The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1448: Fire drives away enemies

Chapter 1448: Fire drives away enemies
There was a "boom", and there was another explosion. The Northeast officers and soldiers who were rushing forward were stunned at first, and then they saw that the fire pile closest to their impact route was also blown away. They were overjoyed, and each one held a gun. Just rush to the village.

However, the distance between them is still wide. The human wave tactic is a thing of the past, not to mention that they all know that the enemy is hiding in the dark.

Sure enough, after a while, there were shooting sounds of "ta-da-da" and "pa-pa-pa" in the darkness on the left front.

However, although soldiers from the Northeast Army were shot and fell to the ground next, there were also gunshots behind them. This gunfire was much denser than the blocking gunfire, and then the flickering gunfire on the left front became mute. Go down.

But it wasn't over yet. Then came the "boom" and "boom" sounds of the grenade, and two more grenades were hit at the firing point on the left front.

It is said that Shang Zhen, the guard company commander, is good at fighting, and he really deserves his reputation!Battalion Commander Li sighed inwardly as he followed the soldiers towards the village.

"Leave the machine gun cover, others follow me!" Shang Zhen also gave the order at this time.

Shang Zhen didn't lead his men up immediately. He just wanted to block the enemies on the opposite side.

Is it important to protect the division headquarters?Of course it's important.

But no matter how important the battle is, it must be done step by step. For example, if someone charges, there must be fire cover behind it.

You must follow the procedures that should be followed. Although some steps are taken slowly and some are taken quickly, if you don't follow them, it will be fatal.

Shang Zhen believed that the enemy group would never be as large as the 113th Division, but it happened to be a night battle.

This situation is no different from when he broke into the enemy camp at night, but the roles have been reversed. Now he fully understands the mood of the Japanese army when he was troubled by him.

A person from one side breaks into the enemy camp alone. As long as he is brave enough and capable enough and has good luck, he is called a lone hero.

But for the party with more people, why not be beaten into confusion and bewilderment?

If the side with fewer people throws a grenade, as long as it doesn't blow up itself, the enemies will definitely be killed and injured. However, the side with more people is constrained because of the fear of accidentally injuring its own people.

The Japanese army's response was naturally to shoot out flares, so that their advantages in numbers and firepower could be reflected.

In fact, when the Japanese army fired the flares, Shang Zhen and the others, as the smaller group, were indeed chased away like mice!

In this case, then come on, just set the village on fire, and drive out the enemies who are likely to be bandits like rats.

But what if we just drive him out?Could it be that we, the Northeastern Army, drove the enemies into the darkness in the village with firelight, and then they shot at the Northeastern Army?

So yeah!

"Li Qingfeng, Chen Hanwen, Ma Erhuzi, and Hou Kanshan, each of you take a squad and hide in the southeast, northwest and northwest of the village. If not for our Northeastern Army members coming out of the village in a while, I will knock them all down!" Shang Zhen said again! The order was given.

When Shang Zhen led the others and rushed towards the village, the group of enemies who had blocked them did not shoot at them anymore, but the explosion of grenades or grenades was heard just outside the village houses.

Next, there were more explosions, this time it was from the houses in the village.

It seemed that some enemies were hiding in the houses to prevent the Northeastern military officers and soldiers from reinforcing the village. After all, they were few in number, so they were also bombed after they bombed their houses.

However, when Shang Zhen and the others approached the house, the explosion sound had disappeared, and soldiers were tripped and fell to the ground. It was the soldiers of the Northeast Army who had just died and fell in the darkness.

"Set fires as soon as you enter, and set fires every few houses to drive these rats out of the village!" Shang Zhen ordered again.

"In that case, what if the teacher is injured?" Ge Changli, who was following Shang Zhen, asked. "Execute the order! You don't understand!" Shang Zhen directly rejected Ge Changli's doubts.

Ge Changli was not originally from the guard company, but after being rescued by Shang Zhen and the others, he liked veterans like Shang Zhen and simply stayed.

While they were talking, Shang Zhen and the others had already arrived at the entrance of the alley of the village. They followed the footsteps of the Northeastern Army soldiers in front and then dispersed with a "hurrah".

Shang Zhen had an order to set fire to several houses. Of course the soldiers had to carry out the order.

It is much easier to burn a house with fire than to build a house!

In just a moment, fire broke out in several places in the village.

With the fire, even though the houses would create shadows, the alleys in the village that could be illuminated by the fire became clear.

"Damn it, who set the fire behind us?" Battalion Commander Li yelled angrily.

But then he saw two scenes.

In one scene, there was a fire, and the soldiers who had rushed to the alley where the fire could shine were suddenly knocked down by bullets fired from a building!

In another scene, someone suddenly ran out of the house in front of him, but in a flash they, the Northeastern officers and soldiers, saw that the man was not wearing Northeastern Army clothes.

Now that we have reached this point, who cares whether that person is a common person in the village or not? Where the gunfire rang out, the person fell down after being shot.

There are advantages and disadvantages to the fire, but this time the advantages and disadvantages were seen over and over by that Battalion Commander Li!
"We won't beat the common people to death, right?" A soldier said in an unbearable tone.

"No, I saw that guy dropped something in his hand before he fell. It was probably a grenade." Another soldier answered.

"Cover me!" The soldier who spoke earlier rushed out with his gun in hand without saying a word.

Northeastern people are hard-spoken but soft-hearted, which comes from their ancestral roots. Rome was not built in a day, and the character of Northeastern people was not developed in a day.

"A few more, and whoever dies will accept his fate!" At this time, Deputy Battalion Commander Li shouted, and then he rushed out with the box cannon in hand.

Just like Shang Zhen's previous opinion of Deputy Battalion Commander Li, Deputy Battalion Commander Li was thoughtless in commanding the battle, but he was extremely brave in fighting, always taking the lead in the charge regardless of life and death.

A foot is shorter and an inch is longer. If he rushes forward and is hit by the enemy's bullet, it is called reckless, but if he does not die, it is called brave!

Sometimes it is impossible to tell what is reckless and what is brave!
Fortunately, although the man who had just been defeated by Deputy Battalion Commander Li was wearing civilian clothes, some soldiers discovered the grenade that fell next to him. This was undoubtedly the enemy. At this time, Deputy Battalion Commander Li The commander and the others also figured out that the enemy who attacked their 113th Division was not the Japanese army!

Fires continued to light up in various places in the village.

And then, as Shang Zhen expected, when the enemies in the village saw the fire, they finally no longer dared to fight with the Northeastern Army in the village, and they were forced to withdraw outside the village.

When Shang Zhen and his men successfully found the division commander Liu Chengyi and protected him, gunshots rang out outside the village.

But at this time, the class led by Qingfeng Li just to the west of the village encountered a new enemy!

(End of this chapter)

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