Chapter 1677 Changes ()

Having already passed Baodugu, Shang Zhen led the team to their original camping place in the guerrilla zone on the next day. That place was called Queer Town.

Shang Zhen once asked the local elders that the reason why this place is called Queer Town should be because of the dense forests and birds chirping at the highest place. The name came from the Qing Dynasty.

It's just that things have changed, and the Que'er Town is still in the same state now, but the surrounding trees are no longer so dense.

Shang Zhen, who was walking at the front, stepped onto the high hill in front of him and looked down, where he saw Queer Town in the mountain col.

But he just took a look at the small town of about 300 households and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

He reached out and touched his clothes but didn't find what he wanted.

After changing into civilian clothes, he never changed back, and his messenger Shen Mugen did not follow him either. He and Qian Chuan'er still walked in front of the leading soldiers.

At this time, Qian Chuan'er also saw the situation ahead and whispered: "It seems that there was a war here too."

Shang Zhen shook his head and just watched silently.

The top soldiers came and saw Shang Zhen standing there motionless. Gao Wenli, who was leading the team, first asked, "Why don't you go down?" But neither Shang Zhen nor Qian Chuan'er answered. Instead, Shang Zhen took the telescope from Gao Wenli's hand. He observed the Que'er Town.

After a while, the follow-up troops also arrived, and it was then that Shang Zhen issued an order: "Go down and help the common people, help the rich and the poor."

When Shang Zhen and the others appeared in front of the people who were busy in the ruins of the war, the expressions of those people changed.

"Oh, you're back?" Someone shouted in surprise, then pulled his neck and shouted, "Captain Shang and the others are back!"

The men, women, and children here gathered from the ruins, but when more people showed joy, a stubborn old man waved his arms and said as if coaxing a chicken: "Everyone go back! go back!"

The old man didn't say why he wanted to drive the people back, but Shang Zhen and the others understood it, and so did the people in the town.

The reason is just like what Shang Zhen and the other people they met said before: you were not there when they needed you, but you came back after the war was over!

Under the coaxing of the old man who had a nose that was neither a nose nor a face, the smiles on the faces of the people who gathered forward disappeared and they dispersed.

At this moment, all the officers and soldiers, including Shang Zhen, were embarrassed and speechless. Even the Northeastern veteran, who was usually a bit depressed, had a fever on his face and was speechless towards the old man.

"Fuck, don't blame the people. The baby died and he came to nurse!" Qin Chuan in the team lowered his head and whispered in Ma Tianfang's ear.

Qin Chuan spoke for the people this time. Ma Tianfang, who was rare, did not answer, because that was what Qin Chuan said!

Your own guerrilla zone or your own camp was reduced to ruins by the war, and they came back after the war. Isn't this what the Northeastern people say: "The child is dead and the milk comes"?

How can this make the veterans from the Northeast, who are always small talkers when it comes to reasoning, feel so embarrassed?

What, just you Northeasterners harming others? When you are disrespectful, can't others criticize you? Although for Qinchuan this is self-deprecating.

"What are you doing here in a daze? Go back to each house and help us get something!" Shang Zhen ordered with a wave of his hand, and the soldiers dispersed.

When Shang Zhen and his friends were camped here, they got along well with the people in the town.

They didn't harm anyone. Although some soldiers would curse and scold the noisy ones, not only did no one beat the common people, they would even take the initiative to help the common people with some work.

In fact, as the saying goes, the human heart is made of flesh, and the whining and screaming are only the characteristics of the Northeastern people, and correspondingly, the warm-heartedness of the Northeastern people.

Different soldiers and different families would call this family aunts and call the children of that family brothers and sisters. They would help the aunts carry some firewood, and the aunts would help sew clothes, get some candies for the brothers and sisters, and even get them. Let others catch birds and fish.

The local people liked these simple soldiers who were not involved in the bad habits of eating, drinking, whoring, and gambling.

The soldiers each went to help the people they were familiar with. Some soldiers who were not familiar with the place went to help the soldiers they were familiar with.

The people are kind after all, and there are very few strong laborers in the town. Who can refuse such help?

At this time, the stubborn old man also said nothing. Gradually, the initially dull atmosphere in the town finally became lively, and the common people began to talk to the soldiers.

