The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1401 Invite "Jun" into the alley

Chapter 1401 Invite "Jun" into the alley

From time to time, muffled gunfire sounded in the distance, disturbing the panic of the people who had already hid in Gaocheng, and also made the people who hadn't entered the city quicken their pace.

"I seem to have heard the shock of the little devil's infantry artillery hitting our feet." Chen Hanwen sighed listening to the sound of the artillery in the distance.

Chen Hanwen's words aroused the surprised gazes of the guards and soldiers who were not very familiar with him, and it was always noticeable that Chen Hanwen, a young man like Chen Hanwen, appeared among the people in the Lower Riba.

"I seem to hear the little devils who attacked the city trembling before death amidst the explosion of the grenade that killed us together." At this time, a soldier said in a literati tone similar to Chen Hanwen. .

Therefore, Chen Hanwen's words just now attracted other people's eyes and surprises, but this soldier's words won admiring eyes.

It was Gu Bing who answered the call.

"Okay, don't waste your voice, give me a cat, maybe we can really kill the little devil who sneaked into the city in a while!" This time it was Old Mao who spoke.

So, everyone shut up and hid in the corner behind the house, looking at the street in front of them.

At this time, at the gate of the city, although the soldiers guarding the city were there, they no longer checked suspicious persons and waited. Supplies are running around, such as——, they all seem to be busy anyway.

The gunfire of the Japanese devils was approaching, and it seemed that the guards and soldiers did not have the intention to catch the Japanese scouts anymore.

At this time, the number of people entering the city naturally increased, regardless of whether they were male or female, old or young, or those who wore long gowns or short shirts and were shirtless.

It would be fine to say that everyone's faces were full of panic, but there was still that little child who didn't know much about the world and cried in a timely manner.

So the people around heard a sense of national ruin and family destruction in the crying, which was really worrying!
It's just that it's easy for these people to enter the city, and the officers and soldiers guarding the gate don't pay much attention to them, but their actions are restricted when they enter the city.

"Military important area, no passage!" A soldier of the Northeast Army shouted at the civilians who were running towards his street with a brand new twenty-gun box cannon in his hand.

His voice was very loud, and it sounded like a threat.

The people who were alerted by his roar saw the black muzzle of the gun in the corner of the house behind him, behind the window and on the house machine.

So the people who had just entered the city could only run to other streets.

Well, the city gate, and the city gate leads to the main road, so naturally you can go left or right, and then go along the main street, which is the main road.

The poor soldier led people to seal off the street on the left, and the people who entered the city could only go to the main road in the middle or to the right.

"Ma Erhuzi, don't be so arrogant and just yelling there, be careful that there are really little devils hiding among the common people and shooting you badly." A soldier beside him reminded him kindly.

It's just that the soldier's kindness was taken as a donkey's liver and lungs, and the horse and tiger replied disapprovingly: "I'm afraid of the bastard, the machine guns on our heads are not vegetarians!"

Ma Erhuzi was right, the machine gun above his head was not a vegetarian!
There are several light machine guns on different roofs behind them!

"That old lady with little feet, why are you running? Come here quickly!"

But when some people ran to the right, a person standing on the main road yelled again.

The man was dressed in a more refined manner, even wearing a Chinese tunic suit that is rarely seen in rural areas, and there was a tube of fountain pen pinned to the jacket pocket.

As for the appearance, although the face is also tanned, it is handsome, even though this is an era that only talks about running for one's life and not talking about a handsome face.

What can people think of with such a subterfuge, then this person must be a government employee or a party member of a certain party department!

"Old people, those with bad legs and feet, and those with children, all come to me!

The war is about to start, the officer wants us to escort you out of the city to the pier and cross the Baisha River! "The man yelled again, not caring that what he was yelling was an authentic northeast accent.

To be honest, it's interesting to talk about the Northeast accent.

In later generations, people in Northeast China will watch the most famous program called "News Network" on TV, and what news is broadcast in it is second. After hearing the mandarin spoken by the announcer, they will say: "Well, not bad. , this announcer speaks Mandarin, the same as our Northeast people!"

People in the Northeast think that what they speak is the most authentic Mandarin, but if you borrow the words of the Northeast people, you have to call it. How big are you that you think you are speaking Mandarin?Then why don't you feel (jiǎo) bad, just open your mouth and it smells like a big Northeast mess!
As soon as the man yelled that the officer would send someone to protect them across the river, the common people ran towards them.

But at this time, the man pointed at the young and middle-aged men among them and cursed: "Go back to me if you are in good health. I really think there is no one behind me! The officer only said to let the old and young, women and children, you all go away!"

And following this man's yelling, the people running towards this side noticed that a row of soldiers appeared right behind him. The machine guns were also mounted, not to mention the bayonets on the rifles were shining brightly. , as if a white knife would go in and a red knife would come out at any time!
So amidst the man's yelling, the people diverted again, and the old and young women and children really came to him, but a few young and middle-aged men who wanted to get away with it were shot by the soldiers behind the man with guns and bayonets. pointed back.

"I said Chutian, didn't our company commander ask you to pretend to be gentle? Why do you think it's so funny that you speak Northeast dialect and imitate the locals!" At this time, a soldier beside the man couldn't help laughing reminded.

"What do you care about my accent?" Chu Tian retorted, "If there are little devils coming in, it would be good if they can understand Chinese, but I don't believe he can tell that my accent is from the Northeast, just like we listen to little devils, Can you figure out which is from Tokyo and which is from Hokkaido?"

"You're a little tight." Ma Tian, ​​who had one arm behind him, reminded.

Chu Tian woke up and yelled loudly again.

The people who entered the city were generally diverted in this way, and those young and middle-aged people had no choice but to go to the main road.

And at this time, there was another "boom" just outside the city wall of Nagao City.

This time, the bombing point of the Japanese army was already very close to the city wall. At least the people outside the city and the officers and soldiers at the top of the city saw the smoke and dust rising only 80 meters away from the city wall.

And just after the smoke and dust from the explosion dispersed, although some ordinary people could be seen staggering towards the city gate, several people had fallen down and could not get up again.

Intimidated by this cannon, many people who were very close to the city gate ran towards the city gate more and more.

In fact, this kind of situation is not uncommon in wars. If the people want to enter the city, the defenders have only two choices. One is to let the people into the city, and the other is to put a gun and close the city gate to keep the people out. Its life and death.

Perhaps it really complied with the tough character of the Northeast people. With a hard mouth but a soft heart, the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army guarding the city first chose to let the common people run into the city gate.

And what happened next was the same as the previous people entering the city, and those people were roughly "diverted" again.

And amidst this frightened flow of people, a group of people bumped into the people who had entered the city earlier, and then they ignored those who shouted "no entry in important military areas", and those who only wanted "old, young, women and children" But it went directly from the main road to the inside.

Everything seemed so chaotic, but just now the group of people didn't know about it, and their actions all fell into the eyes of Shang Zhen on the city wall, and not far from the main road they were running, it was Mr. Wang. The place where the chinstrap men ambush.

(End of this chapter)

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