The offensive and defensive positions were changing. Xie Chengan, Li Qingfeng and the others no longer had the high spirits they had when they killed the more than 20 puppet soldiers in the first place. Instead, they were chased by the puppet soldiers like a dog crawling like a rabbit!

As for the reason, there is only one reason: there are too many puppet troops.

There were less than 40 of them. The puppet army they faced was not 400, but more than 200. They were chasing after them from all directions in a circle.

At this point, what can they do if they don't run?

Then just run, they ran forward in the mountains and fields using the cover of the terrain.

But it was obvious that Li Tantou's puppet troops were more familiar with the terrain in this area than Xie Cheng'an and the others. Xie Cheng'an and the others had just run to a certain place before they could catch their breath, and then the puppet troops arrived again.

Or when they just arrived at a certain place, the soldier in charge of the lookout had to climb up. When he climbed up and took a look, he saw that other puppet troops were coming back from another way, so they had to keep running!
They ran like this for more than three hours, but they still could not escape the pursuit of the puppet troops.

To be honest, there are all kinds of people in any team.

There will always be smart ones who show off and sell things quickly, and those who are so dumb that they can't turn their heads.

But no matter what kind of role it is, it is indispensable in a team.

What does this look like?

This is like the contracting teams that did construction work in later generations. The laborers used by the two, three or even four contractors in the middle were so slow that they could not think of one or two, and even had the sequelae of a stroke. It's not surprising that he was stunned.

But why would the contractor hire such a person?
Because he has a labor price difference with such a person. The superiors give this worker 80 a day, but he only gives 50, so the 30 will naturally go into his own pocket.

The same is true for the fighting teams, and there are always those in the puppet army who are fearless and rushing to the front, but if you underestimate the intelligence of the puppet army who came from Shandong thieves, it would be a big mistake.

What's more, Xie Chengan estimated that among the puppet troops they killed this morning, there must be some big figures in the puppet army, otherwise the puppet troops would not be able to pursue them so stubbornly.

But after several hours of marching, they all changed from fast running to jogging, and then from jogging to fast walking. Their stomachs began to growl, indicating that everyone was hungry.

But can the puppet troops not catch up with them if they are so good?The puppet army really didn't catch up, because the puppet army was also tired of them.

The enemy and we are not said to be far away, but they are still close to each other. This group can't run away, but the other group can't catch up.

In the blink of an eye, Xie Chengan and the others hid in the woods on a hill again. Everyone was so hungry and tired that they simply stopped running away. At this time, Li Qingfeng said leisurely: "Sir, sir, don't you have particularly good marksmanship?" ?”

Compared to everyone else, Qingfeng Li is the easiest one. There is no other reason for this. Not only does he run fast and has good endurance, but he can't run alone in order to wait for others. He looks like he has enough energy to do it. .

"Are you asking about this?" Xie Chengan asked, looking back where he came from.

"Then if our battalion commander is here and kill a few of them with guns, the others behind will definitely not dare to chase." Li Qingfeng moved Shang Zhen out.

"Is your battalion commander very accurate with his marksmanship?" Xie Chengan asked casually.

"That's it! Former commander of the 113th Division Guard Company!" Li Qingfeng said proudly.

He brought up the fact that Shang Zhen had served as the commander of the security company, which undoubtedly meant that his marksmanship was not bad if he dared to serve as the commander of the security company for the division commander. "Then we can't compare. Our marksmanship is average." Xie Chengan said casually. He was also thinking about how to get rid of the chasing troops behind him, and he didn't have time to care about whether Qingfeng Li's battalion commander was good or not.

After a while, Li Qingfeng saw that Xie Chengan refused to say anything and said again: "Didn't you say that you have been here all the time? Then why don't you have a stronghold nearby? No, you Northeasterners call it 'Wozi'. Once we have a nest, we can plot against the two Japs behind us."

After finishing speaking, Li Qingfeng glanced at the smoke in the distance and muttered: "It's not an option to keep running like this. I'm already hungry."

What Li Qingfeng said was a bit irritating. Xie Chengan's soldiers didn't look at him well. Who is not hungry if you are hungry?Who doesn't know that running like this is not an option.

"I'm hungry too." Xie Chengan responded, and at this moment he saw puppet troops emerging from behind.

Li Qingfeng also glanced at the puppet soldiers who were showing their heads a few hundred meters away, then turned to Liu He and asked: "Are the two cannons you are carrying vegetarian? You can't just scare them away with two cannons at the back." !”

"My two cannons are waiting to be put to great use by the battalion commander when they go back." Liu He said.

"Quickly pull it off, just say that our people don't know how to have sex, and the milk must be produced while the child is alive." Qingfeng Li curled his lips.

The soldiers were stunned for a moment, but then there was something strange and even a smile on their faces. The next thing Li Qingfeng said was nothing more than "Don't let the child die to breastfeed."

I don’t know if people in other places say this, but people from the Northeast always say this.

Qingfeng Li has a sharp-tongued character. He has been hanging out with the Northeastern soldiers for a long time, and his accent has not changed much, but he has learned a lot about the poor energy of the Northeastern people.

"It's not an option to run away like this all the time. We have to give these guys a hard time, otherwise they really don't know that our Lord Ma has three eyes!" Xie Chengan ignored Qingfeng Li's bickering and made up his mind. .

Everyone can understand what business is. When Xie Chengan said this, everyone else asked: "How to fight?"

"Of course I'll use cannons, Lin Yaozu, can you use cannons to hit the back of that hill?" Xie Chengan ordered his troops.

"Yes, yes, but if you hit the back of the mountain, can you blow up these idiots? No matter how gentle the hillside is, it is still a hillside. In addition, you have to test-fire one or two rounds." One of his soldiers responded, The expression on his face was a bit complicated.

Excited, that's because he only knows how to have sex and has never done it before.

He was embarrassed. He knew that there were only four shells in the shell box. If he tried firing two more shells at his level, he would only have two shells left.

Besides, although he has no concept of reverse bevel, he also understands that it is quite difficult to hit the reverse bevel with cannonballs.

Hearing what Lin Yaozu said, Xie Chengan nodded. If the remaining two shots could really hit the puppet army, that would be enough, but Liu He didn't look good.

Liu He really wanted to bring these two mortars back to the camp, but as Li Qingfeng said, he also knew that it would be futile to fight so many puppet troops with less than 40 of them. Not everyone They all have the skills of their battalion commander Shang Zhen.

So these two cannons have to be fired when they should be fired. The reason why he said the battalion commander wanted to put them to great use was just an excuse. How could anyone in his class know how to use mortars?

"Okay, then I'll tell you how to fight." Seeing that no one raised any objections, Xie Chengan began to lay out the battle plan.

The puppet troops were still chasing forward, and they knew nothing about the ambush that their pursuit targets were about to carry out.

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