"What are you crying about? How old are you?" When the eldest son's words sounded in the darkness, the eldest son was startled, and then he shouted full of surprise: "Flying alone! How could you fly solo?" Still alive!"

"What nonsense? Why can't I live?" Shan Fei said angrily.

"Did you go haha ​​just now?" Da Shengzi didn't mind Solo talking to him, just because he was used to being teased by everyone in class.

"Get rid of the little devil who hit us with small cannons." Shan Fei replied in as calm a tone as possible.

"What?" The eldest son couldn't believe his ears.

"What the hell, I said I wiped out all the little devils who beat us up, there are six in total." When Shan Fei talked about what he was doing again, he unconsciously wiped out the number of Japanese soldiers he had touched. Just reported it, and this time there was an unconcealable pride in his tone.

In the darkness, Da Shengzi was silent, but this did not prevent him from looking at where Solo Fei was speaking, with a look of surprise and admiration plus disbelief on his face.

Don't say that Dashengzi didn't believe it, even if he flew solo, he didn't believe it. He actually killed six Japanese devils this time!
Once upon a time, single (shàn) flying was exclusively for single (dān) flying, so it's no wonder that the brothers in his class looked down on him.

This is of course because his solo flight is definitely not about rushing to the front or reaching the enemy's rear to act as a lone hero, but because when it comes to retreating, he runs faster than anyone else.

But this time it was weird. Before that, he saw his squad was hit by a Japanese grenade. At that time, all he could think about was to touch the grenadier and blow up the Japanese grenadier.

That is, at the moment before shooting at the Japanese army, he was a little suspicious, but he was forced to throw it out of his mind by the urgency of the battle.

And it was only after he was sure that he had killed all the Japanese soldiers around him, that is, touched a total of six Japanese soldiers' corpses, that he was a little surprised and surprised.

Is this still who I used to be?After seeing his brothers in his class being bombed by the Japanese army, he chose revenge instead of running away without the slightest hesitation. What is the reason for this?

But after thinking about it for a while, he didn't understand it, and finally returned to look for the eldest son.

When the eldest son asked him why he went there, and when he casually said that he had gone to kill devils, he felt extremely comfortable in his heart, which was a pleasure he had never experienced since he was a soldier.

"Our class is over, and there are only two of us left." The eldest son's words broke the pride of flying solo.

"What words?" It was still expected, but the words of the eldest son still surprised Solo.

"I just counted, no, I just touched it. There are ten people in our class, except for the two of us, there are exactly eight people on the ground, and they are all dead." The eldest son said dejectedly.

Shan Fei remained silent, but those eight familiar faces seemed to appear in front of his eyes.

Just like what he heard from the eldest son before, the squad leader, Tian Yuquan, Wu Tian, ​​Xiao Menzi, Shi Dazhu, Han Wenquan, Da Jinzi, and Zhang Baocai were all killed by the Japanese grenade. There were ten people in their class. There are only two of them left.

"Why do we two go solo? Why don't we go back together." The eldest son suggested when he saw Solo flying without saying a word.

"Fuck off! What's the answer? Our mission hasn't been completed yet, and the company commander hasn't come back yet!" Shan Fei was very angry and blurted out.

Solo's voice was loud, which really startled Dashengzi, but also solo himself.

Only at this time did Solo realize what position Shang Zhen, the company commander, and those veterans had in his mind.

Unknowingly, he had been influenced by the veterans headed by Shang Zhen, which is why he chose to take the initiative to take revenge instead of fleeing after seeing his squad was bombed by the Japanese grenade.

After blurting out a word against Da Shengzi, Shan Fei stared blankly at the night sky.

It seems that this is really the case, I was really influenced by Shang Zhen and the others.

I am no longer my original self.

I don't seem to cherish my little life very much.


It seems that this feeling is not bad, but I am happier than before!
What is the most important, happiness is the most important, happiness is the most important, then, let's continue to complete the task.

"Boom" and "Boom" came the sound of grenade explosions in the distance, followed by "crack bang bang" gunshots.

The gunfire could not be said to be intense, but it was also very rapid. Depending on the location, it is not known which squad was in contact with the Japanese army again.

Pulling it down, the direction of the Japanese army was naturally full of gunshots, and countless light spots flashed in the dark night appeared in front of them again, which were the trajectory of the bullets flying, and where the bullets were shot, the flickering gunfire was like a will-o'-the-wisp. That was the firepower of the Japanese army.

"Do you know where the machine gun is? Get the machine gun!" said Bullfly.

"Okay!" Da Shengzi replied quickly.

It seems that this great saint son is really the material for a natural ammunition hand.

You see, if he was left alone, he would think of retreating or running away, but when solo flight became his backbone again, he said he wanted to fight the Japanese army, but he was not afraid of anything.

So it was only a moment later that the light machine gun flew solo and "chug chug" "chug chug" sounded.

If the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression is compared to a large symphony, it may not be noticed if certain instruments are missing, but the problem is that the symphony is composed of various instruments, just like the War of Resistance Against Japan, It was supposed to be a war for all Chinese, including those soldiers who were once cowardly but are now hardened.

The sudden firepower point immediately attracted the attention of the Japanese army, so the firepower of the Japanese army shot towards the place where the gunfire flickered.

At this time, a soldier of the Northeast Army who was suppressed by the Japanese firepower hurriedly got up from the ground, dragged his injured body and continued to move towards the Japanese army.

It doesn't matter what the soldier's name is, let's call it the unknown soldier for now.

He also didn't know whether all the soldiers in his squad were killed except him, but he knew that the casualties were heavy.

Now he only had one thought, which was to climb in front of the Japanese army in the dark and throw out the bundle of three grenades tied together in his hand.

It is said that one flower is one world, one leaf is one bodhi, so what about a person?
Why doesn't everyone have a world of their own, and have their own mentality that is known or unknown.

How much he wants to go back to his hometown where there are soybeans and sorghum all over the mountains, where there are aging parents he hasn't seen for almost 10 years, where there are brothers and sisters who have also become middle-aged, and where there is the black land wilderness that belongs to him childhood.

But how to go back?How can we go back without defeating the Japanese invaders? !
So when this unknown soldier dragged his wounded body and crawled to a firing point of the Japanese army in the dark, he tried his best to tear off the fuse of the grenade, and the moment he rushed forward with the bundle of cluster grenades, his mouth Li shouted: "Father, mother, I'm going home."

Then in the dark night, another flash of light burst out with a "boom".

For more than ten years, my family and country, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

As a result, another heroic soul appeared on this land of China, walking alone on the way home like other soldiers of the Northeast Army who died in battle in a foreign land.

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