The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 610 Rock-paper-scissors, a helpless choice

Chapter 610 Rock-paper-scissors, a helpless choice

"Tom" Another flare was shot into the sky by the Japanese army.

During the light and shadow transformation, nearly a hundred Chinese officers and soldiers were lurking in the alley.

Under the illumination of the flares, the dark door openings of the tall city walls seemed within reach, yet seemed so far away.

Regardless of whether they are members of the military police or the Central Army, of course, strictly speaking, the military police are also members of the Central Army, and they all climbed the tall city wall of Nanjing City.

Although they don't know when the tall city wall was built, the city wall already existed when their grandfather was alive.

The city wall seems to be the symbol of Nanjing City, this Guanshan. It turned out that although they could not say "see all the small mountains at a glance" when they stood on the city wall, they could see all the situation outside the city in full swing, but it also made them In my heart, there is a trace of the pride of a soldier defending his family and the country.

However, who would have thought that the ancient thick and tall city wall has become an insurmountable obstacle for them. If they advance, they may survive if they rush out of this wall. If they cannot rush out or retreat, they will die. One!
"We can't hesitate anymore." The battalion commander Wen spoke, he looked at the company commander Lu, and the company commander Lu also looked at him, so the two people's eyes met.

"Yes, there is no need to hesitate any longer. You are the officer, what do you say?" Company Commander Nalu said.

And as the company commander Lu spoke, his soldiers, yes, the soldiers of their company all looked at the battalion commander Wen.

The two teams formed a united force and rushed here, but disagreements about how to get out of the city also came.

The battle to defend the city of Nanjing has come to an end. They don't know what happened to the officers, soldiers and people who came out of Nanjing from the west and north, and they can't control that part, but at this time they are coming from the east. The Chinese army that broke out from the south facing the front of the Japanese army no longer knew where it was.

In this way, the problem may arise.

The fire gate in front has been occupied by the Japanese army. If they charge towards the city gate, the open land less than [-] meters in front is destined to cause most of them to fall under the guns of the Japanese army, and even very quickly. May not survive alone.

The two highest officers of this army - Battalion Commander Wen and Company Commander Lu reached an agreement after a little discussion, that is, they assigned some people to launch a feint attack on the city gate, while the rest Some people rushed directly to the city wall, and then climbed down from the city wall with the rope that Battalion Commander Wen had found in the houses earlier.

However, a disagreement arose immediately. Then, which group of people launched a feint attack on the Japanese army to open the plank road, and which group of people climbed out along the rope to sneak through the warehouse?
It stands to reason that Battalion Commander Wen is the battalion commander, and his rank is higher than that of Company Commander Lu. From the perspective of the army, it is only natural for a higher-level officer to command a lower-level officer.

However, although Battalion Commander Wen and Company Commander Lu belonged to the Central Army, they did not belong to the same army.

Not to mention what Company Commander Lu thought, even Camp Commander Wen thought that he had the right to die if he didn't order Company Commander Lu to feign an attack!
That's right, those who are now going to attack the Japanese army at the city gate will die!Although they are also very likely to kill some Japanese soldiers, it is undeniable that these people will definitely die!

Now that the Chinese army has been defeated, in the midst of a defeated army, it is absolutely impossible to think that superior officers have more power than junior officers.

For example, in the Chinese army that has left Nanjing city in the west and north but has already messed up its organizational system, you are the division commander and brigade commander, and you still have to shout, "I am the commander of a certain division, so-and-so, let me cross the river first." !", everyone is running for their lives, so what about your teacher and brigade commander?Which soldier would cock(ignore) you again?

In the face of desperation, which group of officers and soldiers does not want to flee for their lives?Regardless of whether it is Company Commander Lu or Commander Wen, even if they have the spirit of willing to sacrifice for their allies, they do not have the right to say that we are responsible for the essence of the feint!

Because they have their own brothers!

None of them have the right to decide life and death for their brothers!
It is said that there are some people in Lulian who can cover for the brothers, but let Lulian's people cover for the people in Wenying, why?There is no such reason!On the contrary, for people in Wenying, this principle is also true!

Now the problem of which group to go to cover has been placed in front of that battalion commander Wen, although this battalion commander Wen and company commander Lu only met tonight, but we are all smart people, don't we have something to say? ?It is called "smart people are easy to do things".

So Battalion Commander Wen finally said the fairest solution under everyone's expectant eyes: "I and you, rock-paper-scissors, whoever wins will go to the city wall, and whoever loses will be responsible for the feint."

Commander Wen's method really didn't disappoint Company Commander Lu and his subordinates. They were willing to gamble and admit defeat. Let them make other decisions.

Then, Nalu Company Commander said: "Okay!"

The city of Nanjing was still in chaos, and the Japanese army set fire to more houses, and the horror enveloped this former capital of the Six Dynasties.

Although in the history of the Chinese nation, the city of Nanjing has suffered from wars, but this time it is different from any other time, just because the people who attacked the city this time were Japanese, in other words, foreigners!
This is a tragedy that has never been seen in the history of Nanjing City.

The atrocities of the Japanese aggressors have long been spread in China, but tonight the rumors have become reality, more soldiers and civilians have begun to flee, and the road from Nanjing City to Xiaguan is full of people fleeing. The crowd, and this is because the Japanese army has not yet been able to send planes to bomb because of the dark night.

Just on the south bank of the Yangtze River, a high-ranking military official who had forgotten his mission had already crossed the river in a boat that he had hidden earlier.

A teacher who didn't know which division it was sighed with emotion: "If I knew this, I would have hidden more ships in the past!"

His exclamation is naturally justified.

A division commander of his party, he was still above [-] people just before the Nanjing Defense War started, and he has nearly [-] soldiers, so isn't he above [-] people?But now, it cannot be said that he is alone, but there are only a dozen or so people around him.

His division did not hide many boats, it was due to military orders, but it does not mean that other troops did not hide many boats, and now he saw that people from another division had used five wooden boats to send their own The teacher's people were transported across the river wave after wave!

This is the current Chinese army, and every officer has his own mind.

The teacher's sigh at this time is that although he has been careful, it is not enough, and he still needs to be more careful!

Whether it is the person who has kept one or two minds, no one knows, those who can cross the river are the lucky ones, no one knows foresight, and who knows what is waiting for those who have not What will be the person's?

At this time, the flames in the city of Nanjing were raging, and sporadic gunshots were still ringing out. The officers and soldiers who could not get rid of the Japanese army at that time were still spontaneously resisting.

However, the hundreds of thousands of troops have not been able to prevent the Japanese army from attacking Nanjing City, so the fate of those officers and soldiers who still refuse to surrender can be imagined.

But who would have known that right now, in an alley not far from the Taiping Gate in Nanjing City, two military officers were counting at the same time: "One, two, three!" hands behind.

One round decides the outcome, there is not so much nonsense, what Camp Commander Wen stretched out was a pair of "scissors", because he thought it was unlucky to stretch out "cloth". Well, that means being surrounded. I don't want the Japanese army to surround them in the city of Nanjing.

And what the company commander Lu stretched out was a "rock", and he also didn't like "cloth".

Thus, the scissors collided with the rock.

At the moment when the two collided, there was an uncountable delay in time, and then Battalion Commander Wen shouted in a low voice: "We are responsible for the feint, act!"

 Although it’s been a new year, but I finally have my own time, Lao Zhe will try to make up for the missing chapters in this first month!See you in action tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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