The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1392 Wang Xiaodan "Exploded"

Chapter 1392 Wang Xiaodan "Exploded"

The two-meter-tall man just fell down like that, although it was only a quick glance to the soldiers of the enemy and us on the battlefield.

A person with a height of two meters would give a person with a height of less than 1 meters a sense of oppression. The Japanese soldiers couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when the big man fell down.

At this time, the Chinese soldiers who were still hiding or fighting in different positions were burning with anger, and two Chinese soldiers who were hiding in the dark rushed out with grenades in their hands.

Gunshots and grenade explosions sounded immediately, and the two Chinese soldiers were shot and fell to the ground one after another, but the thrown grenades also knocked over several Japanese soldiers.

But after all, there are still many Japanese troops!
The Japanese army was well-prepared to guard here, so the hiding place they chose was of course not that kind of wormwood, but a mound.

"***" At this time, behind a mound, a Japanese soldier leaning on the slope of the mound was saying something to his companion beside him.

Because he saw his companion staring at the big Chinese man who fell to the ground.

But the Japanese soldier didn't know it, and what he said was actually not important.

After he finished speaking, he saw the companion next to him. While looking at the big man, he pulled out the bayonet from the waist of the rifle.

What is this for?Is it going to be a hand-to-hand combat?
The Japanese soldier continued to scan his companion suspiciously, only then did he notice that his companion no longer had a grenade around his waist.

And at this moment something unexpected happened.

His companion didn't put the bayonet on the rifle, but turned around suddenly, and then plunged the sharp bayonet into his chest!
The Japanese soldier was not prepared at all. He looked at the bayonet inserted into his heart in astonishment, but he was speechless.

It's true that his companion is wearing the clothes of their Great Japanese Imperial Army, but what kind of Japanese soldier is he?He was Wang Xiaodan pretending to be!
Among the group of people in the security company, there were three people wearing Japanese military uniforms, namely Hou Wangshan, Li Qingfeng and Wang Xiaodan.

Hou Wangshan left with Qiao Xiong who was using a grenade, but Li Qingfeng and Wang Xiaodan were with the others.

Wang Xiaodan himself was not tall, and in the previous darkness, he had infiltrated into the Japanese army.

But what makes Wang Xiaodan feel regretful is that he has no more grenades.

When he infiltrated the Japanese army, what did the Japanese army say to him?

Wang Xiaodan didn't understand what the Japanese soldier said at all, but the Japanese soldier stretched out his hand again.

With an idea, Wang Xiaodan grabbed the opponent's hand, pressed it to his clothes, and hummed vaguely.

At that moment, Wang Xiaodan was ready to attack, even though the only weapon he could use was a bayonet.

It was not feasible to shoot at that time. The 38-type rifle was already long. If Wang Xiaodan fired, he would only be able to shoot once, and then he would be beaten to death by the Japanese army.

But who would have thought that when Wang Xiaodan had already decided to make a desperate blow, he made the right choice. After the Japanese soldier touched his clothes, he stopped questioning him.

Wang Xiaodan doesn't know what material the Japanese army's uniforms are made of, but they must be different from those of the Chinese army, because the uniforms of the Northeast Army are all made of cloth.

We don't care whether the clothes worn by the Japanese devils are general Nima, trousers, polyester card or this card or that card, but the feel to the touch is definitely different from cloth.

After the Japanese soldier felt that the touch in his hand was correct, he no longer doubted Wang Xiaodan's identity. At that time, both the enemy and us were in that eerie silence, and the Japanese soldier was also afraid that if he spoke again, he would attract the attack of the Chinese army. So he also accepted Wang Xiaodan's identity by default.

Wang Xiaodan originally wanted to find a chance to get a grenade to blow up these Japanese devils, but now Guman died in battle right in front of him.

The big man who was killed just now was Guman!
As far as Shang Zhen's group is concerned, who else can have the height of about two meters besides Gu Man?

Gu Man's death made Wang Xiaodan suddenly unable to control his revenge, because now Wang Xiaodan is just a nickname, he is not the original Wang Xiaodan!Usually, Gu Man took great care of Wang Xiaodan, never called him nicknames, and never scolded him.

But now, as soon as Wang Xiaodan was exposed, he immediately became the target of public criticism.

As soon as he moved his head, the surrounding Japanese soldiers immediately noticed it.Those Japanese soldiers rushed towards him with a shout.

At this time, Wang Wang Xiaodan didn't even pull out the bayonet. Instead, he stretched out his hand and pulled the grenade from the waist of the Japanese soldier who had just been stabbed to death by himself.

He pulled out his pin and kowtowed his hat, and he had already decided to die with the Japanese army!

But at this moment, on their battlefield, two more explosions suddenly erupted.

And when the white light of the explosion flashed, countless sparks flew into the sky, and the brightest pile of firewood that was originally lit by the Japanese army was blown away by the air waves generated by the explosion of the grenade. !
After Wang Xiaodan was stunned for a moment, he hurriedly threw the grenade that he had blown the fuse into the sky.

Why throw it into the sky?That is of course because this is the position of the Japanese army now, and he was already among the Japanese army.

Originally, he planned to just hold this hand to die with the Japanese army, but when he found that the fire was blown up, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have a chance to survive.

Where is the chance of survival?

He threw that grenade into the sky, because he was stunned for a moment just now, then this grenade would become an empty bomb.

In terms of an air blast order, then there will be fragments from the grenade explosion surging down from the sky, that is, what's the use of hiding on the other side of the mound, the grenade exploded on top of his head, he It is also dead.

But then, Wang Xiaodan suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the Japanese soldier who had just been stabbed to death by him.

He and the Japanese soldier were originally leaning on the slope of this mound, so he pulled hard and pushed his body forward again, but he succeeded in letting the Japanese soldier lie on his body.

And then the butts and bayonets of the Japanese army hit the "meat shield" he pulled.

From Wang Xiaodan's sudden attack and killing a Japanese soldier to when he threw a grenade, it took only a moment, but the surrounding Japanese soldiers who found him infiltrating had already arrived!

The Japanese army wanted to kill Wang Xiaodan, but they hit his companion who had just been stabbed to death.

And when these Japanese soldiers wanted to attack again, there was a loud "boom" above their heads. Sure enough, the grenade thrown by Xiao Gan exploded before it hit the ground!
The entire battlefield area became much darker again, and there were no spark flames in the sky. On the contrary, there were dots of residual fire on the ground, shining under the blowing of the wind in different positions, and the Japanese army was coming from behind a mound. The screams of the wounded.

And all this, of course, was the result of the explosion.

The Japanese soldiers behind the mound were either killed or injured, which was the result of Wang Xiaodan throwing a grenade trying to die with the Japanese army.

At this time, Wang Xiaodan was crawling out from under the corpse amidst the howling of the surrounding Japanese soldiers.

It has to be said that the airburst grenade is so powerful that the Japanese army who besieged Wang Xiaodan and gathered together suffered heavy casualties because of this grenade.

Seeing Wang Xiaodan pretending to be an officer of the Japanese Imperial Army who was either dead or injured, no one cared about Wang Xiaodan hiding under the corpse anymore.

But, who threw the grenade that blew up the fire just now?
The answer is - little Taoist Li Qingfeng!
(End of this chapter)

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