Chapter 1691 Perfect Cooperation

The woman was undoubtedly right in not shouting "Help", because Shang Zhen's subsequent order was: "Kill these Japs, don't use guns!"

By this time, the four soldiers under him had no time to think about it because the woman had already ran over.

They instinctively shrank back. If they didn't shrink back, not only would the woman see them, but the Japanese soldiers behind would also see them.

So just behind this hillock, four of the five Chinese soldiers pulled out their bayonets each. These four were Shang Zhen, Da Laoben, Shen Mugen and Bian Xiaolong.

Qian Chuan'er went to Baiyungu Village to work as a spy. He didn't even bring a gun, let alone a bayonet, so he held Shen Mugen's rifle in his hand, turned off the safety, and decided to use Butt of gun.

Bian Xiaolong originally had a Nandao, but due to frequent battles and Bian Xiaolong often switching roles between male and female soldiers and civilians, the sword was thrown away.

Bayonets were naturally not her strong point, but she could only hold the handle tightly.

Fight or war, who cares whether you are ready or not, when it happens, you have to fight with your life!

At this time, footsteps sounded, and the woman turned from the side of the hill.

When the hill covered her, she didn't forget to turn her head and glance at the hillside. Then she saw four Northeastern Army soldiers with bayonets in their hands, and Qian, who was dressed as a commoner but had a small nose and small eyes. Chuan'er!

Just for a moment, the woman turned her head and ran forward. At this time, the rapid and chaotic footsteps started again, and a puppet soldier and four Japanese soldiers who were chasing her ran over one after another.

I was happy to see the hunt, not to mention that the prey was so tempting that the Japanese soldiers who were chasing them all focused on the woman in front.

At this moment, who knows what the woman was thinking. Maybe it was accidental, maybe she did it on purpose. The woman turned around and saw that the Japanese and puppet troops had caught up. She tripped and fell directly to the ground!

They all say that "the word '色' is preceded by a knife." Usually that's a description, but this time there really is a knife preceded by the word "色"!

The Japanese and puppet soldiers all had smiles on their faces when the woman fell down in front of them!

Why didn't they plan to shoot, if it wasn't to capture him alive?

And if this woman falls down again, it’s a good opportunity to catch her alive!

They were so anxious that they completely ignored the nearby hill, which was only as high as two people.

So just as the Japanese soldiers were laughing and running forward, the knife above their heads arrived behind them!

The four of them, Shang Zhen, Da Laoben, Shen Mugen, and Bian Xiaolong, jumped directly from the hillock and stabbed the bayonets in their hands toward the back of the puppet army that day.

Qian Chuan'er doesn't need a bayonet, but the butt is indeed easier to use than a bayonet, at least better than the bayonet in Bian Xiaolong's hand.

The Japanese soldier he hit with the butt of his rifle instinctively turned around when he felt something moving behind him. When Qian Chuaner's rifle butt arrived, too.

Who knows what kind of wood the butt of the Type 38 rifle is made of. Anyway, it is all hard wood. With just one click of Qian Chuan'er, the butt of the gun hit the Japanese soldier directly in the face!

The dull sound caused by the blunt weapon hitting the skull was accompanied by the crisp sound of bone cracks, followed by blood splashing, and the Japanese soldier fell down without even a cry.

Shang Zhen and Da Laobeng undoubtedly drove their bayonets into the backs of their respective targets.

The reason why it is said to be chiseling is because they are holding the bayonets in their hands.

What is an upright grip?

In China, the blade is held with the little finger on the side, and the blade is withdrawn from the thumb, which is the reverse grip (exactly the opposite of the West)

Holding the bayonet and striking from top to bottom, not only the strength of the arm can be fully used, but also one's own weight can press on the target after stabbing it. With the skills of Shang Zhen and Da Laobeng, how could they miss the target when they assassinated the Japanese soldiers?

Although Shen Mugen was nervous at the time, when he took action, he jumped up instinctively and inserted the bayonet into the back of the Japanese soldier he wanted to assassinate.

Although his mind was blank at that moment, it did not delay his weight from pressing down due to inertia, so he directly "pinned" the Japanese soldier to the ground!

When Shen Mugen killed the Japanese soldier, his mind was blank due to nervousness, but one of the five of them was exactly the opposite of him.

who's that person? Of course it's Bian Xiaolong.

Bian Xiaolong's psychological quality is very good. When she pounced on her target, the puppet soldier in black, she was completely awake and there was no blank space in her mind. But after all, she is a little woman with ambition. Although we have great ambitions, our abilities are insufficient!

Her pounce was slow after all, but she stabbed the puppet soldier in the lower back with a single bayonet!

If her knife can penetrate from one side of the spine, it can also cut off the opponent's waist and cause serious injury to the opponent, right?

But her knife happened to be pierced right into the spine of the puppet soldier's lower back!

Human bones are bones too. Even with Xiaolong's strength, if you ask him to take a bone cutter and chop at the human spine, he may not be able to break it. What's more, she only stabbed the opponent's bones with the bayonet!

With just one strike of her knife and the strap, the puppet soldier fell down with a "ouch". Bian Xiaolong's bayonet hit a hard object and slipped without piercing it. After all, it was stuck to the soldier. The puppet soldier stabbed his waist.

The puppet soldier didn't know where he got the strength from under the pain. He screamed again and jumped up, with Bian Xiaolong's bayonet still hanging on his cotton-padded clothes!

No need to ask, Bian Xiaolong's bayonet didn't even touch the opponent's waist.

Moreover, not only did the knife not hit the person's waist, it actually escaped!

Only then did the puppet soldier have time to turn around, and then he saw the knocked down Japanese soldier and Shang Zhen and others who were pulling out their bayonets.

The puppet soldier didn't know how many seconds he was stunned, and then he shouted, "Help!"

But this time he really made a mistake. It’s not wrong to shout for help at this time, but you have to run first and then shout, or at the very least run and shout at the same time!

So how can anyone shout first and then run away?

Sometimes the existence of life really only exists between breaths, and who has accurately calculated how short the time between exhalation and inhalation is?

The Japanese soldier didn't care about the pain in his waist. When he was about to run, it was too late because at least two cold weapons hit him at this moment.

One is the gun butt in Qian Chuan'er's hand.

Qian Chuan'er was closest to the puppet soldier, and the butt was part of the rifle. The rifle must be longer than the bayonet, so it would naturally come over quickly.

The other item was a bayonet. The bayonet thrown out by the old man was directly stuck in the throat of the puppet soldier. The martial arts practitioner's technique was extraordinary after all!

This puppet soldier finally fell.

It's just that Big Old Stupid's knife failed to kill him for the time being, it only cut his throat.

Because he was not dead, his survival instinct made him struggle desperately.

Because the throat was cut, the scream that should have been caused by the throat was no longer there, but it turned into a roar like a leaking wind!

And then, for this puppet soldier, the fatal moment arrived. He saw a big foot wearing cloth shoes falling from the sky like a flying peak, and stomping on him like a flying peak. on the chest!

That huge force was definitely not something his body could bear.

And just under this stamp, no one knew which of his blood vessels was broken, and blood shot out like an arrow from his previously severed throat, like a blood rainbow!

And the person who stamped this foot was none other than Shang Zhen!

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