Chapter 1456

Xie Chengan said it was Li Tantou's people and told everyone to retreat quickly, but Liu He was already dissatisfied with the soldiers in his squad: "Who cares about Li Tantou's people? Hurry up and carry the cannon!"

Li Qingfeng wanted twenty rounds, but Liu He wanted a mortar.

Who doesn’t have a dream yet?Who doesn’t crave recognition from superiors and peers?
Liu He only heard Xie Cheng'an talk about Li Tantou last night, saying that he was the largest puppet army in Shandong. Of course, he could also be said to be a bandit in the disguise of a puppet army.

In Liu He's eyes, the bandits in Shandong are no different from the beards in Northeast China. No matter how awesome the bandits are, can they still be like our old marshal? Will they eventually transform from bandits to marshals?
What to say about this situation?Who said I am a bandit and a rebel?In the end, I became so powerful that I became the king of the Northeast and the rule maker of the four northeastern provinces. Then my mouth is the biggest mouth in the four northeastern provinces.

Besides, after spending a whole night, he finally managed to grab two mortars and now threw them away. How could he be willing to do so?

As he rushed down, Qingfeng Li's eyes were filled with twenty-ring box cannons.

Of course Liu He also liked box cannons, but when he first saw those two mortars, his eyes never moved away!
The reason is that as a veteran, he has never seen this kind of mortar!

As a member of the Northeast Army, as a former rich second generation, even the now poor Ding Dangxiang is not an unsightly person.

Liu He saw the difference between the two mortars at first glance.

The 82mm mortar originally used by the Chinese army was very heavy. In my mind, it weighed sixty or seventy kilograms anyway. If you were to carry the gun on your back for exercise, it would have to be disassembled. And after disassembling a cannon, you would need to use four Individuals carry them separately.

As for the Japanese mortar, Liu He had never seen it, but he had heard from the veterans under the new battalion commander Shang Zhen that it was heavier and had a large iron base underneath.

Everyone knows what the iron plate seat is used for. Isn't it just to use the iron plate to slow down the reaction force when firing the gun?

But the cannon was already very heavy, and with an iron plate underneath, you can imagine how heavy the cannon would be.

But these two mortars are very small, and the caliber is not thick at first glance, it is only 60mm. One person can definitely carry the "rōu" and "rōu" without dismantling the gun frame!

As a veteran, Liu He certainly knew that the Japanese grenades were very practical.

But the problem is that although that thing is practical, only veterans with experience in using it can use it well. There is a saying that "sharp shooters are fed bullets." The same is true for shooting grenades. How many geniuses are like Qiao Xiong?

So, these two mortars are new models between grenades and old-fashioned mortars. They can shoot far and are practical. No wonder the bandits under Li Tantou were able to carry them around and hide and seek with them last night. !
Therefore, Liu He must have these two cannons!
The sound of gunfire had already started. Not only was the twenty-gun box cannon that Qingfeng Li had newly grabbed making a "crack" sound, but Xie Chengan's soldiers also opened fire on the opposite hilltop, with Xie Chengan leaving behind in the lead. Covering fire from the hills behind also started.

On the opposite side, Li Tantou's puppet troops were ordered to come over to rescue their own people. When they heard the sound of gunshots, they ran towards the hill, but they never thought that by some strange combination of circumstances, they would directly bump into Li Qingfeng, who was making twenty-gun gestures. on the muzzle of the gun.

For both the enemy and us, this was an encounter, and Xie Chengan obviously knew what was going on with Li Tantou. As soon as he saw Li Tantou's puppet troops arriving for reinforcements, he ordered a retreat to avoid a head-on confrontation with the opponent. ending.

Guns were ringing, and the puppet troops were spreading their forces.

Xie Cheng'an and the others finally withdrew to the previous hill. Amid Liu He's scolding, his team finally brought back the two mortars.

And Liu He himself hadn't forgotten to come back with a box of cannonballs, even though he knew there shouldn't be many cannonballs in it.

Everything seemed to be going well. Under the cover of the guns on the top of the hill, the Northeastern Army finally ran to the foot of the hill where they started.

So far, none of them have been killed, but one of them was injured. He was shot in the butt by a bandit, but he was saved by his companions.

But at this moment, the covering soldier on the hill suddenly shouted: "Company commander, there are people coming from behind us, they seem to be bandits!"

As soon as the soldier finished shouting, gunfire rang out from the other side of the hill.

