The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1481 The lion’s battle plan

Yes, since Shang Zhen has decided to fight another battle with the Japanese and puppet troops, he is already looking at the terrain.

He and Mo Jianchen had known each other a few years ago. They had only met a few times before. Now Mo Jianchen had a beard and had stab wounds on his face. In addition, he had been tortured by the puppet soldiers for several days. Northeastern dialect talks about the man with the "hun'er painting" on his face. How could Shang Zhen recognize him?

Note: Hun'er's painting means it's very dirty and dull.

The reason why Shang Zhen asked people to rush forward was really because he was afraid of leaking the news.

He was not afraid of leaking the news that they had captured Zhumapo. If the Japanese and puppet troops in Wumeng Town didn't know that they had captured Zhumapo, how could they send troops to retaliate?

Shang Zhen wanted to set up an ambush for the Japanese and puppet troops. As he said, he was going to do something big again. He was afraid that someone would leak the news about their ambush.

During the war, everything was about the war. As for the common people who were delayed from getting medicine for their families, or the young men who were delayed from returning home to see their wives, Shang Zhen simply couldn't care less!
In the front, he sent people to block the news. Later, he took his company commander and Zhang Yingjie and Wang Laomao to check the terrain.

Shang Zhen looked at the terrain quickly. Zhumapo was only more than ten miles away from Wumeng Town. They started fighting at midnight last night, so there might be puppet troops who escaped within an hour or two.

Even if the Japanese and puppet troops don't want to fight at night, it is entirely possible to kill them in the early morning. How far is it more than ten miles away?

Therefore, he must make all combat arrangements before the Japanese and puppet troops arrive.

Of course, if he can make the combat deployment in a very short period of time, it will give the Japanese and puppet troops a "surprise". He made the decision in a hurry, and the Japanese and puppet troops will be even less likely to do so. Maybe he thought that he would dare to set up an ambush at this time.

However, war also has inherent laws, and the steps must be taken. You can be quick but you cannot omit them.

In order to speed up, Shang Zhen and his men also sat in carriages to look at the terrain.

Under Shang Zhen's urging, the carriage was driven quickly.

If a carriage goes fast, it will bump badly. Horses are that kind of animals. No matter how smooth the road is, the carriage will still bump. What’s more, there are no smooth roads nowadays.

So much so that even now that he has gotten off the carriage, the older Wang Laomao is still saying, "I broke my backbone."
How could Shang Zhen have the time to pay attention to Mr. Wang? He had long learned to be "deaf and blind" when he and his group were together.

Why do you say that?Whether it's Mr. Wang, the disrespectful old man, or Qian Chuan'er, as young as Qin Chuan, each of them is extra noisy. If you follow their rhythm, you won't have to do anything serious every day!
"We've finished looking at the terrain. Let's divide the work this time." Shang Zhen went straight to the topic, and Mr. Wang didn't say that he felt pain when he leaned on his head.

Shang Zhen casually picked up a hard straw stick from the ground and drew a sketch on the ground.

A straight line is the road, and the circle is the hills surrounding the road.

"Captain Zhang, your company is ambushing behind the hill on the left. You must bring at least ten light machine guns." Shang Zhen looked at Zhang Yingjie.

Shang Zhen's arrangement really exceeded Zhang Yingjie's expectations.

This time, the troops were all in Zhumapo. Shang Zhen didn't take him with him when he was studying the plan. He just let them beat the drum.

But this time, after Shang Zhen looked at the terrain, he ordered troops directly, and it was him who called him. How could he not be surprised?
"If you don't have enough machine guns, just take them from the machine guns we captured, and they'll be yours after they're used up. How about it, no problem?" Shang Zhen said.

"No problem." Zhang Yingjie suppressed his thoughts and answered without hesitation.

At least for now, Zhang Yingjie trusts and even admires Shang Zhen's command.

We are both battalion commanders, so we won't talk about the process of the battle, only the result. This time the two battalions joined forces to attack Zhumapo, killing hundreds of puppet troops and killing more than a dozen Japanese soldiers.

But what do they have to lose?As far as Zhang Yingjie knows, less than one squad of Shang Zhen's battalion died in battle!

And what did Zhang Yingjie's battalion lose?The only loss was that a soldier sprained his ankle while marching in the middle of the night, that's all.

No matter whether it is a black cat or a white cat, it is a good cat if it catches mice. This truth is an unbreakable truth in any era.

Thousands of soldiers are easy to get, but one general is hard to find.

A war is a matter of life and death. As long as you can allow the officers and soldiers on your side to survive and die less, then you will be the "first general".

Especially in today's old-style army, it is not a problem if your chief officer is greedy for money, lustful, gambling, or even harming the common people. The key is that you must be loyal to the master above and be able to fight. This is the most important thing.

Moreover, after Shang Zhen made up his mind to fight another battle, he didn't just bring them officers with him when he came out of Zhumapo, but he brought him with the troops as well.

Not only did they bring out the troops, but they also pulled out the captured weapons, especially the light machine guns, on horse-drawn carriages.

Shang Zhen said, you don’t have to return it after you use it. Let’s not talk about how valuable a light machine gun is for the Northeast Army, which is currently struggling with supplies. But at least you can’t make it or buy it now. If you break one, then Just one less.

Suddenly they had a machine gun for nothing, and the location where their company ambush was quite far away from the road. The farther away it was, the more casualties there would be. So what could Zhang Yingjie be unhappy about?
"Cheng Peng and your company are ambushing behind the hill on the right, which is opposite Battalion Commander Zhang and the others. They also need to set up ten light machine guns." Seeing that there was no problem with Zhang Yingjie, Shang Zhen continued to assign tasks.

