Chapter 609 Almost Suicide!
The entire city of Nanjing was in chaos tonight, with gunshots and explosions one after another, and the flares fired by the Japanese army and the flames lit by civilian houses complement each other.

But at a certain moment and a certain place, the running footsteps of the Japanese army became the most prominent sound in a long and narrow alley. There was an echo, so it sounded extraordinarily terrifying at night.

When the defense of Nanjing was about to start, the Chinese side issued a notice to evacuate the civilians in the city to a certain extent, but the current government's organizational strength is really not flattering, so after all, a considerable number of civilians chose to stay in the city. into the city of Nanjing.

At this time, the residents living in this small alley were hiding in the dark room, listening to the sound of thumping footsteps running past their windows.

This is the city of Nanjing. About half a month ago, the Republic of China moved its capital to Chongqing.

Not to mention how prosperous the city of Nanjing is, at least every household in this urban area does not have a yard like in the countryside. Then, those invaders just ran under the windows of the residents.

The residents felt uneasy. Some of them squatted in the window listening to the footsteps, guessing that the footsteps must be Japanese, but although they knew that the footsteps were not a good thing for them, they didn't know that the footsteps What a disaster the sound will bring them in the end.

But at this moment, the people hiding in the house heard a sudden "boom" sound outside the window.

The bang came so fast that the people in the house who were praying for their own fate couldn't react at all. At the same time, their window panes shattered, and "when "When" the sound of hitting.

Civilians are civilians, and when their brains went blank for a moment, the hysterical shouts of the Japanese came from outside the wall.

But at this time, the second and third explosions happened one after another.

From the alley came the sound of grenade fragments hitting the brick wall, and this time there was the sound of glass breaking again from the windows facing the street.

This is, little Japan was blown up by our Chinese army with a grenade, and that bold citizen lay on the ground and covered his head with his hands and thought.

Due to being too nervous, he didn't even notice that the falling glass shards scratched the back of his hand.

Yes, the Japanese army was really attacked. Just when they were about to rush to the entrance of the alley, there was an explosion sound, but they didn't know where the explosion point was at all, and then some people were killed and others were bombed hurt.

"Enemy attack" "We were ambushed" the Japanese soldiers shouted, they felt something was wrong.

It’s just that the flare in the sky has fallen, and the second flare has not yet risen. If there is light in the distant sky, but the houses in the city are enough to create a dark scene in this long and narrow alley. In the shadows, the Japanese army couldn't figure out where the grenades that bombed them came from.

But what is happening now is Shang Zhen's "masterpiece".

Shang Zhen finally caught the best opportunity to fight. He took advantage of the opportunity of the flare to fall and hid in the corner of the house at the alley. Turning around, he threw a grenade to the Japanese army, and the method he used was of course an air blast. technique.

When pretending to be a Japanese soldier, Shang Zhen naturally searched for a few Japanese grenades, and now he has thrown out three Japanese grenades, but he also sensed something was wrong!

What's wrong?That is, he still followed his original habit of attacking the Japanese army with air-burst bombs, paused the grenade for a moment, that is, counted three or four times, and then threw the grenade out as soon as he leaned forward.

But the moment he threw the grenade, the grenade exploded.

Isn't the grenade exploding?Of course, the grenade is an explosive, but the problem is, Shang Zhen is sure that the grenade exploded as soon as it flew over the corner of the room.

The explosion point was so close to him, at the moment of the explosion, he just retracted his body behind the corner of the room, and then the explosion happened, and the fragments produced by the explosion hit the corner of the room and sent out or "dangdang" Or "clank" sound!

The explosion point was so close to Shang Zhen, even the brick fragments from the explosion splashed on his temples, causing him a burning pain!
But despite that, Shang Zhen will never stop.

He then pulled out the pin and knocked his hat for a while before shaking the grenade. With the experience just now, the grenade stayed in his hand for the same time as the previous one, but he hid it faster.

But this second time, the grenade exploded very close to Shang, and the explosion was so fast that Shang's ears were buzzing with the sound of the explosion!
By the time Shang Zhen was throwing the third grenade, he had already realized that something was wrong, but the Japanese army was very close to him and he really didn't have time to think about it, so this time he just silently checked the three numbers and took the third grenade. Three grenades were thrown out.

But this time the explosion sound was farther away from him.

But the opportunity to kill devils is so rare, when Shang Zhen instinctively prepared to throw the fourth grenade, he suddenly understood that it should be that the Japanese grenade's detonation delay was shortened!
After all, all this was just a flash of light, so this time Shang Zhen just counted three numbers before throwing out the fourth grenade.

And then, there was no more grenade in his hand, so he leaned himself against the corner and panted violently.

After throwing the grenade, it was only at this time that Shang Zhen realized that his hands and feet were weak. He had never been so nervous before, and he actually felt scared!I was almost killed by the grenade I threw out!

"Boss, are you alright?" A concerned voice rang out in a low voice. It was Bai Zhan who felt that something was wrong with Shang Zhen. After throwing the grenade, he should run for his life, right?
Moreover, Bai Zhan was not stupid, but he could tell that the place where the grenades exploded was too close to the three of them!

If there were no corners to block it, Bai Zhan believed that he would have been killed by the grenade, and the bombing was really loud, but it was louder than the second kicker he had ever played with.

Thinking about it, the Er Tijiao only contained such a small amount of powder, and it was still black powder, but what was in the grenade?Why can't there be half a catty of TNT!
Bai Zhan's words made Shang Zhen suddenly vigilant, how could he think about those useless things at this moment, he was ashamed of his cowardice.

It's just that it's not the time to be ashamed, come on, let's keep running!

"I'm fine, let's go!" Shang Zhen whispered.

The three of them ran towards the city wall again.

As for the Japanese army not catching up, it was only because although the grenade thrown by Shang Zhen this time had limited lethality, it eventually blew up the Japanese army without thinking, and the Japanese army was also afraid.

Shang Zhen didn't know that the grenade he used this time captured from the Japanese army was roughly the same shape as the one he used before, but it was no longer a standard.

The Japanese grenade they captured earlier was the Type [-], with an explosion delay of seven seconds, but this time the one he captured was the Type [-], and the explosion delay had been shortened to five seconds. The Japanese army finally Upgraded the Type [-] grenade!
Only war can test the performance of weapons.

The Japanese army found through actual combat that the explosion of the previous Type [-] grenade was prolonged. Sometimes the grenade was thrown out and fell to the ground, and the opponent picked it up and threw it back before it exploded.

How can this be?Of course the Japanese army knew that the detonation delay of the Type [-] grenade had been shortened, but how could Shang Zhen know?If Shang Zhen hadn't happened to throw the grenade at the corner of the wall this time and then hid himself in time, then the first grenade he threw would have become his honor bomb, and he almost killed himself!

(End of this chapter)

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