Then Xie Chengan and the others, who had already hid at the foot of the hill, saw that the soldiers who had stayed on the hill to provide cover did not fight back, but rolled down from the top of the hill with their guns in hand. "What's going on here? How many people are coming from behind? Are they also bandits?" Liu He, who was just complacent about getting two mortars, shouted.

"What's going on? Run over there, there are woods over there!" Qingfeng Li had already shouted.

Qingfeng Li is young, and his voice sounds particularly high-pitched.

Why is it easiest for people to become officials during war?

Not only because the original officer died quickly, but also because in the battle, under complicated circumstances, someone can make the decision, and when you need to be brave, you dare to fight!
He can come up with ideas when everyone can't agree, and what happened next can prove that his idea was the best at that time!
For example, this is how Shang Zhen became the leader of their group of veterans.

For example, now, Qingfeng Li's choice is also the best!
Yes, who cares how many bandits came behind, even those bandits just participated in last night's battle and were driven over by the 113th Division to defeat the enemy.

Now they have been flanked by Li Tantou's puppet army. The puppet army coming from the other side of the village does not need to be large in number. As long as a few people occupy favorable terrain so that they cannot rush through, the puppet army behind them will spread out. , then what Xie Chengan and the others have to face is not being attacked from both sides, but being ambushed from all sides!
Whether puppet soldiers or bandits, what they are best at is the wolf tactic. If you let them fight alone, they may not have the courage, but if you let them rely on the strength of their numbers to carry out a siege, they will definitely be masters!
Qingfeng Li's words were thought by the veterans and they realized that Qingfeng Li was right. So Xie Chengan waved his hand and they all ran towards the woods on the left side of the road.

Fortunately, this road was a road between mountains and fields. It was not straight. The hill they left behind provided them with more or less cover.

And when they appeared in the sight of the two puppet troops, they had already reached the edge of the woods.

The bullets fired by the puppet soldiers passed through them. Some people were "bitten" by the bullets on their trousers, but they were not injured in the end.

After a while, they got into the woods and ran forward for a while. After they came out of the woods and climbed a hill, both Qingfeng Li and Xie Chengan stopped.

You can't run blindly when you're running for your life, you always have to look at the surrounding terrain.

What's more, it's hard to tell whether they are escaping for their lives now. They don't know how many puppet troops are coming from both ends. They always have to understand the enemy's situation. Otherwise, the officers and soldiers will be chased and beaten by bandits. This is a shame for Northeastern people. character!

By this time, the soldier who had been shot in the butt was already lying on the ground, and his companions pulled off the pants on his buttocks to show him the injury.

But at this time, the one who was looking at the injury started laughing: "Damn it, Bazi, it's not a big deal, you hurt me and I still have to run away with you!"

Hearing what he said, other soldiers also took a look, and then laughed: "Old Lu is awesome this time. He has two trenches, one horizontal and one vertical!"

It turned out that this soldier was very lucky. No one could figure out what angle his body was at when he was shot, or where the puppet soldiers fired the gun. The bullet just grazed his buttocks, leaving a bloody groove.

But no matter how the bullet neither penetrated the flesh nor damaged any muscles or bones, it could only be regarded as a flesh wound.

However, Liu He did not participate in the laughter. He had already opened the shell box, and there were four mortar shells in it.

The cannonball was spindle-shaped. Liu He took out one and weighed it very small, weighing about three kilograms.

"What a good thing!" Liu He sighed.

Little did Liu He know that what they seized this time was a mortar produced only last year by the Nationalist Government Arsenal. It was still produced and used after the three-year civil war and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and even after the founding of New China. The famous "Sixty Guns"!
To talk about how practical this 0-meter gun is, it is said that half of the Japanese troops during the Anti-Japanese War were killed by this 0-meter gun!
Therefore, after the 0-meter gun was put into the battlefield, the Japanese army was afraid of the 0-meter gun just like the Chinese soldiers were afraid of grenade launchers. As soon as they heard the sharp sound of the incoming shells, they began to hide.

New weapons are naturally given priority to be equipped with the Central Army. Although the Northeast Army belongs to the Central Army series, so far they have not been distributed to the Northeast Army.

I don’t know what kind of channels Li Tantou and his group of puppet troops used, but the Northeast Army first obtained such two mortars to "try them out". As a result, due to some strange combination of circumstances, they were captured by the Northeast Army again.

(End of this chapter)

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