Chapter 1400 A Late Idea

"Tell the people in our house to rest quickly, but the weapons must be ready, maybe there will be a battle right away."

When Shang Zhen said these words to his messenger Cao Delong, it was the morning of the third day after their guard company returned to Gaocheng, and they were standing at the gate of Gaocheng.And with Shang Zhen are Qian Chuan'er, Li Qingfeng, Guo Baoyou, and Shen Mugen.

It's just that at this time, a few of them were not wearing military uniforms, but were wearing tattered civilian clothes, and Guo Baoyou seemed to be carrying a dirt basket on his shoulders.

The soil basket is full of wheat, and you can see the red wheat grains with starbursts.

"Sir, don't go out of the city, we won't recognize you on the top of the city when you go out of the city." At this time, an officer of the Northeast Army guarding the city reminded Shang Zhen.

"You are also the company commander, and I am also the company commander. No matter what my name is, sir, you are busy with your work. Now is not the time to be polite." Shang Zhen said to the officer.

Although Shang Zhen said this politely, he obviously didn't intend to continue the conversation with the officer, so the officer shut up in good time.

At this time, someone ran over from the city and reported to Shang Zhen: "Report to the company commander, I asked them, and they really saw a large group of ordinary people outside the city. But this kid is afraid that there will be too many people together The little devil was bombarded, so he ran back to the city by himself first.

But at that time he was quite far away from the common people, and he didn't see Daqing. "

The person who reported to Shang Zhen was a young man called Shen Mugen. He had served as a guide for Shang Zhen before, and later he simply brought a few of his fellow villagers to join the guard company.

"Okay, let's do it according to our method. Don't get too close." When Shang Zhen said this, he raised his head and glanced at the top of the city. At this time, the big old man in the uniform of the Northeast Army was standing on the top of the city. Looking at him from above, the big old stupid still has a telescope hanging around his neck.

The reason why Shang Zhen wanted to do this was to find clues about the Japanese army.

After several days of fierce fighting, the 51st Army had to move the line of defense back after thousands of people were killed.

And now the Gaocheng guarded by the 337 brigade is the last barrier of their line of defense, and it is barely enough to say that it is Guanshan.

In fact, the entire 51st Army now knows that it is no longer possible to defend the front line of the Baisha River, but they are all doing it knowing that it cannot be done.

I have to say that the entire Northeast is sad.

This time the Japanese army launched an offensive with Wuhan as its strategic goal, and the Chinese army also mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops.

The front line of the Baisha River is not the main battlefield in this great battle, it is more similar to the prelude of this great battle or called a peripheral battle.

If this is replaced by other troops, of course it will also resist the Japanese attack, but in the case of certain casualties, it should be withdrawn.

But the Northeast Army will not.

This is because the Northeast Army has shouldered too much shame, and they don't know that the missions given to them are dirty and dangerous, and even the entire 51st Army has become cannon fodder?

Of course they understand!

However, they have been wandering and fighting in a country that is not their hometown in the Northeast for a long time, and they bear the reputation of not resisting on September [-]th.

Then fight the Japanese devils, of course you will die, but you will have peace of mind before you die!

Now that Shang Zhen and the others have returned to the main force, it is impossible to let their own temper.

The outer positions have been taken by the Japanese army, and now they have to defend Gaocheng. Although the guard company may not fight the Japanese army to the death, the task assigned to them by the brigade commander Liu Chengyi to wipe out the Japanese army is still valid.

There is no way to go outside, so Shang Zhen should try to figure out a way in this Gaocheng. He hoped that the Japanese army disguised as ordinary people would participate in the siege.

So the few soldiers brought out by Shang Zhen today are also very particular.

Qian Chuan'er and Li Qingfeng were all relatively small, and they pretended to be ordinary people. If Japanese soldiers really sneaked into the city, they might not notice them.

From the outside, Guo Baoyou looks like an honest farmer. As long as he hides his gun, if he shrinks his neck and hugs his shoulders, then anyone can see that he is a commoner.

