Chapter 1447 Exploding Fire
It didn't matter whether he was one of the bandits Li Tantou. What was important was that he had to protect the division first.

Shang Zhen led the people and ran forward again. When he rounded a hill, he saw several fires.

A pile of firewood that had not been taken back from the field was lit, and the fire was very big, illuminating a piece of wheat stubble left from the harvest in the field. There was a fire a little further away, and it happened to be a house that was set alight. Below is a village of dark houses.

A soldier directly confirmed Shang Zhen's idea, because it was then that Shang Zhen discovered that there were people lying down on the other side of the hill.

"Who is Shang Zhen?" Someone among them asked.

When Shang Zhen stepped forward to answer the question, he couldn't see clearly the person who was talking to him, but the person had already introduced himself to him: "I am the deputy battalion commander of the 586st Battalion of the [-]th Regiment of the Division, surnamed Li. I know you.

This is the situation now. I don’t know which group of people attacked the division headquarters. The division guard company is also in the village.

We can't attack the fire in front of us by forcefully charging up, and the casualties will be too high if we forcefully charge forward. Moreover, if we rush over forcefully, the enemy will guess that there is our big thing in the village, and then the division headquarters may be in danger.

I'm sending people to take a detour now. "

Shang Zhen looked at the officer in front of him in surprise who was also lying down but could not see his nose and mouth clearly. He immediately realized that the officer's decision was inappropriate.

The division commander and the division headquarters are in the village. Our people outside the village want to attack for fear of casualties and exposure of the division headquarters. What reason is this?Neither of these two reasons makes sense!

Is it to save the officer because he is afraid of casualties?How can you guarantee that the division headquarters has not been exposed?
If you use this kind of decision to direct the battle, it will be fine as long as the division headquarters does not suffer heavy losses. If there is a problem with the division headquarters or the division commander, it would be strange for you, the deputy battalion commander Zuo Neng, to underestimate your own responsibility!
Shang Zhen is a smart man. His smartness is not only in fighting enemies. In fact, he sees many things more clearly than others in terms of human relations and sophistication. He usually just doesn't say it out loud.

And this is the difference between his and Mr. Wang's work styles in terms of reinforcing the division.

Reinforcement of the division is necessary and must be high-profile. Even if it is sacrificed, it must be done at all costs!

But Shang Zhen understood that it was not time for him, the newly promoted battalion commander, to make decisions for others, even though he didn't know where the chief battalion commander of Deputy Battalion Commander Li's family had gone.

Shang Zhen glanced ahead again. The fire was still burning in the ground in front of him. It was still burning brightly, but there were no piles of firewood around.

There were several small fires near the big fire. Although they were not very close, they were also on fire, but they illuminated the open land in front of them.

I don’t know which group lit the fire. If it was Li Tantou’s group, then this group of Shandong thieves were very sophisticated.

Now Shang Zhen wanted to rush to the village to help. If he ordered to rush upward, he could only order his own men. He could not order Battalion Commander Li's people.

The division headquarters must be rescued, but if you want to save it, you have to rush through the open space in front. If you rush through the open space in front, there will be heavy casualties.

Now Shang Zhen can see the soldiers of the Northeast Army lying around the fire. There is no need to estimate this. The opponent must be prepared for a sneak attack. They must have light machine guns. Those soldiers of the Northeast Army must be He was killed while rushing into the village just now.

Rush through with huge casualties?This seems to be an inevitable choice.

However, this kind of thing may be difficult for Deputy Battalion Commander Li, but it will definitely not be difficult for Shang Zhen.

"Qiao Xiong!" Shang Zhen shouted.

"Here you are!" Qiao Xiong's voice came from behind.

"Use a grenade to blow up that fire for me!" Shang Zhen ordered.

"Yes!" Qiao Xiong responded.If there is any difference between Shang Zhen's battalion and other troops, it is that their battalion has now established a grenade platoon.

Shang Zhen and the others proved through actual combat that the Japanese grenades were really useful. During the battle, Shang Zhen and the others captured many grenades. So what were they doing with those things?Of course, use it.

Now that Shang Zhen was the battalion commander again, he directly asked Qiao Xiong to select people from the entire battalion to form a grenade platoon.

In fact, their grenade platoon only has six grenades in total now, but what does it matter?

It turns out that when there was no such grenade platoon, the captured Japanese grenades were either fired casually or thrown away, so there were really not many on hand.

But it doesn't take much, it's enough to blow up or destroy the fire in front of it.

At this time, Battalion Commander Li didn't expect Shang Zhen to use such a move. He just slapped his thigh and said, "Why didn't I think of it? There are two grenades in our camp."

And just a moment later, there was a "boom" from Shang Zhen's end. It was Qiao Xiong firing the grenade.

Naturally, no one cared about how Qiao Xiong controlled the grenade in the darkness, but at that "boom", they saw the white light flashing from the fire in front of them, followed by a "boom" explosion. Come on.

Even though the grenade didn't land exactly in the middle of the fire, it landed beside it. Driven by the air wave of the explosion, the fire was blown up into flames and sparks shot up into the sky!
The firewood pile was just a pile of wheat straw. It happened to have rained a few days ago, so the wheat straw was wet, so the fire was not very strong, otherwise it would have been burned out.

No matter how wet the wheatgrass is, it is still grass. The blast of air from the explosion will naturally blow apart part of the wheatgrass pile to the bone.

The "cannon" was amazing. Who would have thought that Qiao Xiong would be so accurate during the test firing!

Seeing the good news, everyone was overjoyed.

After a while, there was a "boom", "boom" and "boom" behind Shang Zhen and the others, and several grenades fired all the grenades at once.

The first call sent out six grenades, but four of them exploded directly on the firewood pile. Moreover, the four grenades exploded almost at the same time, so in the dark night, the firewood pile was exploded with sparks all over the sky. , just like a huge fireworks!
"Okay! Save it!" Someone shouted at this time, and this time the person shouting was Qiao Xiong.

Qiao Xiong was usually an honest man of few words. Those Northeastern veterans often thought that he was the kind of person who "can't do anything with three sticks". But when Qiao Xiong saw that the battalion commander's goal was achieved, he shouted. .

In fact, he only had less than ten grenades left on hand.

This thing invented by the little devil is very easy to use. If you can save it, you have to save it and save it for later use at critical moments.

They had fired six grenades just now, but two of them missed. This made him feel very distressed.

The largest fire is gone, and there is a small fire a little closer. It is estimated that one grenade is enough. It is better to fight it yourself, and don't let others waste grenades.

At this time, the Northeast officers and soldiers saw the fireworks all over the sky falling one after another after being blown up to the highest point. The fire had been blown up into stars all over the sky. When the wind blew again, it soon turned from an open flame into a red flame and then... It will be destroyed.

That's wheatgrass, not firewood. Doesn't it burn quickly?
Do you still use Shang Zhen to talk at this time?

Deputy Battalion Commander Li shouted: "Brothers, come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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