After Cheng Peng responded, Shang Zhen said to Qiu Bo again: "Take all of you who are the best at beating box cannons and divide them into two parts. I will take one part and you will take another part. We will also ambush on both sides. You are here." Behind this dirt bag, I will lead my people to hide in this ditch." With Shang Zhen's gesture, others stopped mentioning it, but Zhang Yingjie's expression changed.

His first thought was, is Shang Zhen going to Gaha?
The dirt bag that Shang Zhen was referring to was less than 50 meters away from the road, while the ditch he was talking about was only more than 30 meters away from the road.

They had seen the terrain, and the two locations Shang Zhen pointed to this time were too close to the Japanese and puppet troops who were destined to come!
Is Shang Zhen planning an ambush?This is going to be a hand-to-hand battle with the Japanese and the Japanese!
But Zhang Yingjie also understood that even though he was also the battalion commander, Shang Zhen was still the protagonist in this battle, and he couldn't interrupt Shang Zhen at least now.

At this time, Shang Zhen ignored others and continued to make combat arrangements: "Let all the veterans with accurate rifle shooting freely choose their ambush positions on both sides. It's okay without cover as long as they are not discovered by the Japanese and Japanese."

Qiao Xiong, your grenade is in this position. "Shang Zhen stretched out his hand again, but this time he pointed toward the front.

What is longitudinal forward?That is, when the Japanese and puppet troops came towards us from the highway, they were the closest to the Japanese and puppet troops.

If the Japanese and puppet troops had moved farther and Shang Zhen and his companions had not started fighting, Qiao Xiong's grenade platoon would have been right behind the Japanese troops.

When Zhang Yingjie wondered what Shang Zhen was going to do, Shang Zhen had already given the answer: "Didn't we capture some more grenades this time? Don't be stingy, you must show me the grenadier who killed the little devil. If the Japs came with mortars, we must not let them use their cannons to cause too many casualties to us.

Liu Naiwu's company can be placed farther away from the grenade platoon. You are responsible for covering Qiao Xiong and the others, and you must rescue them. "

"Do you understand everything?" At this point, Shang Zhen looked at the people in the meeting with bright eyes.

"I understand." Everyone replied in unison.

"This time our goal is not to just stop the enemy. We want the lion to open his mouth and seize all the enemy's carriages that are coming for reinforcements. Otherwise, how can we transport food?" Only then did Shang Zhen tell his final plan. combat objectives.

Shang Zhen's combat goal lifted everyone's spirits, but Zhang Yingjie and his two company commanders, who were not used to Shang Zhen's style of play, felt excited but also frightened. Feel.

Shang Zhen's appetite is too big, right? You know that there are more Japanese and puppet troops coming, but you dare to plan a battle like this?

However, before Shang Zhen finished speaking, he continued: "We are killing the enemy and grabbing the carriage. We separated all the recruits we recovered. Some of them followed me, and some of them followed Qiu Bo. Bring grenades, it's time for them to avenge their loved ones.

Oh, by the way, Qiu Bo and I still have to choose who will drive the carriage.

The carriage is also important. If we can't get the carriage and we can't transport the food, then we really have no choice but to set fire to it. "

Shang Zhen stopped talking and looked at himself and the others again.

When he mentioned his battle plan to this point, they were dumbfounded but also fell silent.

After a while, Qiu Bo smiled and said: "It's cruel enough and exciting enough, but I like it."

When Qiu Bo said this, others naturally laughed, but there were three people who didn't laugh. Who were the two battalion commanders and the deputy battalion commander.

It seemed that Shang Zhen had finished explaining his battle plan, but for some reason, Zhang Yingjie felt something was wrong.

"You like a bastard!" Mr. Wang began to curse, and then he turned his attention to Shang Zhen and asked loudly, "If you fight like this, do you know whether the enemy's carriage is in the front, behind, or in the middle?

If you fight like this from the front, it would make sense to take the risk, but if the carriage is behind, how can you grab the carriage? "

right!Right here!After all, ginger is still hotter!At this time, Zhang Yingjie couldn't help but secretly applaud Mr. Wang!

It is said that fighting the Japanese and puppet troops is only one of the objectives of the operation. In fact, this time they snatched back the unknown number of carriages to haul food, which was the most important objective of the operation.

But if the carriage of the Japanese and puppet troops is at the back of the queue, then even if they wipe out the Japanese and puppet troops on the carriage and in front of it, even if they grab the carriage, they will not be able to overtake the Japanese and puppet troops in front and drive the carriage back.

And in this case, wouldn't they have to annihilate all the Japanese and puppet troops who came to help?

Just, is this realistic?
Even if they can really win this time, I'm afraid it will be a miserable victory, right?

When Mr. Wang said this, everyone naturally looked at Shang Zhen again.

Shang Zhen was looking at Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang was so excited that he happened to be next to Shang Zhen, and the spittle splashed onto Shang Zhen's face.

But Shang Zhen didn't realize it. He first dodged his gaze under Mr. Wang's gaze, but then his eyes lit up and he stared at Mr. Wang and said, "Why didn't I know there was a risk? But what can I do? How about it? I just don’t want to give the food that belongs to us Chinese to the little devils!

Besides, how many reinforcements do you think the Japs will have?one hundred?two hundred?That's the number of little Japs in a town. The two Japs combined totaled 200 people.

But how many people are there in us? More than 400 people!
We have newly captured light machine gun grenades, long-range guns and close combat, and a spirit of not being afraid of death!
Then why don't we fuck?

You just say, to fight or not to fight? "

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