The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1393 The Little Taoist's Companion

Chapter 1393 The Little Taoist's Companion

If Guman, who was discovered by the Japanese army, was a brave warrior who was not afraid of life and death when he charged the Japanese army, then Wang Xiaodan was an assassin who infiltrated the enemy.

But assassins are different from assassins, such as Qingfeng Li.

Wang Xiaodan, who was wearing a Japanese military uniform, could sneak into the Japanese army, so Li Qingfeng, who also changed into a yellow suit, could sneak into the Japanese army even more.

Moreover, Li Qingfeng got in earlier than Wang Xiaodan, so the result of the battle was naturally better.

And this kind of victory is destined to be known only by Qingfeng Li himself, just because those who know his victory are all Japanese soldiers, and if they are Japanese soldiers, they are all dead, and they were stabbed to death silently by Qingfeng Li with a bayonet up.

Later generations on the Internet often compare Chinese martial arts with Western martial arts, such as boxing.

Some people say that it is not useful in martial arts, but it is okay to exercise the body, but if it is for actual combat, forget it.

But what about in practice?

In fact, martial arts is a kind of killing technique, the kind of killing technique that just wants to kill the enemy in the shortest time, regardless of means or looks. The essence of martial arts is to kill with one blow, not the so-called physical fitness.

Unfortunately for the Japanese army, Li Qingfeng was a little Taoist priest who not only practiced exorcising demons, drawing fortune-telling since childhood, but also practiced killing skills since childhood!

Wang Xiaodan was sneaking out from the pile of dead people, but after Li Qingfeng threw the two grenades that blew up the fire, he turned around and went into the position again.

In fact, one thing is quite funny to say, that is, soldiers of the Northeast Army just wanted to make a big noise to attract the Japanese army, so as to create a good external condition for Shang Zhen and the others to escape.

But how to make a big noise?In theory, everyone would say that of course it hurt the Japanese army, such as killing the Japanese army's command post.

But where is the command post of the Japanese army?They took it for granted that it should be in that lime kiln.

As for the kiln, although it is just a place for burning lime, it is not much different from a brick kiln, but after all, it has a cover, except for the entrance and exit, it is also closed, so the Japanese army did not put the command post there. Where is it?

This is the result of observation in the telescope during the day, and it is actually a result that is taken for granted.

Under the current circumstances, they can only assume that the lime kiln is really the command post of the Japanese army.

So what they are referring to infiltrating the enemy in the dark is the thing that is not much higher than a yurt even if it is round.

The Japanese army lit the fire before, and although the enemy and us fought in an instant, it also allowed Li Qingfeng to observe the exact location of the lime kiln, and he was only six to seventy meters away from there.

It's coming, it's coming, whatever it is, there's always going to be a guy.

Li Qingfeng walked that way very carefully. The reason here is not only because the world is dark again, but also because besides the one grenade in his hand, he still brought four more. These grenades are undoubtedly from the Japanese army.

In the darkness, Qingfeng Li killed five Japanese soldiers. If the Japanese officer hadn't ordered to light up the pile of firewood, his results would have been even greater.

Now both China and Japan are fighting outside, but the ammunition supply of the Japanese army is naturally much stronger than that of the 337 brigade.

Li Qingfeng got more than these grenades, but he couldn't bring them with him. One, the Japanese army didn't have time.Two, he had no better way to carry it.

For this reason, Qingfeng Li secretly complained in his heart.

We Japanese devils are so rich and rich, how can we search for military uniforms like this?

It turns out that the Japanese soldiers' jackets only had two upper pockets on the chest, but no lower two pockets.

So Li Qingfeng could only stuff a grenade into one of his coat pockets, and one into his pants pocket.

Isn't this exactly four?
Of course, the trouser pockets of the Japanese army are still very large, and at least two grenades should be placed in one trouser pocket.

But Qingfeng Li didn't dare to let it go.

He touched the Japanese army in the dark. If two or more grenades were placed in one trouser pocket, it is conceivable that when he started to walk, the grenades in the same trouser pocket would collide and send out That clang of metal.

Qingfeng Li would never allow this.

