"This Shang Zhen looks young, but he is really capable." When Zhang Yingjie's battalion entered the pre-ambush position, his deputy company commander Lian Guangfu said this.

"What do you mean it's really good?" Zhang Yingjie asked calmly, looking northward with a telescope in his hand.

"Have ideas, be careful enough, be ruthless enough, and be brave enough." Lian Guangfu said.

"Why does it all sound like praise to me?" Company Commander Zhao Qimu laughed.

Then he turned to Zhang Yingjie and asked: "Battal Commander, do you think Battalion Commander Shang can succeed in this way? I feel a little unsure.

But having said that, this camp commander is really interesting and put us in the safest place. "

At this point, Zhao Qimu's tone became a little emotional.

The Northeastern people spoke, but it was not a bad idea. Shang Zhen arranged their camp on the hill farthest from the road.

Once there is a fight with the Japanese and puppet troops, they will only put in the least effort but retreat the fastest. Who told them to stay far away from the battlefield?
I don’t know how many enemies will come. Even if 200 people come, the enemy’s strength will be 2:1. Oh, 2:1. In the current war, which Chinese army dares to say that it can defeat or defeat an army with twice the strength? Where is the formation of the Japanese and puppet troops?

Shang Zhen's style of play is really a bit crazy, it's really like a lion's style of play!

"Let's see if we fight, who knows what it will be like if we don't fight.

Okay, stop saying a few words, the lion's prey is here. "Zhang Yingjie said, and then he put down the telescope in his hand.

Yes, the Japanese and puppet troops arrived, and it was only half an hour before Shang Zhen and Zhang Yingjie's two battalions and four companies entered the ambush position.

At this time, Wang Laomao, who was on the highest hill in the farthest place, was also observing the Japanese and puppet troops coming from north to south with a telescope.

After watching for a while, he suddenly shouted: "Cao Delong, go tell Mr. Shang quickly, there are less than 100 Japanese, about a hundred Japanese, and there are six carriages in front, and they are all wearing gray clothes!"

The messenger Cao Delong said "yes" and ran down the mountain.

Now it's not the original one. Now Shang Zhen is the battalion commander. Together with Zhang Yingjie's company, which is called a battalion, there are four companies.

Of course, this is only talking about the establishment, but in fact, they have more than four companies, nearly 500 people.

In a battle like this, the commander can't easily go to the front line, so he always has to take control from the center, right?

But Shang Zhen himself also knew how risky it was for him to do so, but precisely because of the risk and in order to boost morale, he gave Mr. Wang the job of dispatching the mediators, while he himself went to the front to ambush.

Information about the enemy's situation quickly reached Shang Zhen, who knew it when he looked at Cao Delong gesturing to him in the woods a hundred meters behind him.

He hurriedly gestured to Cao Delong to inform them one by one, and then Shang Zhen turned around and let out a long breath.

How could Shang Zhen not be worried about the question raised by Mr. Wang?
Of course he also hoped that the enemy's carriage would be in front, and he personally judged that the carriage should be in front.

Because this sneak attack by his battalion must have hurt the Japanese and puppet troops, and it was equivalent to a slap in the mouth of Li Tantou's puppet troops.

The fact that more than 100 puppet troops were wiped out is not a small matter. With the arrogance of Li Tantou's puppet troops, how could they not be eager for revenge? So of course the puppet troops must run at the front.

And running is definitely not as fast as riding on a carriage. Of course, the puppet soldiers who are eager for revenge will sit on the carriage and run at the front.However, this is just his judgment, but it can also be said to be a gamble in a sense. Fortunately, he was right.

The Japanese and puppet troops were approaching, and naturally all the Northeastern officers and soldiers participating in the war hid.

All the people in the Shang earthquake zone were hiding in what he called the ditch closest to the road.

In fact, it was not a ditch, but the wall of the ditch away from the road was relatively steep, but it gave Shang Zhen and the others a place to hide.

Since there is water in the ditch, of course, everyone can only lie on their backs in the water that cannot cover their mouths and noses, clinging to the ditch wall, and they have opened the safety box cannon or unscrewed the string of the grenade. It was placed on their lower abdomen.

The same is true for Shang Zhen. For him, the battalion commander, now that the command has changed hands, he is a soldier who wants to be at the forefront.

However, Shang Zhen's mouth was not idle: "Pass this message to those of us who have never fought in close combat, don't be afraid, don't be nervous, and kill the enemy bravely. As long as you survive this battle, you will be a veteran in the future!"

At this time, it was impossible for Shang Zhen not to speak.

He was afraid that some of the new recruits he brought over would be timid and accidentally misfire their guns, or they might even tremble and pull the string of the grenade.

Shang Zhen liked to take risks in battles. This was a habit he developed when he led his troops to be at a disadvantage for a long time.

And this time for this ambush, it was impossible for Shang Zhen to move all the experienced veterans to the front. The reason was naturally that the casualties would be greater in the future, and veterans were very valuable.

That's why he arranged for those new recruits who had already had a blood feud with the Japanese army to come over.

He didn't care how these new recruits would fight the Japanese army once the fighting started, whether they were shooting with box cannons or pulling out grenades to kill the enemy together!

Compassion does not command soldiers!
There is no immortality in battle, it just depends on whether there are more or less deaths. A good commander is to exchange as few deaths as possible for the enemy's more deaths.

But if this chief officer cannot even see the death of one of his own, how can he command the battle?

In later generations, some children asked a certain marshal of the Republic, you commanded such a big battle, why do you never talk about your military exploits?

The marshal said, what is there to say about that?That was a civil war, it was us Chinese fighting us Chinese, how many mothers were caring about me having children...

And this is the tragedy caused by the civil war. They say that the Chinese will not fight the Chinese, but will they really stop fighting?That's just the wishful thinking of the Chinese people.

Just think back then, Bai Qi killed 40 surrendered soldiers!
That's 40. It's scary to think about it!
Military fans of later generations will say, I like to watch wars but I don’t like politics.

What a pity, which war is not a continuation of politics?What war is without political overtones?
If you are on the side of the winner, then it is reasonable. If you are on the side of the loser, you can only be cannon fodder.

But is the trend of history really always that the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit?

Obviously that is wrong. Otherwise, why did the great man say "the power of war belongs to the people"? Otherwise, why did someone ruin a good hand after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War?Finally retreated to a small island in the southeast corner?

The rolling wheel of history sounds very abstract, but the wheel was pushed out by the common people all over the world. Just as a certain general said, the victory of the Huaihai Battle was pushed out by the people with small carts!
Regardless of the support of the people, in the end, those who win the hearts of the people will win the world!

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