Shang Zhen's camp was still moving forward, passing through the village since there was no order from Shang Zhen.

And just after the large army left the village, they saw the squad that was the vanguard in front of them, and two people were walking further in front of that squad, and they were naturally Shang Zhen and Qian Chuan'er.

Qian Chuan'er glanced at Shang Zhen from time to time, but by then Shang Zhen had returned to his normal state, still looking neither happy nor angry.

After walking for a while, Qian Chuan'er babbled a few times, and this time he finally said: "Actually -"

But what is it actually? I can’t talk about the string of money below.

Of course Qian Chuan'er understood that what the young man from Niangniangmiao Village said earlier was reasonable.

Since it was reasonable, Qian Chuan'er couldn't deceive himself and others by calling the black things white.

"Actually -" To Qian Chuan's surprise, just when he didn't know what to say, Shang Zhen took the initiative to answer.

“What that boy said is not entirely correct.

We should not describe this to the outside world as our own defense zone, but rather as a guerrilla zone.

But even in a guerrilla zone, our original method of treating the people was inappropriate. "Shang Zhen's words were more like a conclusion.

"What's wrong?" Qian Chuan'er was puzzled. He didn't think the way his camp treated the people was wrong.

"I talked about this when I was with your sister-in-law." Shang Zhen said slowly, looking into the distance.

Qian Chuan'er knew that Shang Zhen had something to say, so he just listened.

Of course Qian Chuan'er's sister-in-law mentioned by Shang Zhen refers to Leng Xiaozhi.

Qian Chuan'er was one of the first soldiers to get acquainted with Leng Xiaozhi. At the beginning, Shang Zhen and Leng Xiaozhi were not getting along well.

Because of this old relationship, Shang Zhen said that Leng Xiaozhi was Qian Chuan'er's sister-in-law, while Qiu Bo called Leng Xiaozhi his younger brother and sister.

"How do the Eighth Route Army guerrillas fight guerrillas? They have their people in every village. If something goes wrong in any village, it will quickly spread to the guerrillas.

When the Japs attack the guerrilla zone, the guerrillas will notify the village in advance, organize the people to hide outside the village, and even stop the Japs, just to prevent the people from suffering losses.

In order to protect the people, the guerrillas will really fight against the little devils.

In addition, many guerrillas were originally from the village. Even if the guerrillas failed to protect the village, the people would not blame them. Instead, they would hate the Japanese because of the casualties of the guerrillas.

What is the relationship between ordinary people and guerrillas? It's like a mother and her son. The son has tried his best to protect his mother, so how could the mother blame her son?

We can't do this. If we really do it, do you think we are still members of the 51st Army? That is the guerrillas led by the Communist Party! "

Shang Zhen didn't speak quickly, but Qian Chuan'er was silent as he analyzed it in an orderly manner. Of course he understood that no matter how close his team was to the people, they could never do what Shang Zhen said.

However, after a while Qian Chuan'er said unconvinced: "Who said we don't have an intelligence network? We do too!"

"Where is it?" Shang Zhen turned to look at the money string in surprise.

"This village is called Niangniang Temple, and the village further ahead is called Liuwangzhuang, and there is my spy named Lao Ma there." Qian Chuan'er argued.

"Huh?" Shang Zhen turned red when he heard what Qian Chuan'er said and looked at Qian Chuan'er's face. Then he suddenly realized that he said that there were people from the Eighth Route Army in every village, so Qian Chuan'er couldn't lose his face because Their battalion's external intelligence work was originally in charge of Qian Chuan'er.

If we were talking about ordinary superiors and subordinates, the superior would probably comfort the subordinate with a few words in order to make the subordinate continue to work hard for him.

But what is the relationship between Shang Zhen and Qian Chuan'er? We have been brothers for so many years, and he doesn't mind seeing Qian Chuan'er embarrassed. Moreover, Qian Chuan'er has blushed twice today.

