Chapter 632 Chapter 630
In a certain fantasy novel in later generations, a protagonist named Xiao Xianxian often vomits blood, and when he meets his sweetheart, he also vomits blood, and the heroine asks him what's wrong, and his answer is "vomiting and vomiting got used to".

But many things in this world are like this. A person often has headaches or stomach pains, and he gets used to the pain.

To apply this statement, the same is true after the fall of Nanjing.

There is no foresight in this world, Nanjing has completely fallen, and the people on the outskirts of Nanjing do not know the specific situation of Nanjing City. As for the Japanese army killing many people, is this still news?Where is the iron hooves of the invaders everywhere?
The Chinese people nowadays see the Japanese army killing too many people. Although there are people with lofty ideals who are angry and resist the Japanese, but for many ordinary people, seeing too much will make them numb.

If you are not sober, isn't this just the tragedy of a nation?

What is even more tragic is that when the Japanese army occupied Nanjing, the traitors of the puppet army appeared again.

The former is numb, the latter is hateful!
At this time, at an intersection outside Nanjing, the puppet army was checking passers-by.

The reason why they interrogated them was that according to the order of the Japanese army, they strictly investigated the people who came out from the direction of Nanjing City, so as to search for the anti-Japanese soldiers who escaped from Nanjing City.

As for the Japanese army, there were only five or six people, but the puppet army had more than thirty people!
The pedestrians coming east from the direction of Nanjing City are not too many but not too few. The reason is that there are rumors that the Japanese army killed many people in Nanjing City, but these civilians who go east are more In the suburbs of Nanjing, it is because the civilians in Nanjing can no longer get out.

Hearing that the Japanese army killed people like hemp, which one is not afraid?Telling the common people that it is natural to avoid it for a while is like avoiding the plague.

If a traitor still has a trace of conscience before he becomes a traitor, but after he really becomes a traitor, then conscience becomes a superfluous thing.

The packages carried by passers-by were thrown all over the place one after another, and the valuables inside were naturally looted by the puppet soldiers. Who would dare not give it?If you dare not to give it, what will be left is not a thing but a person.

"Oh!" A puppet soldier suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

His call naturally attracted the attention of others.

The Japanese army had just occupied Nanjing, and everything was in chaos, so wouldn't this be a good opportunity for these puppet troops to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune?

The other puppet soldiers were afraid of missing the good opportunity to make a fortune, so they naturally looked over one after another.

However, at this time, they didn't see any gold and silver flakes floating in the ocean, but they only saw a woman standing with her head bowed in front of the puppet soldier.

The woman was wearing a fat padded gown with a scarf wrapped around her head, and she couldn't tell her age for a while, and the other puppet soldiers didn't know why their companion screamed loudly .

"Raise your head!" The puppet soldier shouted.

The woman raised her head reluctantly, but the scarf she was wearing covered half of her face.

But even so, the puppet soldiers also found that this woman looks absolutely different, her face is hers—the puppet soldiers can't say well, but they still look at the half of the woman's face. I felt a kind of vigorous and different or amazing feeling.

At this time, the puppet soldier who screamed out of surprise stretched out his hand and tore off the scarf from the woman's head.

The woman naturally yelled "Ah", and when the scarf was torn off, the puppet soldiers all gave a soft "Huh" in surprise.

That woman—the puppet soldiers, like most Chinese people nowadays, are not educated people, and naturally they don't have any aesthetics, but they all discovered that this woman in her twenties gave her Their feeling is two words: beautiful!

The bright face, the slightly annoyed eyes, just when those eyes glanced over the puppet soldiers, the puppet soldiers had a feeling of light in their eyes, and for a moment, they looked at the young woman in dumbfounded but extremely surprised .

This song should only exist in the sky, how many times can it be heard in the world?To put it into practice, this woman is a fairy in the sky, don't look at her wearing coarse clothes now, but the eyes that look like anger, resentment, and anger are shocking!
It turned out that the puppet soldier who stopped the woman didn't find any money, but was amazed by the woman's beauty!