In the darkness, Li Qingfeng groped his way to the lime kiln he remembered when there was a fire, and he didn't care about the occasional gunshots and explosions from behind.

This time he was lucky, after advancing a short distance, he saw the dark shadow of the lime kiln in the night.

At this time, instead, he squatted down and waited quietly.

If this is the headquarters of the little devil, there will definitely be sentries, so where do I go to find it?Is it still necessary to lure the snake out of the hole?

Li Qingfeng was thinking in his heart, when suddenly there was another explosion sound behind him.

As soon as the explosion sounded, Li Qingfeng seemed to be waiting for the explosion sound. In the lingering sound of the explosion, he jumped forward with a "whoosh".

Just his one stroke is so fast, like a civet cat running across the field in the dark.

Fortunately, this time behind him, there was more than one explosion, but two more exploded one after another, whether it was a grenade or a grenade.

Originally, it was not far from the lime kiln, but it was just dark and the soldiers of the Northeast Army couldn't see it.

So the explosion sound became the best cover for Li Qingfeng to run forward, directly covering the sound of his running!
In just a moment, Li Qingfeng leaned his body against the outer wall of the lime kiln. When he opened his mouth and tried to calm down, he heard the Japanese soldiers talking from a dozen meters away. sound!
At this moment, Qingfeng Li was really grateful for the explosion behind him just now. If it wasn't for the explosion, no matter how soft his sound was, he would definitely have been noticed by the Japanese army.

What now?Kill the talking Japanese army first?I just don't know how many Japanese devils there are here?Why don't you just throw a grenade over there and kill these devils all at once?
I have to say who to learn from, since the little Taoist Li Qingfeng followed Shang Zhen and the Northeast Army, he has become more and more like the Northeast in many habits!

But at this moment, Qingfeng Li suddenly heard movement above his car.

what is that?
Li Qingfeng was taken aback. Could it be that the Japanese devils put the machine gun on top of the lime kiln?
The lime kiln looks like a big steamed bun or a domed yurt from the outside.

What is a lime kiln used for?
That is to knock the limestone collected from the mountains into small pieces as much as possible, and then burn them in a lime kiln with fire, and then the fine powder that is burned out is lime.

Because of the shape of the lime kiln, it is not difficult for someone to climb onto the lime kiln.

Li Qingfeng was thinking in his heart, when suddenly he heard a movement in his head this time.

People who practice martial arts always react faster than ordinary people.

Li Qingfeng instinctively moved his body to the side, and then he heard a "plop" in front of him.

As far as Qingfeng Li was concerned, this voice was very familiar. It was made when someone fell from above to the ground.

But even though Li Qingfeng was very skilled and quick to respond, at this moment he heard another plopping sound at the place where the Japanese devil was speaking just now, and then came the unique scream of the Japanese Voice.

Rao Qingfeng Li was always alert, but at this moment he was also a little confused.

He regained his composure, and ignored the cries of the Japanese, but squatted down and stretched out his hand to touch it forward.

The place he touched was exactly the place he had just avoided, and when he stretched out his hand, he touched a warm body!

Anyone else would definitely be taken aback, but Qingfeng Li wouldn't
He moved his hand and touched it lightly, and this time he confirmed that what he touched was the material of the clothes, and it was the material of the Japanese military uniform, not the cloth clothes of the Chinese soldiers!

what is happening?In doubt, Li Qingfeng instinctively reached out and touched the Japanese soldier's neck.

What he thought in his heart was that if the little devil didn't die, he would strangle him to death.

But he hadn't touched the Japanese soldier's neck yet, but the place where he stretched out his hand was sticky.

Although Qingfeng Li couldn't see it in the dark night, he could confirm that it was human blood!

Earlier, when he touched the Japanese camp, he took advantage of the darkness and counted several Japanese soldiers. How could he not be familiar with the feeling of blood?
Li Qingfeng was just trying to figure it out, when he heard the screams of the Japanese soldier in front of him suddenly stop, and then someone scolded in a low voice, "You bastard has a hard head!"

Although the voice scolded extremely low, Qingfeng Li couldn't hold back his ears, so he suddenly exclaimed in a low voice in surprise: "Tiger Zhuzi!"

(End of this chapter)

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