Chapter 611 The way out of the city ([-])

"I've hurt my brothers." When Battalion Commander Wen said this, they had already separated from Company Commander Lu's group.

Since the rock-paper-scissors lost, he was willing to gamble and admit defeat, but it was hard to hide the apology of Yingying Commander Wen to his subordinates, and now there are only twenty-one of his men left.

"Don't say that, Battalion Commander. We didn't intend to get out alive. As long as we can rush out from here, they are all fighting devils. That's a good job!" Someone comforted Battalion Commander Wen.

Battalion Commander Wen said "um" and didn't answer the question again.

That's what Li'er was supposed to do. It's impossible to rush out. Someone has to make sacrifices, so there's nothing else to say.

At this time, Company Commander Wen cast his eyes on the city gate hole that was still dark under the flare.

There is the exit of peace, but at this time, a Japanese tank vehicle is rumbling in from outside, and some Japanese infantry are behind it.

Although it is said that Battalion Commander Wen will not go back and cover for Company Commander Lu and the others, it does not mean that he will lead his own people to charge directly at the powerful Japanese army. He is waiting for an opportunity, or through the city There are fewer Japanese troops at the city gate, or the flare that is on the gate has fallen and the new flare has not yet risen.

At this time, for some reason, a young face flashed into the mind of Battalion Commander Wen, and he couldn't help but think of the veteran of the Northeast Army. The ruthless man is also clever enough, but he doesn't know where he is taking his two people now.

Maybe they died, maybe they hid in the darkness, forget it, people who died in this kind of battle are like grass in the field, it's useless to think too much.

Battalion Commander Wen shook his head slightly, and he began to focus on what was in front of him.

At this time, in an alley less than a hundred meters away from the hiding place of Commander Wen, Company Commander Lu was waiting for an opportunity with his own people. In front of him was the tall and thick city wall. If they wanted to go up the city wall, they had to go up the ramp below the city wall first.

It's just that at the entrance of the ramp at this time, there are two Japanese military officers standing there gesticulating, and there are three soldiers beside them.

Company Commander Nalu was also waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity to kill the five Japanese soldiers.

They have already counted the number of people just now, and there are only forty-one people left in total. It is easy for them to rush up the city wall from here, but they cannot jump off the city wall. If they jump down, they will be considered as leaving the city, but that is suicide !
In the impression of Company Commander Nalu, it seems that the city wall of Guanghuamen in the south is a little shorter, but it is more than [-] meters long, while the city wall of Taipingmen is a little higher than that of Guanghuamen.

"Company Commander, these guys are not easy to deal with!" A platoon leader next to Company Commander Nalu muttered softly.

Two of the three eldest sons of Company Commander Lu's platoon had been killed, and now there is only one left.

Those who can hang a "leader" behind their buttocks in the grassroots company are all veterans, but what the platoon leader said was exactly what Company Commander Nalu was worried about.

Whether they were far or close to that ramp, even if they rushed up the ramp before the Japanese flares rose, there was no guarantee that they would be able to kill the five Japanese soldiers at the same time.

Regardless of whether it is the Japanese army or them, as long as they make a gunshot while rushing up the city wall, the surrounding Japanese army will rush over, and then they have to hold the top of the city while using ropes to follow people down.

However, the rope they are using now was originally what Battalion Commander Wen asked the soldiers to find out from the house.

Ordinary people, as long as they don't raise horses and don't have warehouses, who would have a long rope tens of meters long?The rope was tied together by several ropes that the soldiers found from several houses, and there were two people's mattresses tied together!

It is conceivable that if one climbs down the city wall along such a rope, they will not go anywhere without the Japanese army finding out. If the Japanese army finds out, it will be a matter of time before they are blocked by the Japanese army on the city wall and beaten to death.

"If it's not easy to do, we have to do it!" Company Commander Lu said in a deep voice, "I don't know if Camp Commander Wen and the others can see these five little devils, and whether they will also do something to these five little devils.

If the gun was fired, where would the five little devils go? "

How can it be so easy to escape from the dead?It seems impossible, but we have to move forward!
But having said that, it is really too difficult to rush up the ramp along the ramp without making a sound!
Sometimes it is necessary to rush forward in a war, but more often it needs to be carried out according to the battlefield situation. The five Japanese troops were in front of them, but they were on the left flank of Battalion Commander Wen and his group. The commander did not confirm whether the battalion commander Wen noticed that there were five enemies here.

