The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1690 An accident within an accident

Chapter 1690 An accident within an accident

There were not many Japanese who came around, only five of them in total, and one of them was wearing black clothes. He must be a puppet soldier.

These Japanese and puppet troops were more than 200 meters away from the white clouds.

Of course they couldn't get close to there. If they were discovered by the bandits on the mountain, they would be shot from above.

But they really didn't know that there were several Chinese soldiers looking at them on the hill behind them, and they were only about 100 meters away from those Chinese soldiers.

Shang Zhen and others lowered their bodies. Although the box cannons in their hands were pointed at the Japanese soldiers, there were no stupid people here. Needless to say, Shang Zhen, the remaining four people had no intention of shooting.

It is of course easy to eliminate these Japanese and puppet troops. But if they start the battle, then whether it is the bandits on the mountain or the Japanese and puppet troops below the mountain, they will find that a third party has entered, and they will be wary of them. In that case, the gain outweighs the loss!

As Bian Xiaolong had judged, the Japanese and puppet soldiers who came over really just came to see the terrain.

Because Shang Zhen and the others could see one of the Japanese officers looking up the mountain with a telescope, and the location where the other party was looking was exactly the mountain wall that Shang Zhen was looking at previously.

"Isn't the kid attracted to this place too?" Shen Mugen, a somewhat worried doctor, said.

"Just look at their size. Do you think they can climb up?" Bian Xiaolong said disapprovingly, completely forgetting that he was a female soldier and not very tall.

"That's not necessarily true. Now they don't dare to climb up. Maybe they dare to climb up at night." Shen Mugen added.

"It's okay, little devils don't have the habit of fighting at night." Qian Chuan'er also joined in, he had his own judgment. , "But I think if the Japs don't withdraw their troops tonight, the bandits on the mountain may climb down from behind."

"I would like to climb up before they climb down, if these bandits can hold on." Shang Zhen also spoke.

While they were talking, the gunfire in the front mountain was still ringing, with the "click-click" sound of the Japanese army's crooked light machine gun and the unique sharp sound of the Type 38 rifle when firing. They even heard a "boom" sound when the Type 38 rifle stopped.

Different rifles have different sounds. Veterans who have experienced them and listened for a long time will naturally distinguish them. However, the "bang" sound is obviously not caused by the rifle, but the kind filled with iron sand. A shotgun or something similar to a big stick.

"The bandits must have held on. If the little devils were progressing smoothly in the front, they wouldn't have come around to see the terrain." Qian Chuan'er said after Shang Zhen's words.

While they were talking, they saw the Japanese and puppet troops moving again.

The puppet military cat's waist was walking in the front, and behind it was the Japanese soldier who was also advancing with a cat's waist carrying a Type 38 rifle.

Who knows what the Japanese officer at the end decided? Are you attracted by the terrain here, or do you want to take a closer look?

Seeing these Japanese and puppet soldiers surrounding the white clouds, Shen Mugen took a gentle breath, feeling less nervous.

He is considered a veteran by today's standards, but he has never fought the Japanese at close range. He heard veterans say that everyone will be nervous during a war, but the moment you pull the trigger, you Not nervous anymore.

Because you don’t even have time to think about whether you will die or not!

But what Qian Chuan'er said to Shang Zhen next made him a little nervous again, because Qian Chuan'er asked Shang Zhen: "Batalion Commander, are you still planning to climb up from the back at night?" "Why not go up?" Shang Zhen He asked back, "I guess if we fight for a day, the bandits above will be almost dead, so we can just clean up the mess.

You said you're waiting for us to guard the top of the mountain while the Japs come to attack the mountain, and then our people will outflank them outside. What will happen to the Japs and Japs at the bottom of the mountain? "

Shang Zhen's voice was as normal as ever. Unless there was a particularly important decision or when the emotions were particularly intense, Shang Zhen would show off, such as using swear words like a Northeastern person.

But Shang Zhen's calm words still made Shen Mugen feel nervous and exciting.

Think about the night of the full moon, the people from their camp climbed up the Baiyun Gu and occupied the Baiyun Gu.

Then they lured the Japanese and puppet troops to attack, and finally the large forces surrounded them on the outside, cooperating inside and outside. How could the Japanese and puppet troops endure it? Think about it, isn't this exciting?

Exciting, so exciting!

This is what Shen Mugen is thinking now, but what he didn't expect is that something more exciting happened at this moment!

Because at this time they saw a person suddenly jumping out of a small patch of bushes just a few dozen meters away from the Japanese soldiers in front of them, but that person ran towards them desperately!

The incident happened so suddenly that the little dragon among them all said "Oh my God".

Shang Zhen and the others had been observing what was ahead, but they didn't notice that there was a person hiding in the bushes!

Qian Chuan'er also ran back and forth before the Japanese and puppet troops rushed to Baiyungu Village, but he didn't find anyone hiding in the bushes!

And if you look closely at the running posture of that person, you can see that although he is running very fast, his chest is dangling. In other words, it turns out to be a woman!

They thought they were fishermen and oriole, but who would have thought that a fourth person would appear? This really slapped Shang Zhen and other veterans in the face! But how could they care about being slapped in the face at this time?

There is no doubt that the Japanese and puppet soldiers have discovered the woman, and the puppet soldier in black and four Japanese soldiers in khaki military uniforms chased after her.

It was an accident that the Japanese army went around the back of the mountain to see the terrain, and the appearance of this woman was even more of an accident!

"How should we deal with the battalion commander? To save or not to save?" Bian Xiaolong became nervous at this moment.

The person being chased was a woman. She was also a woman. Of course she did not want that woman to be killed by the Japanese army.

"Don't be anxious, stand back, the kid may not be able to shoot." Shang Zhen suddenly said in a deep voice.

Oops, at this moment, neither Shen Mugen nor Bian Xiaolong admired Shang Zhen so much!

They now also know that Shang Zhen and this group of veterans came all the way from outside the customs after September 18th, but why did Shang Zhen become the leader of these veterans?

I can think of things you can't think of, and I can think of things you can think of right away if you think about them for a while.

And, this is Shang Zhen!

The little devil may not be able to shoot, of course because the one running over now is a woman, and judging from the running posture, she is still a young woman!

The Japanese devils, who had always shown their bestiality when seeing a woman, were like a male dog in heat on the street. How could they be willing to kill such a young woman directly?

And that's exactly what happened next.

That woman ran desperately towards Shang Zhen and the others. Since her hiding place was very close to Shang Zhen and the others, running like this would naturally make her even closer!

Shang Zhen and the others could already see clearly the woman's face, which was swollen red from fear and running!

At this moment Qian Chuan'er was sure that the woman must have seen them, because the woman's eyes collided with his!

There was prayer and expectation in her eyes, and the woman who was running for her life was naturally gasping for air, but when people saw him, he didn't even shout "Help"!

At this moment, Qian Chuan had an intuition, that is, this woman clearly knew that people like her were hiding here!

And he also remembered what his eyeliner had said, and he suddenly knew who this woman was!

This woman is not simple!

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