Otherwise, Bai Zhan is not big, so why doesn't Shang Zhen bring Bai Zhan?

That's because, regardless of whether he is a bum in the countryside or a thief with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes, Bai Zhan has a non-farmer temperament anyway.At least Shang Zhen won't bring him this time.

As for that Shen Mu is a local at all, he has not been in the army for a long time, and he still doesn't have that kind of military temperament in him, so it's perfect for him to pretend to be a commoner with Shang Zhen and the others.

Of course, it would be even better if the ordinary people who want to dress up look like they can bring out Mr. Wang. After all, Mr. Wang is almost 50 years old. old man.

But Shang Zhen thought about it and let it go, he couldn't see that Old Mao Wang missed his little daughter-in-law.

As the war progressed, although newcomers continued to join, there were fewer and fewer old people. For example, Guman died again this time. Of course, Shang Zhen didn't want any accidents to happen to his old Uncle Wang.

As the sun rose, the big old fool on the top of the city began to make gestures, which meant that people outside the city appeared.

Gaocheng is already the last important point on the east bank of the Baisha River, and the Japanese army is pressing across the board from east to west, so the people who were originally hiding in the mountains are unwilling to be slaughtered and will naturally run to Gaocheng.

Then the 337th brigade, as the defender, couldn't keep the people in. In this way, there may be Japanese scouts in disguise among these people, and this is the meaning of Shang Zhen and the others staying here.

It's just that even if there are Japanese soldiers who really pretend to be Chinese people, is it so easy to recognize?What's more, who can guarantee that there are no traitors in the servants used by the Japanese military?
But Shang Zhen didn't care, he simply went to the top of the city, and looked out from an inconspicuous place on the top of the city with the old man, while his remaining soldiers dressed as ordinary people were in the corner of the city gate Squatting down, he looked at the people who entered the city.

As far as Qian Chuan'er was concerned, they were not afraid that the common people would think there was something unusual about them, because the first thing the common people saw when they came in was the Northeast military officer with a loaded gun.

This is all common sense, and the common people also know that the defense of Gaocheng is not far away, whoever comes in and doesn't look at the soldiers with guns, how can they care about the common people squatting under the wall?

And the officers and soldiers guarding the city were not idle, they stepped forward to check any suspicious people, even though nothing unusual was found.

What is a suspicious person?Previously, Shang Zhen had also chatted with the company commander who had just shown him a good friend.

That company commander is also a thoughtful person, and what he used was the method of elimination!

He doesn't check how old they are, they don't check their age, they don't check their age, they don't check their women, they don't check their height above 1 meters.

As far as the truth is concerned, anyone with a brain will understand the truth after thinking about it for a while.

In this way, there are fewer objects for him to monitor.

Looking at the top of the city for a while, Shang Zhen saw that the company commander was so responsible, he couldn't help but smiled wryly.

Originally, he planned to see if he could catch a Japanese scout who sneaked into the city, but the company commander's brains are too good, so if he was a Japanese devil disguised as a commoner, he would be very scared. Dare to come in.

It's no wonder that the company commander, his job is to guard the soil, while his job is to catch traitors, this is a contradiction!

Shang Zhen looked towards the distance leading to the city gate again, and there were already more and more people, no need to ask, it was the Japanese army preparing to attack on a large scale.

This kind of situation reminded Shang Zhen of the old forest in the Northeast that his veterans had mentioned.

When you are in the old forests in the northeast and see groups of wild boars running towards you, there are probably big tigers behind you.

And now these people who are going to the city are the animals that are scared to run ahead. As for who is the tiger but not home?
Will those little devils pretending to be ordinary people come, and if they come, what will they do?Shang Zhen thought for a while, but came up with another idea.

It seemed a bit late for me to figure this out, Shang Zhen thought to himself, but then he denied his late judgment, whether it was too late or not, he would only know after trying.

So, he shouted again: "Cao Delong, come here, and pass my order back."

"Yes!" Cao Delong, who had gone back to convey the order earlier, came over and listened carefully to Shang Zhen's instructions.

(End of this chapter)

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