Company Commander Lu was thinking about countermeasures, when a soldier came from behind Xi Suo, and he also spoke in a very low voice: "Company Commander, Company Commander, I have an idea."

Although it is said that the current Central Army is not the later People's Army, it is undeniable that they also have a fighting backbone, and Company Commander Lu can still hear who is speaking even if he doesn't look back. It is one of his subordinates. The monitor is Han Sanxi.

Company Commander Na Lu didn't answer, but Na Han Sanxi continued: "There are too many five Japanese devils, we can't rely on them, I will shoot to lure the devils away."

"Huh?" Hearing what Han Sanxi said, Company Commander Lu turned his head involuntarily, and then he saw Han Sanxi's shining eyes in the shadow.

"If you do this, then you won't be able to come back." Company Commander Na Lu responded in a low voice.

Company Commander Nalu admired Han Sanxi's courage very much, and the method Han Sanxi said now is undoubtedly the best. He lured these Japanese soldiers away and attracted the other Japanese soldiers who rushed over after hearing the sound, but he did it again. Some are reluctant to part with this soldier!
"If you don't come back, you can't come back. The fourth child is gone, and I can't explain it when I go home. I always want to avenge him." Han Sanxi responded in a low voice.

After Han Sanxi said this, Company Commander Nalu had nothing to say.

Han Sanxi brought his younger brother to enlist in the army, but when he broke out from the circular fortification earlier, his younger brother was killed.

The older brother wanted to avenge his younger brother, and now Han Sanxi took the initiative to take the task of leading the Japanese army away for the survival of most of their team, so Company Commander Na Lu naturally had nothing to say.

He really has nothing to say, it would be hypocritical to say "take care"!
Soldiers are always direct.

"Okay, you can do it when the flares fall." Company Commander Lu said.

"Okay, I'll go over there." Han Sanxi responded and took his flower mechanism and backed away.

He can't launch an attack on the Japanese army here, because it won't be able to serve as a cover.

Han Sanxi walked away, the flare in the sky had already started to fall, and the battle was about to begin.

But at this time, in a dilapidated firewood house facing the city wall, Shang Zhen, Bai Zhan and Yu Zuolong were also staring at the three city gates in front of them.

They didn't have a rope in their hands, so they didn't plan to go up the city wall, and the fire gate with three gates in front naturally became the only way for the three of them to survive.

Of course Shang Zhen can calculate, now they have two advantages.

One is that although he didn't know that Battalion Commander Wen and Company Commander Lu had divided their forces, he knew that Commander Wen and Company Commander Lu must be in the alley not far away. Now those people are in the clear, and the three of them are in the dark.

Another advantage is that Shang Zhen and the three of them are all pretending to be Japanese soldiers, and Shang Zhen plans to take advantage of the chaos to get out of the city!
In the darkness, Shang Zhen blinked his eyes and calculated all kinds of possibilities, but Yu Zuolong was out of his mind.

"I think we are a bit too that." Yu Zuolong said in a low voice, feeling the guilt in his heart.

"Stop fucking nonsense!" Bai Zhan scolded in a low voice, dissatisfied, "I said your head is full of shit? Calling it an idiot is a compliment!

If we hadn't thrown a grenade at the little devil before, those people would have been surrounded by the little devil, and now they can't even reach the city wall! "

Bai Zhan's reasoning was correct, Yu Zuolong remained silent, but he still felt that the three of them had taken advantage of him, so how could the large number of Battalion Commander Wen and his group of people cover up in front, while the three of them were good at it? What about going out of town in chaos?

As far as Yu Zuolong's character is concerned, is it called straightforward or honest?Who can tell?
Shang Zhen ignored the two people beside him. Seeing that the flare in the sky was about to stop falling, he said in a low voice, "All the grenades are ready and caught, and the fire is about to start."

And when Shang Zhen's words just fell, the three of them heard the sound of "he, he, he" shooting from their left wing, the sound was so rapid and connected into a film

The battle has really begun!

 Four more.It's New Year's Eve, but firecrackers are not allowed this year. The flavor of the year is really too weak.

  But it's really good for Lao Zhe. You don't have to listen to the sound of bang bang firecrackers, but you can do what you like with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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