziqiang followed suit, and he landed safely in the end.

"Let's stop shooting at the little devil, and go find us." Qin Ziqiang whispered in Li Liangzi's ear, and his hand was guiding the way for the two of them to escape.

On the mountain just behind them, the slope at the other end is relatively gentle, and the Japanese army attacked from that end.

The slope at this end is relatively steep, so the Japanese infantry did not come up, but they put the grenadier behind the dirt bag.

And the two grenades that the two of them identified were very accurate, and they all fell behind the dirt bag.

But in the end, some Japanese soldiers escaped, but those Japanese soldiers seemed to have lost their souls now, and they didn't dare to look back at the dirt bag, but instead ran desperately to the distance.

But now Qin Ziqiang and Li Liangzi thought of this earth bag again, they needed to use this earth bag to enter the bush not far away, and the person they believed to be their gang was on a mountain three to four hundred meters away. They need to move from this grove to that hill.

All battles need to be calculated, and Qin Ziqiang has also calculated. This dirt bag is the closest to that forest, and this path is the safest.

And when they arrived at this soil bag, presumably their own people in the distance should also find them, so they would have a side response to them.

Holding guns in their hands, the two approached the dirt bag cautiously.

And when they got closer, they saw the limbs of the Japanese army exposed behind the soil bag, but the Japanese army fell to the ground, obviously already hit by the previous grenade.

Qiao Xiong didn't blow or black with the grenade, it was really accurate!
Qin Ziqiang and Li Liangzi turned to the back of the dirt bag now. Qin Zhiqiang reckoned that the Japanese army chasing up the mountain from behind should have arrived soon, and at this moment, they heard the groans of the Japanese army, that kind of The sound of being injured and rolling on the ground.

Without exchanging glances or words, Qin Ziqiang and Li Liangzi simultaneously touched their waists with their right hands, where their bayonets were hanging in their sheaths.

The two of them were slow on the side of the earth bag that one person came to, because they were afraid that the Japanese army on the other side would find the two of them coming.

And when the two of them reached the two sides of the dirt bag, one left and one right, they rushed out with bayonet-tipped rifles.

At this moment, the situation on the side of the bunker was completely exposed to the vision of the two of them.

Although six or seven Japanese soldiers and two grenadiers fell in disorder behind the mound, there was also a Japanese soldier who was clutching his thigh and moaning there.

But now the Japanese soldier looked at Li Liangzi who was rushing out from the side of the soil bag in astonishment. When he yelled "Wow", he ignored Qin Ziqiang who came around from the other side.

Qin Ziqiang jumped forward and stabbed the Japanese soldier's back with the bayonet. As expected, he felt the feeling of the sharp bayonet piercing the invader's back.

But at this moment, Qin Ziqiang and Li Liangzi heard a "crack" gunshot at the same time.

And at the sound of the gunshots, the two of them instinctively lay down, even Qin Ziqiang, who had already stabbed the bayonet into the enemy's body, didn't even have time to pull out the bayonet.

So behind this large mound, which looked a bit small in the distance and not small in up close, there was another corpse of a Japanese soldier with a rifle inserted obliquely into the already messy corpses.

"Where did the gun go off?" Li Liangzi asked.

Qin Ziqiang pointed his hand in front of them, there was a mountain, at least at present, the mountain was still very high among the nearby hills, and the slope was also very steep.

And that was the very mountain where they judged their men to hide.

While the two were talking, the gunshots of "pa" and "pa" rang out again, but this time they flew from the top of the earth bag where they were hiding to the opposite mountain.

Qin Ziqiang and Li Liangzi could guess without looking back, that after the two of them went down the mountain, the Japanese army who was chasing and killing them finally went up the mountain they slipped down from earlier.

The two of them quickly reached the end of the earth bag in one step, and the Japanese army on the mountain should not have seen them.

As for the shot just now, the sound of the shot came from the direction of the opposite mountain, so Qin Ziqiang and Li Liangzi had reason to believe that the shot was fired by one of their own people to cover them, and that person was most likely Shang Zhen .

Because Shang Zhen is the company commander, the people in the company commander's group must have binoculars, they must be able to see far, and they must have spotted the two of them running for their lives.

It's just that this is all their inference from what happened just now, but now they are faced with even more urgent matters.

They have not been discovered by the Japanese army on and around the mountain for the time being, but it is impossible for them to stay here for a longer time.

The enemy is strong but we are weak, and the Japanese army will arrive soon. The two of them rely on this mound to block the sight of the Japanese army, but they can't get out of this mound right under the nose of the Japanese army. What's wrong with this?

"Pick off the little devil's clothes quickly." Qin Ziqiang said in a hurry.

Now it can only be like this, I hope the two of them still have a chance to escape so that they will not be discovered by the Japanese army on the top of the mountain!

Qin Ziqiang and Li Liangzi didn't care about the blood stains on the Japanese soldiers behind the mound, so they stripped off the Japanese soldiers' clothes and put them on them.

Although the situation is urgent now, they had no choice but to curse "little bastards" again as they put on the Japanese army clothes and put them on their bodies!
Yes, nowadays the Japanese are too short. Calling "Little Japan" is not only because the Japanese archipelago is small, but also because Japan is too small.

Qin Ziqiang is 1.7 meters five, and Li Liangzi is 1.7 meters zero, which is considered an average size among Northeast people.

But the two of them now have a set of Japanese military uniforms, what kind of feeling do they have?

It's like what later generations say that a size 185 must wear a size 175, and a size 4XL must wear a size 2XL. This feeling is really uncomfortable!

But what's the use of saying this now?

The two of them put on their clothes indiscriminately. Qin Ziqiang's chest muscles were relatively developed, so the button on his chest was not fastened. Forget it, he didn't plan to turn around again.

The clothes are barely enough, they are just the shoes of the Japanese devils. Qin Ziqiang barely put on a pair of shoes, and at this moment he has the feeling of the three-inch golden lotus of a Chinese woman with small feet in the last century, but this has to be endured .

The two men straightened their backs behind the dirt bag that was as high as one person, "drawing the bow and shooting an arrow", and were ready to rush into the woods tens of meters away. They were determined to leave their backs to the Japanese army.

If the Japanese army really shot at them, then the two of them would have to accept their fate.

But just when Li Liangzi was about to run away, Qin Ziqiang suddenly shouted: "Wait, why do I feel like the two of us forgot something?"

"What did you forget?" Li Liang was puzzled.

"I'll think about it, I'll think about it!" Qin Ziqiang patted his forehead vigorously with his left hand, and he really remembered this pat.

"Grenade launchers and grenade bags!" Qin Ziqiang shouted.

This is because Qin Ziqiang suddenly thought, if the little man in Guizhou really fired the grenades that bombed the Japanese army earlier, then his grenades are almost used, and since he can pick them up now, why not pick them up?

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