Qian Chuan'er usually smiles and squints his eyes. He speaks human words to others and lies to ghosts. He has excellent psychological quality. He rarely blushes when he sees him!

"Okay, then I have to see your spies when we get to Liu Wangzhuang!" Shang Zhen said with a smile.

"Just take a look!" Qian Chuan'er became more and more unconvinced.

Qian Chuan naturally has his own intelligence network, but it cannot be as widespread as the Eighth Route Army guerrillas and extend in all directions.

More than an hour later, Shang Zhen and Qian Chuan'er actually appeared at a house in Liuwangzhuang. Sitting opposite them was a villager in his forties, who was exactly what Qian Chuan'er said. My spy is called Lao Ma.

But at this time, the old horse's head was already wrapped with a rag, and there was still dark blood oozing out of the cloth.

At this time, Shang Zhen and Qian Chuan'er were no longer as relaxed as they were when they talked before, and their expressions had darkened, while the old man was telling: "I asked specifically about the person who came here to rob things and beat people. The second battalion of your 586 regiment, the battalion commander’s surname is Zhao.

They wanted to harm Er Ni'er of the old Liu family, so I went to stop them. I also told them that this old Liu family was the one chosen by you from the third camp, and they said they would come to propose marriage in a few days!

I said this because I was afraid that those people would use you as a shield for misbehaving. But in the end, they let the second daughter of the old Liu family go, but they brought disaster to all the eldest daughter and second daughter of other families. I was also affected by them. Got beaten. "

"What a bastard! Zhao Tieying, you're going too far!" Shang Zhen punched the broken table in front of him, and it was extremely rare for him to directly curse.

Shang Zhen only uses bad words occasionally, but if you say "fuck" like him occasionally, it's more like a spoken word.

But what is the meaning of this "f******" curse that is extremely popular among the Northeastern Army nowadays? It is like the curse in later generations, which is "f******", which shows the anger in Shang Zhen's heart.

"Don't worry, Lao Ma, our Third Battalion will definitely give you Zhuangzi people an explanation for this matter!" Shang Zhen expressed his stance. Zhao Tieying was the name of the battalion commander who came here to harm the people, and Shang Zhen recognized it.

"Yes, Lao Ma, our battalion commander always says what he says!" Qian Chuan'er also supported him.

"That's good, then it's up to the chief to make the decision for the people in our village." Lao Ma also stood up.

However, he was not standing steadily because one of his legs was also injured. It was hit by the soldiers with their rifle butts a few days ago.

"Go out and gather our people, let's go find that Zhao Tieying to settle the score!" Shang Zhen said loudly, then turned around and left the room.

But Qian Chuan'er did not follow him out immediately, and did not let Old Liu, whose leg had been injured, come out to see off the guests.

Shang Zhen walked out of the old Liu family's courtyard. The top soldiers of their battalion were still waiting for him outside the courtyard.

Shang Zhen waved the little dragon at hand and ran over.

"Go back quickly and pass my order. Don't let the troops enter the village. Go around." Shang Zhen, who had been furious just now, became calm as usual.

Bian Xiaolong responded and went. After a while, Qian Chuan'er came out of the yard. He reported to Shang Zhen in a low voice: "Settled well, I took some money from him."

Shang Zhen said "hmm", his face turned into a thoughtful expression.

"Battal Commander, what should we do? Do we really want to attack Zhao Tieying?" Qian Chuan'er, who also calmed down, asked with some worry.

Shang Zhen glanced back at the courtyard of the old Liu family and whispered: "Find the division headquarters first and then talk about it. This must be said. If not, this matter must be discussed in the long term."

Just as Shang Zhen said, this breath must be spoken out, this revenge must be avenged, but now is not the time, so he did not dare to let his troops enter the village. He was afraid that his own people would hear that Zhao Tieying's battalion was doing something here. Even if something bad happens, don’t give yourself face.

In that case, he wouldn't be able to convince me!

Could a Japs' solemn battle cause such a big change in the guerrilla zone? Shang Zhen couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

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