Shang Zhen and a few people stood at the location of their original battalion headquarters.

This is a wealthy family in the town, but it was also the most severely damaged by the war.

A few meters of the wall collapsed, which was caused by bombing. One of the big iron gates in the yard fell off, and the houses in the yard either had big holes blown by shells, or the roofs fell down, and without exception, all the houses were burned by fire.

The two stone lions that were as tall as a person at the door of the house were still there, but there were bullet marks on them visible to the naked eye.

It is conceivable that due to the existence of this high-walled compound, it has become a battleground between the enemy and ourselves, but we don’t know which part of their division fought the Japanese army here.

"It is said that stone lions can be used to stabilize a house, but this house is not stabilized either!" Chen Hanwen couldn't help but sigh.

"If the stone lion can really control the house, the little devil will not be able to defeat the Marco Polo Bridge." Chu Tian replied disapprovingly.

Chen Hanwen was speechless, but he had completely forgotten about this incident.

He also knew about the Marco Polo Bridge Incident and that there were stone lions on the Marco Polo Bridge, but he didn't know how many there were, but there must be a lot of them.

"To protect our country, we rely on soldiers like us instead of stone lions, just like General Iron can never stop a thief." At this time, Shang Zhen had a rare moment of philosophy.

At this moment, someone came out of the courtyard. It was the landlord of the house. He was in his fifties and his surname was Fan. He was also a talkative person in this town.

Shang Zhen then chatted with Lao Fan about what happened here.

According to Lao Fan, a week ago, the Northeast Army entered the town and had a fierce battle with the Japanese army.

He didn't know the specific fighting situation, because before the Japanese army arrived, all the people in their town hid in the wild.

Therefore, there were no casualties among the people in their town, and this was the only thing that made Shang Zhen feel relieved so far.

By the time the fighting was over before the eyes of the people in the town, and both the enemy and ourselves had withdrawn and then returned, the town had already become what it was before our eyes, and both the enemy and ourselves had even taken away the dead.

However, Lao Fan also said that the dead Northeastern army officers and soldiers were buried somewhere in the wild. They were hiding in the wild and saw it, but they were afraid of being caught doing hard labor or being directly captured by the Northeastern Army. Hidden.

Shang Zhen couldn't say anything about this, because it turned out that he had said it when he was chatting with Lao Fan, "Not every Northeast Army is like us, you'd better be on guard."

"Do you know who our people are?" Shang Zhen asked Lao Fan.

Lao Fan shook his head.

"Do you know where our people are now? Or do you know where our division headquarters is?" Shang Zhen asked again.

Lao Fan then shook his head.

"Where are the strong laborers here?" Shang Zhen asked a third question.

The so-called strong labor force is a vague and rough range, just like what is usually called a strong man. Anyone who is as young as fourteen or fifteen years old and as old as thirty or forty years old can be regarded as a strong labor force.

"Everyone who can work is still in the wild. I didn't let them come back. Otherwise, it would be troublesome for anyone to see them." Lao Fan leaned in front of Shang Zhen and whispered.

Lao Fan didn't say it explicitly, but the meaning behind his words was very clear. If these young men were seen by the Japanese army, who knows whether they would be killed or taken away directly to work as coolies. And if they were seen by the National Army, of course the 51st Army, they would be killed. What about being a strong man who won’t be caught?

"Hiding like this is not an option. I heard that the Japanese have retreated this time.

If they don't come back, what will happen to the houses that are separated by houses? What can those old people, children and women do? "Shang Zhen shook his head, not satisfied with Lao Fan's handling.

"After you left, the other members of your Northeast Army were also very fierce, so what if they were caught pretending to be the top?

If they are really captured, I think it is better to let them all join your camp now. At least you are a reliable person. "Lao Fan said.

When Lao Fan said this, Shang Zhen's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of a good idea, which could not only increase the number of troops, but also protect these strong men.

But before he could speak, a soldier ran over from the ruins and reported: "Batalion Commander, we saw people from the Northeast Army!"

Lao Zhe really forgot about the location where Shang Zhen set up the camp headquarters. He wrote too much and couldn't find it himself. I apologize if there is any conflict with the previous one.

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