In the smoke of the grenade explosion, Solo Fei crawled forward silently, this time he crawled very slowly, the one in the front was leaning on the ground with two elbows (lōu) and the one in the back was using his feet and Legere pushed hard on the ground.

At this time, he had already given up his rifle. On the contrary, he held a bayonet in his left hand, and a bastard box in his right hand.

Anyone who has read Journey to the West knows that there are three life-saving hairs given by Guanyin Bodhisattva on the back of Monkey Sun.

Veterans like the guard company, they will more or less save some means of life-saving for themselves, and the means of life-saving for solo flight is this bastard box in his hand now.

He wanted to use the box cannon, but the problem was that the box cannon was not available to soldiers like him, and he had no chance to get it.

So he got a bunch of bastard boxes from the Japanese army that his companions despised.

It's not a secret about him, as long as the people in his class think of it, they will laugh at him, whoever throws it with that crap, gets stuck at a critical moment and sells himself!
But who would have thought that the box cannon in Solo's hand would get jammed? No one knew, but he knew that his companions were in danger under the shelling of the Japanese army just now, but he was still alive!

After Solo crawled forward a few more positions, his body paused involuntarily, and then continued to crawl forward.

The reason why he paused his body was because he suddenly heard the groans of the Japanese soldiers in front of him.

He also threw the grenade just now, and he didn't know the exact location of the Japanese army and the number of the Japanese army, but even if a grenade was within the explosion range, it could not kill the enemy, but only wounded, which is quite normal.

After climbing forward for a while, Solo was able to confirm that the moaning Japanese soldier was only ten meters away from him.

Holding the box cannon in his hand, Shan Fei just wanted to fire the gun, but he fell down again, wait a minute!
After a while while he was waiting, the Japanese soldier probably thought that there were no Chinese soldiers around, and the voice became a little louder, and at this moment it happened to be coming from the position behind Solo Fei that was just attacked by stray bullets A low voice calling: "Squad leader. Squad leader"

Although the voice was very low, after all, it was not far from Solo Fly now, so Solo Fly could still hear it, it was still the voice of the eldest son.

The eldest son's full name is Fu Jingsheng, he looks quite strong, but he is not very courageous.

This is a person who has never had a backbone for himself, and has always regarded others as his backbone.

Is it true that heroes do not live long, but cowards live a hundred years?
At this time, flying solo, I suddenly had a bad and ominous premonition. Didn't everyone in my class die in battle except the eldest son and myself?

"Wu Tian".

"Little door"

The eldest son was still calling in a low voice.

Shan Fei frowned, he didn't admit that he was a soldier who could fight, but compared with Da Shengzi, he thought he was still much better than Da Shengzi.

In the words of the soldiers in their class who often bury the eldest son, it is called "You son of a bitch, you will be an ammunition hand for the rest of your life."

What does this mean? For example, the gunner is the master, and the gunner is the apprentice.

If it is replaced by a cannonballer, the machine gunner is the gunner, and Dashengzi is the one who delivers the cannonballs.

This means that it is impossible for Dashengzi to be a machine gunner in this life, so what else can he do in this life?

And this also shows that the eldest son has no ideas about everything, and other people's ideas are his ideas—even if they are bad ideas.

This guy doesn't know how to keep his voice down, isn't he afraid that the Japanese devils will touch him and kill him?

Solo Fei was thinking about it, when he suddenly heard the voices of the Japanese soldiers coming from ahead, and he couldn't tell the difference between the voices of the two Japanese soldiers speaking Japanese.

But now he was sure that the voice in front of him was by no means the wounded Japanese soldier who was still moaning.

The reason here is very simple, because this time the voice is in another position, and the groaning sound in the other position still hasn't stopped.

This is obviously a second Japanese devil, but now it seems that my grenade is still too little.

While Shan Fei was thinking, Xi Suo's voice came from the opposite side, and the Japanese soldier who spoke had already started to move, and Shan Fei guessed that it was the devil who was not bombed to see the wounded man who was still screaming.

When the Japanese army moved like this, Solo Fei wanted to move too, but at this moment, he suddenly felt suspicious in his heart.

This kind of doubt was not given by the battle itself, but because he suddenly realized that he was still the same self at this time?
However, this doubt was thrown away by him in the blink of an eye.

Now it's a war, either you die or I die, how can I have time to think about other things.

Besides, why did you little devils kill and injure all the brothers in my class?It is our own business to fight and scold, so how old is your small setback in Japan?

Shan Fei held the Heba box in one hand and the bayonet in the other and continued to crawl forward.

And the Japanese soldier was also very careful.

It has been a while since the solo flight started throwing the grenade. It is estimated that the Japanese army judged that there were no Chinese soldiers around, so they dared to move presumptuously, although the sound was not loud.

The whispers and groans of the Japanese soldiers came from the darkness, and the voices already came from the same location. This should be the meeting of the two Japanese soldiers.

What the two Japanese soldiers didn't know was that the Chinese soldier flying solo was already very close to them.

Just as Solo was loading the bullet and considering whether to shoot now, when his left hand moved, his elbow broke a thin dead branch, and he let out a "beep".

And at this time, the sound of "Bai'er" seemed to sound the clarion call of this small battle that couldn't be smaller.

Although the Japanese army in front exclaimed, Solo also pulled the trigger towards the place where the invader made the sound.

"Crack", "crack", "crack", "crack"... The gunfire flickered, and Solo fired all the bullets in the chamber without hesitation, as if he was afraid that if he fired too slowly, the gun would jam generally.

And when his gunfire stopped, the area returned to tranquility, as if nothing had happened.

But did nothing really happen?
Although the two Japanese soldiers were silent, and Solo also rolled to the side.

Flying solo to retract the gun, it happened to touch the barrel of the gun that had become hot from shooting.

He couldn't help grinning, but at this moment, he heard a "woo" sound in the air, and then there was a very dull sound beside him!
If it were a person who had never had such an experience, he really wouldn't know what was going on, but Shan Fei immediately realized after being stunned for a moment that a heavy object or blunt object had hit him in the position just now. !

The sound of "woo" was not my own illusion, it was the sound of piercing through the air when objects passed by in the air.

Once their squad leader secretly took them to fight a platoon leader of another company, he was the one on the lookout, and that was the sound of the wooden stick swinging in the silent night at that time!
A bit high!I was almost crushed to death by the little devil!Flying solo is glad.

"Woo--" The sound of piercing the sky came again, and at this moment, Solo Fei, who was lying on the ground and looking at the sky sideways, saw a few stars covered by black shadows, and the guy who sneaked up on him had already touched him. In front of you!

It's just that the guy didn't figure out his current position, and he didn't know what weapon he was using. Anyway, he shot empty again, and the dull sound of a blunt object hitting the ground came again from beside him.

Solo no longer hesitated, he didn't know how he jumped up in a hurry, and then the bayonet in his hand stabbed at the shadow!

This knife is successful, it penetrates into the flesh, it is tactile, even though it may only stab the opponent.

But at this time, Solo Fly had already opened his bow and had no arrows to turn back. He retracted the bayonet and charged up to stab again. Naturally, there was a burst of random stabs!

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