Besides, just relying on this woman's beauty, what money is needed, this woman herself is a priceless treasure!

"Search for her! No, wait, I'll come in person!" At this moment, the leader of the puppet army said loudly.

Compared with those soldiers, the leader of the puppet army is somewhat knowledgeable.

As far as he is concerned, his so-called insight is that heroes come out of troubled times, and he doesn't care whether he is a hero or not, but he knows that only in this troubled times can he have a chance to climb up!

Just like now, he doesn't care who this young and beautiful woman is, anyway, she doesn't look like an ordinary country girl, so even if he can't take this woman as his own, he will go up and search her from head to toe Wouldn't that be one of the great joys of his life.

You know, this leader of the puppet army is not an ordinary puppet army. He can read and read, and he has more knowledge than other puppet troops.

For example, he read a book called "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness".

In "Three Heroes and Five Righteousnesses", there is a famous flower picker named Huadie Huachong, who specializes in picking flowers, and that guy picks flowers all the way to the palace.

And when he came out of the palace, a thief who had the same smell as him asked him, how are the women in the palace?But his answer was that he was just more flirtatious than ordinary women.

For another example, he also knew that when the Eight-Power Allied Forces of the Qing Dynasty entered BJ, the Lafayette took his son to seek refuge, and those women from official families, such as wives and ladies, don't look like they are usually like gods in the sky. But in the streets and alleys, it was given by the Eight-Nation Allied Forces—it is said that twelve women who threw themselves into the well to avoid being humiliated were found in a well!
A great man once said that "the more knowledge, the more reactionary". From a certain point of view, it is absolutely true.

This puppet army leader is educated but doesn't learn well, but all he thinks about is that nasty thing!
Then at this time, he met a woman who was like a fairy, but he also thought that the opportunity to realize his ideal in life had come.

When encountering beauty, normal people think about admiring and protecting, or thinking about owning it is not an exaggeration, but some people think about destroying and blaspheming, this is the big difference between people!

In a moment, the woman screamed, and the leader of the puppet army asked his subordinates to grab the woman's arms so that he could do it.

How could that woman deal with so many men? In just a moment, the hand of the puppet army leader reached into the woman's fat cotton robe.

Originally, he wanted to seize the opportunity to hit her breasts, but when he put his hand in, he felt strange. He pulled hard and pulled out a delicate lady's purse from the woman's waist.

The woman stretched out her hands to snatch her away, but her arms were already caught, even though she cursed loudly, what could she do?

"It's really not an ordinary woman!" The puppet army leader laughed.

How could a country girl in coarse cloth own such an exquisite patent leather purse?
The puppet army leader opened the small bag curiously, and besides the handkerchief and money, he actually took out a photo.

"Give it back to me, you traitors and lackeys!" At this point, the woman began to curse angrily.

Scolding the traitor in front of the traitor undoubtedly showed the woman's attitude. She struggled to break away from the puppet army holding him.

It's just that at this moment, she has no time to reach out to grab the photo, so she can only slam into the head of the puppet army leader.

The leader of the puppet army was caught off guard by the weak woman and staggered. As soon as he let go of his hand, the photo fell to the ground.

And that photo just fell to the ground with its front face up, and that photo is a half-length photo of a person, that person is wearing a military uniform, but it is the uniform of the Chinese Air Force!
"I just said it! This little girl is not an ordinary person, I will depend on you for the rest of my life!" Although the leader of the puppet army was bumped by the woman, he was not annoyed but happy.

It is obvious that this beautiful woman has something to do with the officer in the photo!This is his opportunity for a traitor to make meritorious service!
The leader of the puppet army was very excited, but at this time he didn't notice it at all. There was a commoner standing beside him. The man was in his twenties. He showed a shocked expression, but that person was Shang Zhen!
(End of this chapter)

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